Numbness of the four limbs

Numbness of the four limbs.

The treatment of disease in TCM (P. Sionneau & L. Gang) pp.: 103-111

Mona Kamal (aut-06)

|Cold intering the network |Qi & Blood vacuity |Qi stagnation & Blood stasis |Liver wind stirring internally |Wind & Phlegm blocking the |Oppression & Blockage by damp |

|vessels | | | |network vessels |heat |

|Numbness in limbs accompanied by|The limbs are numb and unable to|Numbness in the limbs may be |Numbness of limbs typically |Numbness in limbs accompanied by|Numbness often occurs in the |

|pain and gets worse on contact |lift properly due to lack of |accompanied by distention and |accompanied by trembling |itching and possible trembling. |lower limbs. Burning pain is |

|with cold. Aversion to wind and|strength. These symptoms get |pain which ca by comforted by |Other S/S: dizziness, vexation |Heaviness in the upper back also|also typically present here. |

|cold, cold hands and feet, |worse from overwork. Fatigue. |pressure. Other S/S: somber |and agitation, irascibility |present. |Localised heat can be felt in |

|aching heavy low back and knees |Concomitant S/S: withered |gray facial complexion, purple | |Other S/S: vertigo, possible |the affected limb. In some |

| |yellow, lustreless facial |lips | |nausea or vomiting with profuse |cases, the patient tries to |

| |complexion, shortage of Qi, | | |phlegm |relieve this heat by treading on|

| |heart palpitations, dizziness, | | | |a cold floor. |

| |insomnia, impaired memory | | | |Other S/S: voiding of |

| | | | | |dark-colored urine, non-free |

| | | | | |flowing defecation |

|T P: Warm the vessels and |T P: Supplement the Qi and |T. P: Move the Qi, quicken the |T P: Level the liver, |T P: Dispel wind and transform |T P: Clear heat, disinhibit |

|scatter cold, nourish the blood |nourish the blood |blood, and free the flow of the |extinguish wind, harmonize the |phlegm |dampness, and free the flow of |

|and free flow the vessels | |network vessels |network vessels | |the network vessels |

|Pale tongue with moist, white |Pale red tongue with thin, white|Dark red tongue with thin dry |Red tongue with reduced fur |Slightly dark tongue with thin, |Dark tongue with slimy, |

|fur |fur |fur | |slimy fur |yellow-white fur |

| | |Possible purple-colored static | | | |

| | |macules | | | |

|Floating or bowstring pulse |Fine, weak pulse |Choppy pulse |bowstring pulse |bowstring pulse, slippery or |Bowstring, rapid or soggy, rapid|

| | | | |soggy pulse |pulse |

|5 TF, 4 GI, 6 VC, 4 VC, 6 Rte |36 E, 6Rte, 9 Rte, 10 Rte, 5F, |Shi Xuan (M-UE-1) |41 E, 4 GI, 20 VB, 3 F, 1 Rn, 3 |20 VB, 7 P, 40 E, 36 E |9 Rte, 36 E, 21 V, 28 V, 9 Rte, |

| |41 |4 GI, 6 Rte, 3 F |Rn | |62 V |


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