Children's Book Rubric - Henry County Schools

|Children's Book Rubric |

|[pic] |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ (Late = - 5 points per day!!!) |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Neatness |The final draft of the |The final draft of the |The final draft of the |The final draft is not neat|

| |story is readable, clean,|story is readable, neat |story is readable and |or attractive. It looks |

| |neat and attractive. |and attractive, but lacks|some of the pages are |like the student just |

| | |overall professionalism |attractive. It looks like|wanted to get it done and |

| | |of presentation. |parts of it might have |didn't care what it looked |

| | | |been done in a hurry. |like. |

| |(5 pts) |(4 pts) |(2 pts) | |

| | | | |(1 pts) |

|Organization |The story is very well |The story is pretty well |The story is a little |Ideas seem to be randomly |

| |organized. One idea |organized. One idea may |hard to follow. The |arranged. |

| |follows another in a |seem out of place. Clear |transitions are sometimes| |

| |logical sequence with |transitions are used. |not clear. | |

| |clear transitions. | | | |

| |(10 pts) |(8 pts) | | |

| | | |(6 pts) |(4 pts) |

|Sentences |Rich variety in sentence |Some variety in sentence |Simple and/or awkward |Incorrect or incomplete |

| |structure and length. |structure and length. |sentence structure, but |sentences used throughout |

| |Goes beyond basic use of | |some sentences may not be|story. |

| |the language. Sentences | |correct. | |

| |are correct and complete.| | | |

| | | | | |

| |(10 pts) | | | |

| | |(8 pts) |(6 pts) |(4 pts) |

|Grammatical correctness |Excellent structure and |Many correctly used verbs|Many incorrectly used |Few sentences are |

| |accuracy. Above average |and grammatical |grammatical elements and |structurally correct and |

| |use of verbs and other |structures with some |structure. Many |are generally |

| |grammatical elements. |major errors |elementary mistakes. |incomprehensible. |

| |(30 pts) | |( 20 pts) | |

| | |(25 pts) | | |

| | | | |(10 pts) |

|Figurative Language |Excellent variety of |Some variety of |Lacks some figurative |Lacks basic figurative |

| |figurative language (5 or|figurative language (4 |language (3 examples) and|language (1 example) and |

| |more examples) with no |examples) with few |some mistakes |mistakes throughout |

| |mistakes |mistakes | | |

| |(20 pts) | |(10 pts) |(5 pts) |

| | |(15 pts) | | |

|Task Completion |Student has completed 10 |Student has completed 8 |Student has completed 6 |Student has completed 5 or |

| |pages to their story, |pages to their story, |pages with pictures. |less pages to their story. |

| |with pictures, and |with pictures. | | |

| |handwritten or typed | | | |

| |text. |(20 pts) |(15pts) |(5 pts) |

| |(25 or 30 pts) | | | |

| Sub-total: |_________ /100 |Points + Any |Extra Credit: | |


Children’s Book Project

This project is the culminating project for Point of View and Figurative Language Unit. It is to be an original children’s story. Remember you must use point of view, figurative language, and plot sequence in this story. Use vocabulary that you know will be kid friendly and would be found in a children’s storybook. A word to the wise: Be careful to use new words correctly. You will lose credit if you use words incorrectly, just put figurative language in the story randomly. Be mindful that this is a children’s book and do not put anything inappropriate in the story nor in the pictures.

You must include in your book:

1. 10 separate pages of the story with pictures illustrating what is written on that page.

2. You should have figurative language that flows in the story as well as enhances the story.

Example: I heard a loud BANG!, and I ran to see what is was.

3. You must have a cover page that is neat and gives a clue to what your story is about. Use bold lettering to make it look like a real children’s book.

4. Use a vivid vocabulary. Use words that will make the story come to life.

5. You must use at least 5 examples of figurative language.

6. You must also tell the story using 1st person, 3rd person (omniscient, limited, or objective) point of view.

7. Colorful and appealing to children

8. This assignment is worth 100 points total. Earn every point you can!!!! So be CREATIVE!

Extra Credit:

1. You may include up to 2 extra pages which you can earn up to 5 points per page.

Note: Any use of plagiarism and/or relying on friends/family to write this for you is not using what you have learned in class to complete the project and is considered CHEATING. You will receive a ZERO for the assignment and will be unable to turn anything in to make up the points. Please use your creativity in completing this project! You are being graded on what you have learned, NOT WHAT YOU GET FROM SOME OTHER SOURCE!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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