May 9, 2016



The meeting was called to order at 5:32 P.M. by President Josh Wright in the Northwest ISD Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177.


A Board budget workshop began at 5:40 P.M. in the Northwest ISD Professional Development Center, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76177. The workshop ended at 6:33 P.M.


Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, and 551.074, the Board convened into Executive Session at 6:40 P.M. in the Northwest ISD Executive Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177. Executive Session ended at 6:45 P.M.


The regular meeting resumed at 7:01 P.M. in the Northwest ISD Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177. Dr. Karen Rue gave the invocation followed by the pledge to the American Flag and the pledge to the Texas Flag. The pledges were led by students from Tidwell Middle School.

REGULAR MEETING Mr. Wright, Ms. Copp, Dr. Simpson,

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Holland, and Ms. Rauch

MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Fuller and Mr. Schluter

OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Caley, Mr. Graswich, Dr. Thornell, Ms. Nail, Mr. McClure, Mr. Feind, and Ms. Carlisle


The Leadership NISD class of 2015-2016 was recognized for completing the program. Teachers and staff were recognized for participating in the i3 Leadership Academy. New partners in education were recognized that were sponsors for the “Big Event” community service project held by Northwest High School and Eaton High School. Staff and student leaders in this event were also recognized.



NO. 7452 APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Ms. Copp and seconded by Ms. Holland to approve the consent agenda as submitted:

A. Personnel recommendations, including reorganizing and assigning administrative duties and titles, extensions, hiring, and/or renewal/non-renewal of contracts of individual teachers, administrators, principals, support staff, assistant superintendents, and resignations.

B. Minutes for the April 11, 2016, April 18, 2016, and the April 25, 2016 school board meetings.

C. Amendments to the 2015-2016 operating budget.

D. RFP #018-023-03-033 retail electricity supply services.

E. Cooperative procurement membership agreement with 1 Governmental Procurement Alliance (1GPA).

F. Award extensions of current bids.

G. RFP #016-017-03-009 kitchen facility services.

H. RFP #016-017-03-010 other operating services.

I. RFP #016-017-03-008 HVAC facility services.

J. RFP #016-018-03-008 plumbing facility services.

K. RFP #016-018-03-013 vehicle/heavy equipment facility services.

L. Extension of expiration date of standby bond purchase agreement with Wells Fargo Bank for Northwest ISD variable rate unlimited tax school building bonds, series 2006.

Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Mr. Schluter and Mr. Fuller absent.

NO. 7453 APPROVE STAFFING FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR (SECOND REQUEST): It was moved by Ms. Holland and seconded by Ms. Rauch to approve the second staffing request for the 2016-2017 school year as recommended by the administration. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Mr. Fuller and Mr. Schluter absent.

Dr. Kim Caley presented the 2016-2017 compensation plan for discussion.

NO. 7454 APPROVE THE PROPOSED MEDICAL PREMIUMS FOR THE 2016-2017 PLAN YEAR AND INCREASE IN THE DISTRICT CONTRIBUTION: It was moved by Dr. Simpson and seconded by Ms. Rauch to approve the proposed medical premiums for the 2016-2017 plan year and increase in the district contribution as recommended by the administration. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Mr. Fuller and Mr. Schluter absent.

Kitty Poehler presented the extension of the interlocal agreement with TASB for casualty insurance for discussion.

Adam Feind presented the long range technology plan, student services standards, and the secondary student device selection.


Amy Hollenshead presented the outdoor learning center report.

Dr. Kevin Lacefield presented the fine arts district effectiveness report.

Emily Conklin presented the communications district effectiveness report.

There were no items removed from the consent agenda for consideration.

Mr. Wright presented the President’s report.

NO. 7455 ADJOURN: It was moved by Ms. Holland and seconded by Ms. Rauch to adjourn at 8:53 P.M. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Mr. Fuller and Mr. Schluter absent.

__________________________ _________________________

Joshua Wright, President 2684 Devonna Holland, Secretary


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