7th Grade Science  |[pic] | |Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion

Introduction [pic]

Whether you're wide awake getting ready for that big game or asleep during your most snooze-worthy afternoon class, you don't have to think about breathing. It's so important to life that it happens automatically. Each day you breathe about 25,000 times, and by the time you're 70 years old, you'll have taken at least 600 million breaths!

If you didn't breathe, you couldn't live. It's one of the most important functions your body performs!


The Task [pic]

You are to complete the following as your finished product for this WebQuest:

1. Read the following web sites to gather information and answer the questions below each site link (NOTE: Hit your browser "back" button to return to this site after finding your answer.)

2. On your own sheet of paper: Write the question and the answer based on the information you found.

3. If finished early, you may play the puzzles on website.


The Process [pic]

1. Name and describe one disease or problem that can occur with the respiratory system. Answers found near bottom of page - you may need to click to page 3.

2. Explain why we sneeze.

3. What is a "photic sneezer"?

4. Why do people tend to get more colds in the winter? 


Once you are on this website, hit the click here button, then choose the buttons to answer:

5. Why is it important to breathe?

6. Where are the alveoli located?


7. Why do we yawn?

8. How does smoking tobacco affect your lungs and health? EXPLAIN! Answer found near bottom of page under section called "love your lungs".

9. What vibrates inside the larynx when you are using your voice?

10. Can you make a voice without breathing in or out? You will need to think about this, or try it


11. Take the online quiz. Show me (Mrs. Naujoks) your final results. You must get at least 8 out of 10 correct or you will be given an additional question- see #13.


12.   - label the parts of the respiratory system here.

13. Find a website related to the respiratory system. Create one WebQuest question that can be answered using that website. Write down the website address, your question, and the correct answer.


Evaluation [pic]

Your grade for this WebQuest will be based on two things:

1. Did you follow instructions and use your time wisely?

2. Did you answer all questions correctly and thoroughly?


Conclusion [pic]

You have learned a lot about the respiratory system in this WebQuest; some of the parts, why we breathe, and how it helps you create a voice. Use this information to help understand more about yourself and prepare for the next quiz.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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