Doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1489r1

IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs

|802.11ak Teleconferences July-Aug 2017 Minutes |

|Date: 2017-08-28 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Affiliation |Address |Phone |Email |

|Mark Hamilton |Ruckus Wireless/Brocade |350 W. Java Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA |+1-303-818-8472 |mark.hamilton2152@gmail.|

| |Communications | | |com |

|Donald Eastlake |Huawei Technologies |155 Beaver Street, Milford, MA 01757 USA |+1-508-333-2270 |d3e3e3@ |

Table of Contents

802.11ak July-August Teleconferences Minutes 4

Monday, 31 July 2017 9:00 – 10:00 Eastern time 4

Monday, 7 August 2017 9:00 – 10:00 Eastern time 5

Monday, 28 August 2017 9:00 – 10:00 Eastern time 7

IEEE 802.11ak CRC (TGak) teleconferences

July-August 2017

Chair & Editor: Donald E. Eastlake 3rd (Huawei)

d3e3e3@ +1-508-333-2270

Vice Chair: Mark Hamilton (Ruckus/Brocade)

Vice Editor: Norm Finn (Self)

Secretary: Vacant (Notes taken by Mark Hamilton)

Mailing list: STDS-802-11-TGAK@listserv.

802.11ak July-August Teleconferences Minutes

Monday, 31 July 2017

9:00 – 10:00 Eastern time

Chair Donald Eastlake (Huawei) calls meeting to order at 9:05.

Appointment of Secretary

• Donald Eastlake took notes.

Reviewed Patent policy slides, and updated participant slide. Called for potentially essential patents. No response.


- Donald Eastlake (Huawei)

- Mark Hamilton (Ruckus/Brocade)

- Phillippe Klein (Broadcom)

- Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)

- Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

Reviewed proposed agenda, to continue discussion and information agreement on resolutions or assignments of technical/general unresolved/unassigned comments from document 11-17/898r2.

Agenda approved without objection.

[Resolution text, where required was edited into 11-17/898 and an 11-17/898r3 reflecting the results of the call was uploaded after the call.]

CID 2107 – Revise

CID 2164 – Accept

CID 2136 – Assigned to Donald Eastlake

CID 2142 – Revise

CID 2141 – Accept

CID 2143 – Revise

CID 2031 – Assigned to Mark Hamilton

CID 2058 – Revise – Find and duplicate existing comment resolution that says that all GLK STAs are QoS STAs.

CID 2057 – Revise

Adjourned at 10:03.

Monday, 7 August 2017

9:00 – 10:00 Eastern time

Chair Donald Eastlake (Huawei) calls meeting to order.

Appointment of Secretary

• Mark Hamilton took notes.

Reviewed Patent policy slides, and updated participant slide. Called for potentially essential patents. No response.


- Donald Eastlake (Huawei)

- Mark Hamilton (Ruckus/Brocade)

- Philippe Klein (Broadcom)

- Adrian Stephens (Intel)

- Amelia Andersdotter (Article 19)

- Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)

Reviewed proposed agenda, to review latest Figure 4-13 proposals contained in 11-17/932, then continue comment resolution, as contained in document 11-17/898r3:

• Agenda approved without objection.

Discussed Figure 4-13c updates from Philippe (11-17/932r3 – he showed an “r4” which he will post after the call).

• Suggestion to change “ISS to MAC-SAP Convergence” to “ISS to MAC-SAP Function”. We agree this box has no name in 802.1AC, but it is described as a function, and it is not at the same level as the other Convergence Functions.

• On 4-13b, suggest to change the upper 802.1Q MAC Relay Entities, to have the double (“spanning”) box over the right two EISSs, instead of the left two. That would make the right two general links show redundant (aggregated?) link usage.

• Figure 4-13c: A Portal doesn’t go up to EISS. The second choice is better, because it doesn’t try to cover Portal complexity, which is out of scope for 11ak, and Figure 4-15 (in the baseline) already has those details.

Philippe will update again, and post, for further review.

Continued the comment resolution, looking at 11-17/898r3:

CID 2030:

• Accepted.

CID 2032:

• We could add a NOTE: that the use of priority parameter and mapping from any upper layer priority information is a function of the bridge.

• Assigned to Donald, to craft a note to that effect.

CID 2034:

• Disagree with the commenter. LPD is used (per baseline 5.1.4) even for OCB, when outside the 5.9 GHz band.

• Rejected. Refer commenter to baseline 5.1.4.

CID 2144:

• Block Ack Scoreboarding is present in the diagram, in the baseline. It is not a change.

• Rejected.

• Note to TGak editor: the style of Figure 5-1 doesn’t match the baseline, for example in the use of “(null)” in some blocks. Please update to match REVmd.

CID 2064:

• Change to “implicitly may support general links”. That is, delete text. So, in effect:

• Accepted.

CID 2066:

• We did similar (maybe same) thing already in previous comment. We should find that, and check the alignment. For now, looks okay.

• Accepted.

CID 2165:

• Revised. Move “not present otherwise” to the end of the previous sentence. Change it to “and is null or not present otherwise”

Ran out of time. Will continue on a future call.


[After the call 11-17/0932r5 and 11-17/0898r4 were uploaded.]

Monday, 28 August 2017

9:00 – 10:00 Eastern time

Chair Donald Eastlake (Huawei) calls meeting to order.

Appointment of Secretary

• Mark Hamilton took notes.

Reviewed Patent policy slides, and updated participant slide. Called for potentially essential patents. No response.


- Donald Eastlake (Huawei)

- Mark Hamilton (Ruckus/Brocade)

- Joe Levy (InterDigitial)

- Philippe Klein (Broadcom)

Reviewed proposed agenda, to review latest Figure 4-13 proposals contained in 11-17/932r5, approve motions that are ready, and then continue comment resolution, as contained in document 11-17/898r5:

• Agenda approved without objection.

Discussed Figure 4-13c updates from the last call (11-17/932r5).

• Should probably say “Example of” in all three figures (add to (a) and (b)).

• On Figure 4-13a, let’s leave the “spanning” bridge on the left two links. Otherwise, as it is in 932r5, it is just making a local loop with the same bridge, which doesn’t make any sense.

• On Figure 4-13b, agree with the new way the “spanning” bridges are shown, but agreed we should add some text describing this. Joe volunteered to take a first stab at drafting text for all three, for consideration in Waikoloa.

• Typos, in the editing instructions – the figures are numbered 4-13 (not 3-14).

• Rest is agreed.

Philippe will update once again, and post, for final review.

Consider motions (also being formulated/tracked in 11-17/1293):

Motion 54: Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions in 11-17/895r5 with the Ad Hoc status “Ready for Motion” and the Motion column blank. (CIDs 2150, 2157, 2101, 2106.)

Unanimous consent.

Motion 55: Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions in 11-17/895r5 with the Ad Hoc Notes “Discussed on 2017-07-31 teleconference” and the Resolution column not blank. (CIDs 2057, 2143, 2142, 2141, 2164, 2107.)

Unanimous consent.

Motion 56: Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions in 11-17/895r5 with the Ad Hoc Notes “Discussed on August 7 teleconference” and the Resolution column not blank. (CIDs 2064, 2030, 2034, 2144, 2165.)

Unanimous consent.

Continued the comment resolution, looking at 11-17/898r5:

CID 2071:

• Prefer to add “as indicated in the received DLS response frame.”

• Assign to Mark to draft a resolution.

CID 2069, 2070, 2067, 2068:

• Also assign to Mark.

CID 2075, 2073:

• Assign to Joe to draft a resolution.

CID 2077, 2121:

• Assign to Donald to draft a resolution.

CID 2080:

• Assign to Donald. Check to see if the standard typically has text (outside the table) for all Reason codes. If not, then the current draft is probably fine as is, and can reject.

All comments are now assigned. Expect proposed resolutions in Waikoloa.


[After the call 11-17/0932r6 and 11-17/0898r6 were uploaded.]



This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11ak CRC (TGak) teleconferences for July and August 2017.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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