Department of Defense INSTRUCTION

Department of Defense


NUMBER 1338.18

January 7, 1998


SUBJECT: Armed Forces Clothing Monetary Allowance Procedures

References: (a) DoD Instruction 1338.18, ¡°Armed Forces Clothing Monetary

Allowance Procedures,¡± July 29, 1985 (hereby canceled)

(b) DoD Directive 1338.5, ¡°Armed Forces Clothing Monetary Allowance

Policy,¡± March 9, 1998

(c) DoD Directive 1332.14, ¡°Enlisted Administrative Separations,¡±

December 21, 1993

(d) DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, ¡°Military Pay Policy and Procedures

Active Duty and Reserve Pay,¡± July 1996, authorized by DoD

Instruction 7000.14, November 15, 1992

(e) DoD 4140.1-R, ¡°DoD Materiel Management Regulation,¡± January

1993, authorized by DoD Directive 4140.1, January 4, 1993


This Instruction reissues reference (a) under reference (b) to update procedures and

assign responsibilities concerning the administration of the Armed Forces clothing

monetary allowances.


This Instruction applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Military

Departments (including the National Guard and Reserve components of the Military

Services with respect to their members on full-time National Guard or active duty in

support of the Guard and Reserve. Additionally, for civilian clothing allowances, it

applies to National Guard and Reserve component personnel on orders to active duty

over 179 days). The term ¡°Military Services,¡± as used herein, refers to the Army,


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Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. The term ¡°appropriate official,¡± as used herein,

refers to the Secretary of the Military Department concerned or the Commandant of the

Marine Corps.


It is DoD policy that:

3.1. A uniform system of providing individual clothing be maintained for enlisted

personnel of the DoD Components. Quantities and kinds of items of individual

clothing to be furnished shall be prescribed by the appropriate official for enlisted

personnel in their Service.

3.2. An initial clothing allowance for uniform clothing issue shall be furnished

each enlistee upon first enlistment into the Service. This shall be the actual required

uniform items, or a cash allowance for required items not issued.

3.3. Cash replacement allowances for uniform items shall be paid to enlisted

members to provide them funds for the replacement of military-unique items the

appropriate official requires for wear.

3.4. Enlisted personnel upon assignment to a tour of duty or attainment of a status

that requires the wearing of individual uniforms (other than special dress uniforms)

different from uniforms required for most enlisted personnel of the same Service, may

be authorized a special initial clothing allowance.

3.5. Enlisted personnel may be authorized a supplementary clothing allowance

for uniform items when they are assigned to duty for which they are required to have,

for the performance of such duty, additional quantities or special items of individual

uniform clothing not normally required for most enlisted personnel in the same Service.

3.6. Enlisted personnel, regardless of where assigned, and officers assigned to a

permanent duty station outside the United States, who are required by competent

authority to dress in civilian clothing more than half the time when performing official

duty, as a military requirement, may be authorized a cash allowance for civilian

clothing in the amount the Secretary determines under paragraph 5.4.3., below. Such

clothing allowance is in addition to any uniform allowance to which the Service

member is otherwise entitled.

3.7. Special purpose individual clothing and special distinctive uniforms required


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for support of personnel in the accomplishment of assigned duties shall be carried as

organizational clothing, and furnished under the issue-in-kind system.


4.1. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management Policy, under the

Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, shall:

4.1.1. Serve as the focal point on all matters concerning clothing monetary

allowances for the DoD Components.

4.1.2. Provide procedures whereby enlisted personnel of the DoD

Components are furnished an initial issue of individual uniform clothing adequate for

the performance of their assigned duties, and a monetary allowance for the

replacement of the initial issue.

4.1.3. Annually, not later than October 1, in coordination with the Under

Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD(C)), prescribe initial allowances against

which initial issues are debited and, thereafter, a cash replacement allowance for initial

clothing replacement.

4.2. The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology shall ensure

that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), shall establish prices for

individual items of clothing the appropriate official prescribes for wear. By June 1 of

each year, DLA shall provide a firm cost of clothing items to be issued in the next

fiscal year to the Offices of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management

Policy (ASD(FMP)) and USD(C), and the Secretaries of the Military Departments.

Under normal circumstances, no price changes should occur during the fiscal year to

which the clothing allowances pertain.

4.3. The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall provide proposed annual

changes to their clothing allowances to the ASD(FMP) by July 1 before the beginning

of the next fiscal year, based on the DLA June 1 prices of items the Services have

authorized in their next fiscal year clothing bag.


5.1. General


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5.1.1. Under the Clothing Monetary Allowance System, enlisted personnel

are credited with an initial allowance for uniform clothing items. The initial issue of

clothing is debited against this initial allowance. After the 6th month of active duty,

members accrue a cash replacement allowance for replacement of required

military-unique clothing items the appropriate official prescribes for wear.

5.1.2. The ASD(FMP) must approve all departures from the prescribed

Clothing Monetary Allowance System, such as an adjustment to the cash clothing

replacement allowances for enlisted members when a Service implements an

issue-in-kind system for units in a combat area.

5.1.3. Regardless of the system used to furnish individual clothing to enlisted

personnel, a Service may recover such clothing when it is in the Government¡¯s best

interest to do so, or in exercising control over such clothing.

5.1.4. There shall be three types of clothing allowances that cover initial and

replacement requirements: Initial clothing allowances, Cash clothing replacement allowances, and Extra clothing allowances.

5.1.5. Special measurement clothing and special measurement shoes shall be

furnished to personnel on active duty, when necessary, at the established price of

standard items of like type. Orthopedic footwear shall be provided as a medical

appliance without charge to the Service member when the footwear is manufactured on

a special orthopedic basis, and the member meets the usual criteria for military

personnel to be furnished a medical appliance. Orthopedic alterations to standard footwear may be at

Government expense if the member meets the usual criteria for military personnel to be

furnished a medical appliance. In this latter case, the Service member is responsible for

procuring the standard footwear to which the orthopedic alterations are made.

5.1.6. Articles of outer clothing issued to the Service member from

Government supply shall be altered to fit the individual at Government expense at the


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time of sale or issue. The member must bear the cost of further alterations, except that

the Government may pay for alterations to outer clothing required because of change

in physical profile that occurs during initial basic, or follow-on, training. When it is impractical for the Government to pay directly for

authorized alterations, the Service member may be paid a cash allowance not to exceed

the estimated cost of the required alterations. Replacement of outer clothing is authorized when physical

profile changes during the first 6 months of military service are such that the cost of

alterations would exceed the cost of replacement issues, and the Service member's

commanding officer certifies the replacement issue is more economical than

alterations. Issues shall be made from stocks of serviceable used clothing, when


5.1.7. Service members shall be compensated for clothing items destroyed,

damaged, lost, abandoned, captured, or otherwise rendered unusable, incident to

military training or service, if the loss was not caused by any fault or negligence of the

Service member. The appropriate official or designated representative shall prescribe

procedures for such compensation.

5.2. Initial Clothing Allowances

5.2.1. The appropriate official shall prescribe individual clothing items (and

quantity) to be furnished to enlisted members, when such personnel are entitled to an

initial clothing allowance under paragraph 5.2.2., below. Cash allowances may be

prescribed for items not furnished-in-kind.

5.2.2. Enlisted personnel shall be furnished an initial clothing allowance only

under the following circumstances: Upon first enlistment in the Service, or reenlistment in the same

branch of the regular Military Service if 3 months has expired from date of last

discharge or release from active duty. When the Service member enlists from a

Reserve component of the same Service, the initial allowance shall be reduced, under

regulations of the appropriate official, or a designated representative, to account for the

clothing required to be in the individual¡¯s possession upon call or recall to active duty. Upon enlistment or reenlistment in a Service other than the one

from which last discharged.



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