Amethyst Foundation, Inc.




1. Complete your Initial Screening at a New Hampshire (NH) Impaired Driver Care management Program (IDCMP) such as Amethyst Foundation (AF) within fourteen (14) days.

2. Complete your Substance Use Disorder Evaluation and Service Plan (in accordance with He-A 507.03) with the Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor (LADC) at the IDCMP within thirty (30) days.

3. If required, complete the mandatory service plan (in accordance with He-A 507.04), which is described on your Substance Use Disorder Evaluation. You must begin to comply within thirty (30) days.

4. If you disagree with the Service Plan, you have the option of submitting the form entitled Request for Review Hearing (AF-065). Please remember that you are entitled to one (1) review hearing annually.

5. Complete the Impaired Driver Education Program or Weekend Impaired Driver Education Program (W/IDEP) unless you already have completed one in New Hampshire within the past five (5) years.

6. Contact your insurance company, which must provide Proof of Insurance Form (SR-22) to the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles (NH DMV). This form is typically mailed directly from the central office of your insurance company to NH DMV. Some insurance companies provide copies to their clients, who take them directly to NH DMV.

NOTE: Insurance companies that provide coverage to residents of Massachusetts often are often unaware of the SR-22 form. Massachusetts does not use the SR-22 form. The central office of your insurance company (if the insurance company provides services in NH) will be familiar with the SR-22 form. You should contact your agent or the company’s central office. You must find a company, which provides SR-22 forms to New Hampshire.

7. A restoration fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) must be paid to the NH DMV. This applies both to residents of New Hampshire and residents of other states, whose driving privileges have been revoked in New Hampshire. This fee can be sent any time before restoration. You should call New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicle for more specific information about your license (see below).

8. Upon completion of the W/IDEP and Service Plan (where applicable), your Program Completion Report (IDIP-021) will be sent to the NH DMV and the court of conviction. AF will send the Program Completion Report to other authorized agencies if you have provided a valid driver’s record from that state and a valid Consent to Release Confidential Information Form.

9. Concurrent with your Program Completion Report, a Program Compliance Report (BDAS-06) will be sent to you and the NH DMV. You may then submit a Motion to Reduce License Suspension (NHJB-2820-D) to the court.

10. The State of New Hampshire prefers that Program Completion Reports be mailed directly to NH DMV in Concord, NH. AF does not provide copies of the Program Completion Report (IDIP-021) to clients.

11. Facsimile copies of the Program Completion Report (IDIP-021) can be sent to NH DMV when NH DMV (not you, the client) makes the request for them. AF cannot make exceptions to this policy.

12. If you have additional questions, please contact AF or call NH DMV at either 603-271-3101 or 603-271-3105. The address of the NH DMV is James H. Hayes Buildings, 23 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03305.

Revised 10/2015


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