Dr. Seuss: The End of the Cold War

The End of the Cold War—for the Yooks and the Zooks Name: Per.

1. As you listen to the Dr. Seuss story “The Butter Battle Book” write down the real life meanings of these words:

|Wall | |

|Yooks/Zooks | |

|Butterside up/ butterside down | |

|“So you can’t trust a zook who spreads bread underneath!” | |

|Snich-beryswitch / slingshot / triple-sling jigger / jigger | |

|–rich saatchen / kick-a-poo bird / goo sprinklers / big boy | |

|boomeroo | |

|Fancier uniforms | |

|Chief yookeroo / boys in the back room / Moo-lacka-moo | |

|Butter-up band / right-side-up song girls / “be faithful, | |

|believe in butter” | |

|Underground | |

|Who’s going to drop it? Will you…? Or will he…? | |

You now know the story of Zook and of Yook,

And by golly it’s time to finish the book.

When we last left the story, with a quiver and quigger,

Just wondering exactly who might pull the trigger.

Using knowledge and know-how and gosh all your wit,

Write an ending to the story that ended so quick.

Include history and fact and all that you can

Draw a picture so history doesn’t seem quite so bland.

Make it rhyme and for sure you’ll get as return

A nice lovely grade that you rightly have earned.

Your assignment:

Create a final page of “the Butter Battle Book.” It should be culminating, in that it should teach children how the Cold War ended, but at the same time, it should be thoughtful and written for a young adult audience. On your page you must make three references to Cold War realities. These references can be in the form of events, dates, people, countries. Use your textbook and class notes to help you.


Proficient- B grade

□ Typed

□ Neat

□ In Prose, not rhyme

□ 1 page

□ Refers to 2 events in the end of the Cold War

o Event 1

o Event 2

□ Accurately describes the end of the Cold War

□ Illustrations that help tell the story

Advanced- A grade

□ Uses a Dr. Seuss rhyme scheme

□ Uses Dr. Seuss style illustrations

□ Covers more than 2 events in the end of the Cold War

□ Refers to at least 1 person from the Cold War

□ More than 1 page long

□ In full color

The End of the Cold War—for the Yooks and the Zooks

1. As you listen to the Dr. Seuss story “The Butter Battle Book” write down the real life meanings of these words:

|Wall | |

|Yooks/Zooks | |

|Butterside up/ butterside down | |

|“So you can’t trust a zook who spreads bread underneath!” | |

|Snich-beryswitch / slingshot / triple-sling jigger / jigger | |

|–rich saatchen / kick-a-poo bird / goo sprinklers / big boy | |

|boomeroo | |

|Fancier uniforms | |

|Chief yookeroo / boys in the back room / Moo-lacka-moo | |

|Butter-up band / right-side-up song girls / “be faithful, | |

|believe in butter” | |

|Underground | |

|Who’s going to drop it? Will you…? Or will he…? | |

You now know the story of Zook and of Yook,

And by golly it’s time to finish the book.

When we last left the story, with a quiver and quigger,

Just wondering exactly who might pull the trigger.

Using knowledge and know-how and gosh all your wit,

Write an ending to the story that ended so quick.

Include history and fact and all that you can

Draw a picture so history doesn’t seem quite so bland.

Make it rhyme and for sure you’ll get as return

A nice lovely grade that you rightly have earned.

Your assignment:

Create a final page of “the Butter Battle Book.” It should be culminating, in that it should teach children how the Cold War ended, but at the same time, it should be thoughtful and written for a young adult audience. On your page you must make three references to Cold War realities. These references can be in the form of events, dates, people, countries. Use your textbook and class notes to help you.


For EL Students: You may write this as a poem or you may write it as a story in a paragraph that does not need to rhyme.

|A |Used a Dr. Seuss rhyme scheme |Thoughtful and Creative incorporation of 3 illustrations./ images |

|B |Used prose, but didn’t rhyme |3 Illustrations/images used |

|C |Typed a paragraph |No illustrations/images |

The End of the Cold War—for the Yooks and the Zooks

1. As you listen to the Dr. Seuss story “The Butter Battle Book” write down the real life meanings of these words:

|Wall |Berlin Wall, Iron Curtain, Division of East and West |

|Yooks/Zooks |Capitalists vs. Communists, East vs. West |

|Butterside up/ butterside down |Capitalists vs. Communists, Economic philosophy, Political philosophy |

|“So you can’t trust a zook who spreads bread underneath!” |Can’t trust the enemy, opposing side, philosophical disagreements |

|Snich-beryswitch / slingshot / triple-sling jigger / jigger |Weapons of Cold War, getting progressively more dangerous |

|–rich saatchen / kick-a-poo bird / goo sprinklers / big boy | |

|boomeroo | |

|Fancier uniforms | |

| |Competition, meaningless weapons, technology, one-upping each other |

|Chief yookeroo / boys in the back room / Moo-lacka-moo |Army chiefs, generals, administers, government, each side has new weapons |

|Butter-up band / right-side-up song girls / “be faithful, |Propaganda |

|believe in butter” | |

|Underground |Bomb shelters, false sense of security |

|Who’s going to drop it? Will you…? Or will he…? |Nuclear bomb, which side will use it? |


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