Choose a novel or a short story which explores in an ...

All That Glisters Essay Plan

Choose a novel or a short story which explores in an effective way a theme which is important to you.

Explain how the writer introduces and develops the theme and show to what extent she or he has effectively engaged you interest in it.

In you essay you must refer closely to the text and the following: theme, structure, setting, symbolism, or any other appropriate feature.

Essay Plan


There are five main things you must have in the introduction to every critical essay.

- Title (in inverted commas)

- Author (spelled correctly)

- Refer to the task: Use key words from the question or rephrase the question so that the marker has a clear idea of what you are going to write about.

- A very brief plot summary (two or three sentences maximum). If you don’t do this then the marker will have no idea what you are talking about.

- Personal opinion: How did the story make you feel? Did you identify/ sympathise with any of the main characters? Think of adjectives to describe the story – moving, sentimental, thrilling, nostalgic, emotional.


“All That Glisters” by Anne Donovan is a moving short story which deals effectively with the theme of hope. The story is about a young girl, Clare, who lives in a poor working class area in Glasgow. Through the course of the story Clare has to confront the tragedy of her Dad’s death. Despite her obvious sadness she finds hope and escape in a set of glitter pens and consequently Clare’s character provides the reader with hope. The theme of hope is conveyed effectively through the author’s use of symbolism and setting. I found this story sad and I symapthised with Clare’s character but at the same time I was left with the positive hope that Clare would overcome this tragic event.

Main Body

Each paragraph should follow the same rough outline:

- Point: Your point should refer to the task (use the words of the task if necessary) and it should it also tell the reader what you are going to write about in this paragraph (this will be a technique e.g. para 1: symbolism, para 2: setting)

- Context: Introduce the quote you are going to use to back up your point. This means put the quote in context!

- Quote: ALWAYS in inverted commas. (You can embed quotes into your analysis)

- Analysis: Talk about the meanings of the quote. How does this back up your point? Refer back to the task. Think about the literal/ metaphorical/ figurative implications of the quotation. Think about the connotations of words within the quotation that link to the task. Is any interesting imagery or symbolism used in the quote? Show your personal engagement with the text. How did it make you feel? Did it change you opinion about something? How effective did you think it was?

Paragraph 1

Symbolism: In this paragraph you can write about the symbolism of the pens and what this offers Clare.

Topic Sentences:

The theme of hope is introduced through Donovan’s use of symbolism.

Make the point that the glitter pens symbolise hope for Clare. Introduce your quote.

Quote: “It wis pure brilliant so it wis. There wis four colours, rid, green, gold and silver….And when ah’d finished something amazing happened. Ah canny explain whit it wis but the glitter jist brought everythin tae life, gleamin and glisterin agin the flat cardboard.”


What are the connotations of the colours of the pens? What do they offer Clare? What could the “flat cardboard” represent? What effect do the glitter pens have? How is this important in the context of the story?

How did this make you feel? What is your own personal opinion about it? Did you feel excited or happy for clear?


The symbolism of the glitter pens helps to emphasise the theme of hope in “All That Glisters.” The pens offer Clare an escape from her dad’s illness and the poverty that surrounds her. When Clare first uses the pens she is instantly excited by them and says:

“It wis pure brilliant so it wis. There wis four colours, rid, green, gold and silver….And when ah’d finished something amazing happened. Ah canny explain whit it wis but the glitter jist brought everythin tae life, gleamin and glisterin agin the flat cardboard.”

The colours of the pens represent hope in different ways. The word “rid” has connotations of love – the love that Clare has for her father. Clare’s unwavering love for her dad and desire to please him provides the reader with hope throughout the story as it makes us realise that love can survive in even the bleakest of situations. The silver and gold pens represent riches, luxury and money and these pens help Clare, in a way, to be rich herself. She is rich in her imagination and creativity and these are fuelled by the pens. Through the pens, Clare escapes the reality in which she does not possess money or riches. The green pen symbolises nature, life and as the story is set at Christmas, trees. This also provides hope in the story as Clare’s dad is losing life. Clare acknowledges the hope the pens provide her when she says “The glitter jist brought everything to life.” The pens, in many ways, offer Clare things she does not have in reality. The “flat cardboard” that Clare refers to could easily represent her life. Her life is “flat” in the sense that it is filled with poverty and death. The effect the pens have on the cardboard really represents the effect the pens have on Clare’s life. They give it sparkle and provide hope. I found this an interesting way to help convey the theme of hope and I was pleased that the pens offered Clare such an enthusiasm for life.

Paragraph 2

The symbolism of glitter helps to further emphasise the theme of hope in the story.


Glitter is used throughout the story and makes Clare feel better and helps her to escape from the tragedy of her Dad’s death. Introduce your quote.


“The strands of hair stood oot roon ma heid like a halo, glisterin and dancing in the light. Ah covered the doll cloth so it wis bleezin wi light, patterns scattered across it, even pit some on ma tights and ma shoes. Then ah pressed my glittery fingers on ma face…”


What are the implications of the word “halo”? Write about the contrast between the dull cloth and the glitter Clare puts on it. Why does she put it everywhere? What’s your personal opinion? How does Clare’s rebellion make you feel?

Paragraph 3

Donovan also uses the technique of setting throughout “All That Glisters” to highlight the theme of hope.


The setting provides hope for Clare because within the setting we find love and a supportive community and this is in contrast to what on the surface seems unhopeful e.g. the asbestos poisoning, the lack of money, the bleak surroundings. Introduce the quote.


“Ma daddy wis dead chuffed. He pit the card on the bedside table and smiled.

Fair brightens up this room hen”


What effect does the glitter have on the setting of Clare’s Dad’s room? How does the Dad feel or react to being given the card and how does this reflect the theme of hope? What is your personal opinion? Would you have expected such hope in such a bleak setting?


- Title

- Author

- Refer to task

- Sum up briefly what you have said in each paragraph. (Briefly means a simple summary such as Donovan uses the techniques symbolism and setting to effectively convey the theme of hope)

- Personal Opinion (Sum up you main thought on the story. Go back to the task. How does Donovan engage your interest in the theme of hope)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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