Manuscript submission guide - Amazon Web Services

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Manuscript submission guide

This section covers how to supply your finished manuscript files to us. If you are supplying camera ready LaTeX files, please see the Camera ready guide instead.

Please use this guide in conjunction with the Submission checklist, which must be supplied alongside all content files and other supporting materials and will help you organize your files. Information on composing and compiling the contents of the manuscript files can be found in the relevant part of our guidelines.

Your Editorial team will check your submitted manuscript before handing it over to the Production department. This process can take a few weeks, depending on the checks required and the condition of your manuscript.

We cannot proceed with production until everything is present and correct, so to avoid delays at this stage, please ensure you have followed the guidelines provided and that nothing is missing, incomplete or does not meet requirements.

Equally, we cannot accept changes to the manuscript once it enters production. For this reason, please make sure that the final manuscript you submit to us, is, in your view, final and ready for publication.

Two areas that frequently cause delays are artwork size/quality, and permissions to use third-party material. Please review these two aspects carefully (see the Manuscript preparation guide for more details). We reserve the right to remove any material that does not meet requirements, though we will always try and provide you a final opportunity to improve or replace any problematic material.

Submission process

1. Name and organize your files

? Each manuscript element should be submitted in an individual file. o Every chapter, section, or other text file (including the introduction and conclusion) should be a separate .doc or .docx Microsoft Word document, or compatible Mac document. o Each figure should be submitted in a separate file in its original format, unless created in Word (see the Artwork in the Manuscript preparation guide for more details). o Editable Tables should be embedded within chapter files.

? Name and number chapters consecutively and consistently so their order in the manuscript file folder reflects their planned order in the book and your table of contents (this will help you spot any holes or duplicates!).

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? Name artwork files by their figure (or other type) number, exactly as presented in callouts and captions (i.e. to reflect the chapter number and the order within that chapter). Captions must not be included in the file name.

? If your book is organized into parts, supply files to indicate each part in the appropriate place, including the title. If a part has an introduction, include it within the relevant "Part Title" file.

? Keep file names short and simple to avoid confusion and errors transferring and saving. File names should have a maximum character count of 30 characters (not including the file extension).

? Please do not use special characters in any file names. ? Please avoid the use of subfolders, other than one level of subfolder for all

artwork. Example file naming and structure (with parts) 00a_Prelims.docx 00b_Introduction.docx 01a_Part 1.docx 01b_Chapter 1.docx 02_Chapter 2.docx ... Figure 1.1.jpg Figure 1.2.tif Figure 1.3.eps Figure 2.1.jpg

2. Confirm that all your files are the correct and final version

? Sending multiple versions of files creates extra queries and could cause confusion as to which files to use. Therefore, please send only one version of each chapter / artwork file.

? Only send revised files if we request them to address any issues

3. Send your files electronically as email attachments

? Please put all files into one folder and zip if necessary (use your surname for the folder name).

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Page 3 of 3 ? Sending several emails risks things being overlooked. ? If files are too large to email, please use a reputable file hosting or transfer

service (your Editorial Assistant can recommend one).

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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