There are a variety of games that are available on line. The thing that makes online games fun is that you can get into multiplayer games. Where you go in to a room and wait for other players to enter and you all compete against each other. There is everything from car racing, to card playing, to TV game shows. My favorite is Wheel of fortune. And the best thing about it is that if your shy, nobody knows who you are. And if you are screwing up very badly you can leave the game when ever you want. I know it sounds mean, but it happens. To find out what games are available on line visit these web sites:


Algorithms are a set of steps for carrying out a task, which can be written down and implemented. Algorithms are used in computer programming and designed for sorting data, encrypting information, or creating sorted lists of information. Other algorithms are proprietary information created by programmers to solve specific problems. You can express an algorithm with flow charts structured English and pseudocode. I feel that writing a algorithm takes a lot of time and patients. Not everyone understands it. I myself am slowly learning the correct way. For more information on algorithms visit:


It is hard to have your privacy now days. On computers you are usually required to give up information about yourself in order to get into certain web sites. I don’t think this is right because the people with your information can give it to anyone. There are even software called “spyware” that people can install on your computer to watch you computer habits. But it is not only on the computer that you have to be aware, it is every ware. In order to get VIP cards at grocery store you must give up information. This can result in you getting tons of junk mail because your information has been given out. But there are ways to protect yourself. To find out how to protect yourself visit:


The Chaos theory is the idea of getting completely random results from normal equations. It is also about finding order in random data. The first to discover chaos was a meteorologist, named Edward Lorenz. In 1960, Lorenz was working on the problem of weather prediction. He set up a computer with twelve equations to model the weather. The computer program predicted what the weather might be. In 1961, Instead of starting at the beginning of the program, he started in the middle to save time. When he came back he discovered that the data saved in a six digit decimal instead of three. Which means the data was not very accurate. He proved his theory wrong and it became known as the butterfly effect. For more information on Chaos go to:


Information technology jobs are continually growing. Jobs that are available in the IT industry include programming, data base administrator, network administrator, computer engineers and web designer. However job titles and responsibilities vary from company to company.

For definitions on these titles, what they do, skills needed for the jobs, salary ranges, and jobs that are available visit these web sites:


Now days household personal computers can hold 3d graphics, where as, in the past only powerful computers could hold 3D graphics. The graphics accelerator contains memory and a specialized microprocessor to handle many of the 3-D rendering operations. You could create your own graphics or download them off of the internet.

You can buy graphics software with the latest commercial 3-D software packages. A popular program called the Poser program helps you to create high-quality 3-D images and animation with a wide variety of textures, light sources, and skins.  For more information on 3D graphics go to:


A cookie is simply a text file stored on your PC's hard drive. Cookies are created when you visit Web sites that are configured to create and use cookies. Information you provide is taken from a form and stored as a cookie on you hard drive. The next time you visit that online page, you won't have to type in your name and address, the site automatically loads it from the cookie stored on your system.

The disadvantage to cookies is that someone is getting your information such as URLS of the web pages you look at. They can identify you individually and sell your identity. If you are not happy with a cookie there are tips on finding cookies on your system, removing them and editing them.

For more information on cookies go to:


In this chapter I learned that fiber optics is a technology that uses glass, or plastic threads (fibers) to transmit data. It is made up of a bundle of glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light waves.

They have advantages over traditional metal communication lines because they carry more data than metal cables, they don’t interfere as much, they are thin and light, and they can transmit data digitally rather than analogically.


There are many types of back up software. examples of back up software are floppy disks, zip disk, cd’s and tape. what you use determines how much you can put on it. for instance, a zip disk is designed to compact your files so it can hold more, where as to hold the same amount of data on a floppy disk you might need 2 or 3 floppy disks.

for more information on software please visit:


Fonts are designed to bring life to your documents. some are designed for easy to read and others are just to make the document look good. There are also fonts that are only used on the internet and are not compatible with your computer.

on the other hand you can download fonts free off of the net.

There are fonts designed for different languages and fonts for MACS, PC and DOS computers. Here are a few sites to learn about and to get free downloads:

Chapter 2 Computer Recycling

With the rate of change of computer technology, computers are becoming obsolete each year. Companies start updating to keep up their systems, which leaves millions of computers to be disposed of.

There are companies who’s main purpose is to recycle and rebuild computers from the old ones and resell them to other companies. There are also companies that rebuild just to donate them to schools and charitable organizations.

For more information on computer recycling visit these sites:

Chapter 1 Internet Resources

In chapter one I learned about internet resources such as AOL and YAHOO which are web portals that offer specific areas of interest like e-mail, chat rooms, online shopping, search engines, and browser software.

I find that these resources can be very helpful when it comes to researching anything. All you have to do is type in what you are looking for and up pops many sites that have anything your looking for. Rather than looking through many books, calling phone directories, buying maps, or sending letters through the post office, it can all be done on the internet in seconds with just the push of a button. You can have letters sent as fast as you want. There is even instant messaging. You can print out a map from an exact location, look up a persons phone number in any state, buy plane tickets, or book hotels. Why waste time looking any where else when you can find it on the internet.

Here are a couple of site that have this sort of information:


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