Colorado State Organization of

Colorado State Organization of

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Fall Executive Board Meeting

Doubletree Motel, Greeley, Colorado

October 17, 2020

President, Leila Koenig, welcomed members to Greeley and announced that the Spring Board Meeting would be held at the Franciscan Center, Colorado Springs. Leila introduced Jack Robinson, Professor Emeritus of Music who is retired from the University of Northern Colorado to sing "God Bless America". The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Suzanne Foster.

Letha Hummels provided an inspirational talk about the difference between being Lonely and Loneliness. Lonely is an individual's choice and Loneliness can lead to despair. She offered examples of each and ideas that might provide help, such as keeping a gratitude journal.

Nancy Robinson, 2019 Colorado CASA Volunteer of the Year, shared her experiences as a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)and how the CASA program is beneficial to both the volunteer and the individuals they serve.

The Colorado State Honor Role is designed to honor outstanding members of Delta Kappa Gamma who go above and beyond for the "good of the Order". Dora Cash and Diedra Tidwell, from the Personal and Professional Pride Team, explained the requirements of the honor and shared a nominations form for chapters to use. Nominations are due to Leila by May 1, 2021.

Dr. Barbara Whinery, from the Law and Policy Team, reviewed the three amendments to the Colorado Constitution that are to voted on November 3,2021 and expressed how important it was for each individual to vote.

US Forum Representative, Kathy Hall provided information on the goals and working of the forum.

President Leila Koenig called the meeting to order at 10:15 am.

Roll call all was taken and a quorum was established

Spring Executive Board Meeting Minutes were approved as presented in the call. the Motion to accept was made by and seconded by .

Leila requested readers of the minutes from today's meeting. Lily Vigil, Dawn Johnson and Juana Hayak volunteered.

New Business:

Dissolution of Alpha Epsilon Chapter

Lily Vigil moved that Alpha Upsilon chapter be dissolved

Rationale: There are only nine members who have not participated at the state level for some years. State President visited with most members and found no relationship with education and no interest in continuing as DKG Chapter.

Suzanne Foster seconded the motion.

President Leila Koenig opened the floor for discussion, there was none. She called for the vote, it was unanimously approved.

Report from the Bi-Laws and Standing Rules Team -- the appendices to the Standing Rules were approved. The Motion to approve was made by Suzanne Foster and seconded by Cela Varosy. Leila expressed her thanks to the team and True Morgan for their work on the appendices.

Nominations - President Koenig stated that the position of Recording Secretary was currently open and that Laurie Salazar, Team Chair of the Nomination Team, was also seeking nominations for the 2021-2023 Executive Board.

A Word about Money

Treasurer, Lily Vigil, reminded us that the State Budget had been approved in July and shared a summary of Colorado Delta Kappa Gamma Assets.,

Rhonda Collette, Team Chair of the Fiancé Committee, moved that all attendees to the Colorado State Convention 2020 be given the opportunity to apply for a lifelong learning scholarship to cover registration cost. As the motion comes from the team, no seconded s required. The motion was approved

A Time for Teams to Meet

The attending members broke into 4 groups: Finance, Membership , Communication and Personal and Professional Pride. Lively discussions were held.

Honoring Members

Membership Team Chair, Beth Barzdukas, presented certificates recognizing members that had been a part of Colorado Delta Kappa Gamma for 50 + years.

Understanding the State Financial Picture

Dr. Barbara Whinery introduced our guest speaker, Dave Young, Colorado State Treasurer. He provided us with a very interesting explanation of how the treasury work and the process for funding schools.

Exploring the State Website

Heidi Ragsdale, State Web Master, helped us explore the State Website, suggested sites that would enhance our chapter meetings and communications. She also made it clear that she loves technology and wants to share her skills and enthusiasm.


CEU Credit is available for attending this meeting

Evaluations were completed and turned in.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm.

Kerry Tripp

Acting Recording Secretary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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