Quiz: “The Raven”

Quiz: “The Raven”

Mark the correct answer for the following questions asked. Each question is worth 20 pts.

1) Where does the setting of “The Raven” take place?

a) On the beach after the narrator’s restless night.

b) At midnight in a bedchamber of the narrator’s house.

c) After Lenore’s funeral.

d) At the tomb of Lenore.

2) True or False: Lenore is the narrator’s mother. ______

3) What type of bird is the “Raven”, and what does it symbolize?

a) Mockingbird; symbolizes truth.

b) Dove; symbolizes peace and innocence.

c) Crow; symbolizes death and is an omen.

d) Canary; symbolizes harmony.

4) True or False: Poe uses internal rhyme and alliteration throughout this story. ______

5) Who disturbs the narrator’s reading?

a) The Raven

b) His butler

c) His mother

d) Lenore

*Bonus: worth 5 extra points!!!*

Write 2-3 lines from “The Raven” and explain what Poe meant, and explain why you chose your selection. You may continue writing on the back if you need to.

Quiz: “Annabel Lee”

Mark the correct answer for the following questions asked. Each question is worth 20 pts.

1) What is the relationship between Annabel Lee and the narrator?

a) They are lovers.

b) They are best friends.

c) They are cousins.

d) They are siblings.

2) What is the theme of this poem?

a) Death

b) Mourning

c) Eternal love

d) Celebration of life

3) What play by William Shakespeare can be closely compared to “Annabel Lee”?

a) Othello

b) A Midnight Summer’s Dream

c) Macbeth

d) Romeo and Juliet

4) What does the word “selpulchre” mean?

a) Kingdom by the sea

b) Tomb; or grave

c) Burial site

d) Coffin

5) True or False: “Annabel Lee” was Edgar Allan Poe’s last poem before his death on October 7, 1849. _______

*Bonus: worth 5 extra points!!!*

Compare William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to Edgar Allan Poe’s, “Annabel Lee.” In an outline or listing format compare the relationship of the characters, and their similarities and differences respectively. You may write on the back if you need to.


Assessment Practicum Lesson # 8

Assessment Objectives:


• 5.12H Analyze characters, including their traits, motivations, and changes they undergo

• 5.10F Determine a text’s main idea

• 5.10G Paraphrase and summarize text to recall, inform, or organize ideas.

Other Lesson Objectives:

• Administer final IRI – Level C. “Popcorn”

• Student read Celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Jamestown by National Geographic informational text.

• Student complete Comprehension check questions on page 5 of the National Geographic Magazine.


• Level C- IRI “Popcorn”

• Read aloud book text: Celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Jamestown by National Geographic informational text.

• Comprehension check questions from National Geographic Magazine.

Activities/Teaching/Assessment Procedures:

• Go and get my student from class and greet them

• Introduce Celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Jamestown by National Geographic Magazine

• Have my student begin reading informational text: Celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Jamestown by National Geographic Magazine

• Writing assignment:

1. Have student complete the comprehension check questions provided for the Jamestown article

2. After successfully completing the comprehension check questions student will write a short expository paragraph over what she has learned.

Ongoing Monitoring Student Progress:

How do I know what I am doing is working?

Do they use the strategy while engaged in the story?

What king of interaction is there during the reading activity?

Poe’s Poems and Stories Revealed………

• After reading the summary of each story, go through and highlight or underline important people, and or terms that relate to what we have learned.

The Tell-Tale Heart

"The Tell-Tale Heart" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe first published in 1843. It follows an unnamed narrator who insists on his sanity after murdering an old man with a vulture eye. The murder is carefully calculated, and the murderer hides the body by cutting it into pieces and hiding it under the floorboards. Ultimately the narrator's guilt manifests itself in the hallucination that the man's heart is still beating under the floorboards.

It is unclear what relationship, if any, the old man and his murderer share. It has been suggested that the old man is a father figure or, perhaps, that his vulture eye represents some sort of veiled secret. The ambiguity and lack of details about the two main characters stand in stark contrast to the specific plot details leading up to the murder.


Annabel Lee

"Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem composed by American author Edgar Allan Poe. Like many of Poe's poems, it explores the theme of the death of a beautiful woman. The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when they were young, has a love for her so strong that even angels are jealous. He retains his love for her even after her death. There has been debate over who, if anyone, was the inspiration for "Annabel Lee." Though many women have been suggested, Poe's wife Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe is one of the more credible candidates. Written in 1849, it was not published until shortly after Poe's death that same year.


The Raven

"The Raven" is a narrative poem by the American writer Edgar Allan Poe, first published in January 1845. It is noted for its musicality, stylized language, and supernatural atmosphere. It tells of a talking raven's mysterious visit to a distraught lover, tracing the latter's slow descent into madness. The lover, often identified as being a student, is lamenting the loss of his love, Lenore. The raven, sitting on a bust of Pallas, seems to further instigate his distress with its constant repetition of the word, "Nevermore." Throughout the poem, Poe makes allusions to folklore and various classical works.


Test: Edgar Allan Poe and Literature

Mark the correct answer for the following questions asked. Be sure to read each question carefully!!!! Each question is worth 7 pts.

1) Edgar Allan Poe is considered to be one of the writers of what movement/era?

a) Harlem Renaissance

b) Victorian Era

c) Romantic Era/Movement

d) Renaissance

2) True or False: Edgar Allan Poe married his cousin, Virginia Clemm. ______

3) “The Tell-Tale Heart” is told from what point of view?

a) Omniscient

b) Third person

c) First person

d) Objective

4) “Annabel Lee” was written in memory of whom?

a) Lenore

b) Virginia

c) Annabel Lee

d) Frances Allan

5) True or False: “The Raven” is about the celebration of life. ______

6) What does “selpulchre” mean?

a) Coffin

b) Kingdom by the sea

c) Burial site

d) Tomb

7) True or False: Poe uses a method of Cryptography in his writing. _______

8) Poe is best known for what style of writing?

a) Prose

b) Short stories

c) Narrative

d) Realistic fiction

9) Which term best describes Poe’s overall tone of his literature?

a) Sad

b) Morbid

c) Gothic

d) Insane

10) Which of these elements does Poe utilize the most within his works?

a) Alliteration

b) Symbol

c) Irony

d) Imagery


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