Unit Plan Template .edu

Unit Plan Template

Note: Type in the gray areas.

|Unit Author |

|First and Last Name |Vanessa Manor |

|Author's E-mail Address |manornessa@ |

|Course Name(s) |CECS |

|Course Number(s) |14.00.003 |

|Course Section(s) |.003 |

|School City, State, Zip |University of North Texas, Denton 76203 |

|Instructor Name(s): | |

|Unit Overview |

|Unit Plan Title |Learning Through Dr. Seuss |

|Curriculum-Framing Questions |

| |Essential Question |What will students be able to learn about rhyming words? |

| |Unit Questions |How do you find rhyming words and there patterns? |

|Unit Summary |

|The students will be able to learn about rhyming words as they read Cat in the Hat. Dr. Seuss will give them a visual of rhyming words and |

|they will be able to see how people incorporate rhyming words in books, poems, and in other materials. Also, the children will be able to |

|create their own rhyming flip book, rhyming dominos, and read aloud with their classmates with the book Dr. Seuss. |

|Subject Area(s): (List all subjects that apply) |

|Language Arts |

|Arts |

|Grade Level (Click boxes of all grade levels that apply) |

| K-2 | 3-5 |

|6-8 |9-12 |

|ESL |Resource |

|Gifted and Talented |Other:       |

| |

|Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes |

|The students will be able to learn about rhyming words. |

|The students will be able to learn how to determine where a rhyming word can be found in reading material. |

|The students will be able to create their word rhyming flip book and create some of their own rhyming words into the flip book. |

|Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks |

|I want the children to be able to have an idea of rhyming words how they are found, how do they relate, and for them to create something |

|that will give them a visual idea about rhyming words. |

|Procedures |

|Creating the Rhyme Time Flip Book |

|The students will learn that if the words share the same endings, they rhyme. |

|Using a marker, write a common rhyming ending syllable on the right half of a colorful index card. |

|They might start with –at or -ine. Now, they will cut several index cards in half with scissors. |

|On each half, write a letter or letters that connects with the ending letters you wrote on your first card to form a word. |

|So if you wrote –ine, for example, you might write the word that beginning such as m-, p-, or fel-. Punch holes in the same place on the |

|left side of all cards and secure the halves on top of the bottom card with a brass paper fastener. |

|Now, they can flip through their book to find rhyming words. |

|As they think of other words that have the same ending letters, fill in a half card. Finally, watch your flipbook grow wherever you go. |

|Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) |

|For each activity about 45 minutes |

|Prerequisite Skills |

|Writing |

|Be able to use scissors |

|Materials and Resources Required For Unit |

|Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) |

| Camera | Laser Disk | VCR |

|Computer(s) |Printer |Video Camera |

|Digital Camera |Projection System |Video Conferencing Equip. |

|DVD Player |Scanner |Other:       |

|Internet Connection |Television | |

| |

|Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) |

| Database/Spreadsheet | Image Processing | Web Page Development |

|Desktop Publishing |Internet Web Browser |Word Processing |

|E-mail Software |Multimedia |Other:       |

|Encyclopedia on CD-ROM | | |

|Printed Materials | |

|Cat in the Hat by, Dr. Seuss | |

|Note Cards with some of the rhyming words from the book | |

|Supplies | |

|Construction paper | |

|Makers, Crayons | |

|Note Cards | |

|Glue | |

|Scissors | |

|Internet Resources | |

|Others | |

|Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction |

| |Resource Student |I would have them identify the rhyming words. |

| |Gifted Student |After, they create the Flip Book I would have them put all |

| | |their rhyming words into a poem. |

|Student Assessment |

|Rubric |





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