Dog On Users Guide Kennel

Dog On Users Guide Kennel


Welcome to dog on web!

Thank you for signing up for your Dog On Web account. To get started go to the index and you will find the page for setting up your account. This should be done first, you should follow the index by order to get set up. This Users guide contains step by step procedures for completing all tasks this program provides. The index will list all of the functions available in this program with the page number that contains the step by step directions.

Requirements are internet explorer 7 or 8 or Fire fox for your browser. Download Adobe Reader 9 or 10 which are free to download also download Adobe Flash. You must have your computer set to allow pup ups on for Dog On Web.


Index Page

Introduction ................................................................... 2 The menu options..........................................................4 How To enter your administrative information..........5 (for getting started) How to set up Price settings ....................................... 11 How to Add Invoice Category......................................14 How to set your Invoice Settings.................................16 How to add Vet Info......................................................18 How to edit Vet Info......................................................20 How to set up Vet Check Disclaimer.......................... 22

How to set up a Sales Contract...................................24 How to set Site Settings...............................................26 How to set your Pedigree settings.............................28 How to set up online B2B Agreements.....................30

(Business to Business) How to set up K9 Sales Settings.................................32 How to list Users..........................................................34 How to list medical items...........................................36 How to edit medical list .............................................40 How to set up a medical schedule...........................42 How to Assign your Microchips................................ 44 How to enter your customers....................................46 How to Enter an Adult Dog for you inventory........ 48

How to Edit Inventory.............................................................58 How to create a Litter..............................................................60 How to Enter New Breeding's................................................ 65

How to enter Breeding's......................................................... 67 Puppies .....................................................................................68 How to assign Medical records to the litter......................... 69 How to create a litter Application for the litter................... 74 How to Print Collars for the litter of puppies.......................76 How to create and print a Pen Medical Check List.............78

(shot record) for litter Accounts Payable.....................................................................80 Accounts Receivable................................................................81 Vendors......................................................................................82 How to book your puppies.....................................................83 How to Invoice......................................................................... 87 How to mark Invoices Paid.....................................................97 How to sell your dog................................................................99 List Orders.................................................................................111 How to Print any Report .........................................................113 How to use the Calendar........................................................115


Adult Inventory New Adult Breeding New breeding Litters New litters Puppies

List Contacts New Contacts Contact Categories

Medical Items New Items Medical Schedules New Schedules Microchips Assign Medical Items

Sales List Customers Inventory Forecast List orders

Accts Payable Accts Receivable Customers Vendors Booking Invoices Purchase orders Export To POS System

List Events Add Event

Kennel Reports Sales Reports Customer / Vendor Reports Purchasing Reports Company Reports Registry Reports USDA Reports

Business Info Dow Account Activity Price Settings Invoice Category Invoice Settings Vet Info /Sales Contract Site Settings Pedigree Settings B2B Agreement K9Sales Settings Users


How to enter your administrative information (for getting started)

Business Info Dow Account Activity Price Settings Invoice Category Invoice Settings Vet Info / Sales Contract Site Settings Pedigree Settings B2B Agreement K9Sales Settings Users


1. To enter your administrative information start by Selecting then select . The tab will be selected first, please fill in the blanks with you information and click .



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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