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[Pages:12]Corpus Christi

Catholic Church



It's really happening!

The renovation to our Parish Center is underway! Our asbestos survey report came back negative and our demolition permit has been approved! By the time you are reading this, demolition will have already begun! The architect is adding some final details on the kitchen, bathroom, and overall drawings, but we hope to share those with you very soon! Thank you for your patience during the time of construction. We expect the project to last through the summer.

Many thanks to our volunteers who willingly got nabbed to move things: Rick Kruse, Gene Lutz, and Jim Hunt. Finally, I would like to thank all the staff members who have worked tirelessly over the past couple of weeks, going above and beyond, to prepare the Parish Center by organizing, packing, and moving tables, chairs, and other supplies, especially Ken Doering, Rick Jablonski, and Barb Manning!

Thank you!!!

Address: 3550 E. Knox Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children's Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Website:

Facebook: @corpuschristiphoenix

Formed: corpuschristiphx. Flocknote: Text JOINCC to 84576 or go to corpuschristicc for latest communications from the parish.




Rev. Reynaldo Clutario, Pastor pastor@ Rev. Scott Sperry, Parochial Vicar frsperry@ Deacon Chris Kellogg Deacon Dennis Lambert dennislambertphx@ Website/Blog: Retired Deacon Al Gaudio Retired Deacon Phil Simeone


Steve Mandarino, Parish Manager steve.mandarino@ Carol Pavlak, Parish Office Manager carol.pavlak@ Barbara Manning, Gift Shop Manager bjymanning@ Kathleen Foley, Director of Mission Advancement kathleen.foley@ Nancy Krappitz, Receptionist nancy.krappitz@ Christi Deg, Bulletin Editor christi.deg@


Dr. Lenny Kelley, Director of Faith Formation lenny.kelley@ Linda McCormack, Children's Faith Formation Office Manager linda.mccormack@ cff@ John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries john.deg@ Grace Rivera, Coordinator of Youth Evangelization grace.rivera@ Matthew Henry, Director of Music & Liturgy matthew.henry@


Ken Doering, Maintenance Supervisor ken.doering@


Cynthia Smith, President of the Pastoral Council pastoralcouncil@ Peter Rady-Pentek, President of the Finance Council


Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a

welcoming community proclaiming the love of God and fostering a life-long personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church

through Scripture, Sacraments, and service.


WEEKEND MASS Sat. Vigil: 4:00 pm Sun.: 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm (Masks required), 5:00 pm

DAILY MASS Mon.-Sat.: 8:15 am Tues.: 6:00 pm Fri.: 6:30 am


Tues.: 5:00 -- 5:45 pm Thurs.: 7:00 -- 8:00 pm Sat.: 2:30 -- 3:30 pm



Mon.-Fri.: 9:00-11:30 am Mon.-Thurs.: 1:00-5:00 pm Sat.-Sun.: Closed


Monday: 9:00am-4pm Tuesday: 9:00am-7:30pm Wednesday: 9:00am-5:00pm


Open after the Saturday Vigil Mass & the Sunday morning Masses.


The Adoration Chapel is open all the time; however, the Blessed Sacrament is only exposed for the blocks of time that we have committed adorers.

Current Hours of Exposition: Monday 3am -- Wednesday 8pm Thursday 9am -- Friday 8pm

Please continue to pray for a return to Perpetual Adoration. We are very close! The following hours are the only ones in need of committed adorers:

Sunday: 1am, 2am, 3am Monday: 1am, 2am

Thursday: 2am Saturday: 12am, 1am, 9pm,11pm

Wednesday: 9pm



Sunday, March 13

7:00 am Betty Maier 8:30 am Gary O'Hare 10:30 am Parishioners 12:30 pm Earl & Carole

Mackert 5:00 pm Christine Ann Klee

Monday, March 14

8:15 am Lucina Pangilinan

Tuesday, March 15

8:15 am Deceased members of the Difrancesco & Santomauro families

6:00 pm Joseph D. Ceccoli

Wednesday, March 16

8:15 am Derek D. Reynolds

Thursday, March 17 St. Patrick

8:15 am Robert Haluck

Friday, March 18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem

6:30 am Richard Delacluyse 8:15 am Stephen Kopiec

Saturday, March 19 St. Joseph, Spouse of the

Blessed Virgin Mary 8:15 am Francisca Devera 4:00 pm Patricia Smith

Sunday, March 20

7:00 am Parishioners 8:30 am Jane Beke 10:30 am Paul & Heady Dizon 12:30 pm Roger Crislip 5:00 pm Frank Monti


The Mass is the greatest possible prayer of intercession insofar as it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father by making present the paschal mystery of His death and resurrection. Request a Mass offering for the intentions of a living person or for the repose of the soul of a deceased person. Requesting a Mass Intention is now available online at corpus-christi-cath-church/forms/mass-intention, or you may call or stop by the office.



Weekly Total ...................................................$34,232.25 Weekly Budget ...............................................$28,140.50 Weekly Surplus................................................. $6,091.75 Fiscal Year-to-date Total ......................... $1,056,441.92 Fiscal Year-to-date Budget...................... $1,036,196.00 Fiscal Year-to-date Surplus...........................$20,245.92


Miscellaneous ...................................................... $380.00 Building Fund Collection ....................................$680.00 Building Fund Balance................................. $155,180.45

Safe ? Simple ? Secure

Please consider Online Giving! It'll help us financially, of course, but it also helps us run a better parish. Online gifts are easier to administer, more transparent, and more dependable. It's also safer and healthier for our volunteer money counters. To get started, scan the QR code here or click the green GIVE NOW button at and follow the instructions for repeat electronic giving to the Sunday Collection. Regardless of how you choose to give, thank you for your continued generosity! Your support not only makes a difference within our own parish, but also throughout our local community! As the Body of Christ -- Becoming Disciples, we are called to serve each other in many ways. As a family of families, we know the needs are great. Together, we can

do more than any one person or family could do alone.

Judy Armstrong, Christine Barnett, Tess Bernard, Randy Booth, Lee Burton, Lisa Cassidy, Peter Cavallaro, Sr., Rose Colella, Dale Crawford, David Crosslin, Kayla Ellison,

Kenny Fahn, Richard Fate, Barbara Gesicki, Herman Gutierres, Guadalupe Hernandez, Pat Hungerford, Marie Klingenbeck, Christina Loh, Gene Lutz, Jackie Manning,

June McNaught, Patty Michael, Al Navarro, Rick Parson, Richard Peterson, Ana Minelli, Joseph Remitera,

Dorothy Rivera, Stephanie Siatta, Ruth Ann Schmitt, Georgene Smithson, Louie Spadafore, Trisha Stuart,

Dorothy Tartaglio, Josh Wilkinson, Arturo Wilmer, Deborah Wirth, John Wysocki, Jim Yeager, Jean Zingale, and all

those who are suffering from the Corona virus

Text JOINCC to 84576 or visit us online at corpuschristicc Sign-up for electronic newsletters, emergency notifications, and other communications, such as funeral notices, holy days of obligation, and parish activities.

Find us on Facebook at corpuschristiphoenix Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Corpus Christi Catholic Church Phoenix ( c/CorpusChristiCatholicChurchPhoenix)



Pontius Pilate

- Jen Arnold, M.A. in Theology and Catechetics

As our journey through Lent continues, we will put ourselves in the perspective of Pontius Pilate and his wife in the drama that was the passion and death of Jesus Christ.

Pontius Pilate could be considered one of the most complex characters in this portion of the gospels. He was the Roman-appointed governor of Judea from 26/27 AD ? 36/37 AD. During his administration, there was a lot of tension between the Romans and the Jewish people, so when Jesus was brought before him, with the crowd's insistence that He be crucified, he likely felt a lot of pressure coming from every direction. Certainly many, if not all of us, have found ourselves in situations where discerning the correct answer has been difficult. Perhaps

you have had to mediate between two friends or family members. Or perhaps you've found yourself voting for "the lesser of two evils" in an election. However, you have experienced these types of difficulties, you are surely aware that often the right answer is not always glaringly obvious in the moment, even if it becomes more obvious in retrospect.

Each gospel account of Jesus being brought before Pilate reveals how Pilate was disturbed by the situation and reluctant to have Jesus crucified. This tells us that, on some level, he knew putting this man to death for nothing more than claiming He was a king, was wrong. However, he also knew that if he did not have Him crucified, there would be an uprising in an already

tense climate and there was no way to predict how much further damage it would cause. Put yourself in the place of Pontius Pilate and feel the anxiety he had over making this single decision. To his credit, he did not take the decision lightly and even attempted to try to negotiate with the Jews to spare Jesus' life. He gave them several opportunities to change their minds by appealing to their reason. In John's gospel account, Pilate tells them on three separate occasions that he finds no guilt in Jesus, yet they continue to insist He be crucified. As a last resort, he agrees to release one prisoner for the Passover feast, hoping they would choose Jesus over the thief and murderer, Barabbas. Have you ever found yourself pleading with someone to do the right thing only to be met with obstinate resistance? If so, than you can imagine Pilate's stress and frustration in this moment.

To add to Pilate's anxiety, the gospel of Matthew includes his wife's counsel to him to not cave to the crowd. "While he was sitting on the judgement seat, his wife sent word to him, `Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much because of him today in a dream'" (Matt 27:19). This is the only mention of Pilate's wife in the official canon of scripture, but we do have some other useful historical sources that mention her. There is a gospel of Nicodemus and the


MARCH 13, 2022| PAGE 05

writings of the ancient Jew, Josephus, that both mention Pilate and his wife, which the Church has deemed credible. In these documents, we are told her name is Claudia Procula and that when she tells her husband about her dream, he is deeply concerned. There is no text that describes the substance of her dream (though there has been much speculation), but it was enough to upset them both. Nicodemus tells us that when Pilate went back to the Pharisees after the dream, they were able to twist it around and convince Pilate that is was more proof of Jesus' evil sorcery. While we don't know what happened with Claudia after she delivered the message to Pilate, the movie, The Passion does a great job of imagining what might have happened. In the movie, Claudia is watching the scourging of Jesus from an upper room of her home. Seeing Mary, His mother, suffer through watching the abuse, she is moved with compassion. She brings cloths down to the courtyard and helps Mary and Mary Magdalene wipe the blood of Jesus off of the ground. Knowing that she was adamant He not be punished, it is not a far stretch to imagine her acting in some way similar to this scene. Have you ever been in Claudia's shoes? Have you ever been a bystander, watching the effects of sin cause very messy outcomes, knowing there was nothing you could do, despite your best efforts, but stand by and be there for others as it falls apart?

As I stated earlier, there has been plenty of speculation about

the content of Claudia's dream. One "tradition" (meaning, not part of official Church teaching through Tradition) that has been passed down through the centuries, says that in her dream, she heard portions of the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds connecting her husband to the death of Christ in many different languages: "...suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried." Hearing his association with this great tragedy throughout the future and amongst all people, terrified her to her core, and rightly so. Have you ever noticed that when we pray either of the creeds, Pontius Pilate's name is the only one besides God (all three persons) or Mary that is specifically mentioned? Have you ever thought about why that is? By identifying Pontius Pilate by name in our creeds, we make Jesus' humanity all the more real by placing Him in a real historical context. Pontius Pilate was an actual governor within the Roman Empire at the time and Jesus was a real person he encountered during his ten-year administration. His name adds to the historical relevance of the presence of Jesus Christ on this earth in human form during a particular time. So, in that sense, Pontius Pilate tethers Jesus to our human history.

Now comes the million-dollar question: What happened to Pilate and Claudia after Jesus was crucified? As Catholics, we do not rely solely on Scripture for truthful information, rather, we also are able to look to our early Church ancestors (who

were closer in time and space to the events at hand) to understand what they believed. The gospel of Nicodemus (4th-5th c.), Origen (c 184 AD-253 AD), and St. Augustine (354 AD-430 AD), among others, all claim that both Pilate and Claudia converted to Christianity shortly after the crucifixion. In St. Augustine's Sermon 201, he says Pilate, like the Magi, bore witness to Jesus as King of the Jews, "so that they might take their seats in the kingdom of heaven with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob." As a matter of fact, there are some Eastern churches that honor Pilate and Claudia as saints, which would indicate a certainty in their conversions. We hear all the time that we need to place Jesus at the center of our marriage and we must always lead one another on the path to heaven. For Pilate and Claudia, Jesus literally became a central figure in their marriage. They came face to face with the person of Jesus, watched Him suffer by Pilate's own decision, which facilitated both their conversions, and ultimately led them to heaven. Married couples always face trials. Hopefully they are never as dire as the death sentence of an innocent man, but how do we allow those trials to transform our marriages for the better?

This week, spend some time imagining yourself in Pilate's and Claudia's places. Feel their anxiety in those moments, but then imagine their peace in coming to the realization that Jesus is Lord and died to set us all free.




to our students who received the Sacrament of

First Reconciliation on March 5!

From now through April 10, you're invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life ? 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You're also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside the Tempe Planned Parenthood located at 1837 E Baseline Rd. in Tempe. Please help spread the word about this important community outreach.

If you'd like more information, and especially if you'd like to

volunteer to help, please contact: Jim Fitzsimmons at

tempe40daysforlife@ or 480-712-9733

or visit tempe.


Corpus Christi Conference

Furniture Drive

March 19 & 20

Thursdays, March 17-April 21

6:30-8:30 pm Classrooms 7 & 8

Register in the Parish Office. Study packs are currently available for $31.


Join us in this Bible study from Ascension Press as we journey through Lent and Holy Week.

We often hear about Jesus' Passion and death, but imagine experiencing them for the very first time. In No Greater Love, we are going to walk step-by-step with Jesus on his journey from his Agony in the Garden to his Crucifixion on Calvary. Along the way, historical context will shed light on the mystery of Christ's suffering and death. We will unpack the biblical background of these events, as well as Old Testament prophecies, messianic expectations, biblical symbolism, and most especially, the ways Jesus invites us to walk more closely with Him today. No Greater Love is a biblical pilgrimage that reveals Christ's amazing love for us. Best-selling author, Dr. Edward Sri, guides us through the last hours of Christ's life with video presentations, a workbook, and textbook.

For more information contact: Karen Henz: khenz2020@ or Jack Henz: jfhenz@

Spring Cleaning can make you feel like a load has been lifted and you feel a little lighter! You can assist SVdP by donating your used furniture, household items and gently-used clean clothing during the SVdP two-day Furniture Drive in March! (Tube TV's are not accepted.) The SVdP truck and volunteers will be in the north parking lot to receive your donated items from 8:30am - 3pm on Sat. March 19 and between 9am3pm on Sun. March 20. Thank you for your generosity and continued support!




Sunday, March 20

Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Council 10062 and Vitalant Blood Donation will hold a blood drive on Sunday, March 20 from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM in Rooms 5 and 6. All blood types are needed. Each donation has the potential to help three individuals in need of blood or blood components! Register online at donors. and choose Donate Now. Click the button next to Blood Drive Code, then enter corpuschristi. You will then be directed to our blood drive page where you can select an available time slot for your donation. If you need assistance making an appointment or have any questions about the donation process, please call Blood Drive Chair Mark Waypa at 630-746-8979 or email Mark at mdwaypa@.

Thanks in advance for your life-saving gift!

Youth Camp Sponsorships

The Knights of Columbus Corpus Christi Council 10062 will sponsor three campers again this summer: two campers, ages 7-12, as well as one camper, either age 13-15 for Teen Week or 15-17 for Counselor training, at St. Joseph Youth Camp, Mormon Lake, Arizona. The three campers selected will receive a week of room and board provided by the Knights. Camp weeks start June 5 for Counselor Training, June 12 for Teen Week, and June 19, 26, July 2 and 10 for pre-teens. Interested campers ages 7-15, submit an essay of 250 words or less on the topic: "Why I want to go to a Catholic Youth Camp." Interested campers ages 15-17, submit an essay of 300 words or less on the topic "Why I should be a Counselor at a Catholic Youth Camp". Submit your essay with a cover page that includes your name, age, address, and parents' names by April 14 to the Parish Office or Children's Faith Formation Office addressed to Knights of Columbus ? St. Joseph's Youth Camp.

Calling all... Kino Grads, Current Kino Students, and Theological Studies Majors Join us for Dessert, Fellowship, Information-sharing, and a New Learning Opportunity Monday, March 28, 6:45-8:30pm in Rooms 5 & 6 RSVP to Karen & Jack Henz: Khenz2020@


The Christ Child Society of Phoenix is dedicated to serving babies and children in need. Please join us as we meet to sew, crochet and knit newborn clothing items. Don't sew? We can use your help in cutting fabric.

Meeting Schedule

9am-1pm in rooms 5 & 6 Please bring a sack lunch. Dessert, coffee, and lemonade

are provided.


March 23 March 30 April 20 April 27 May 11

May 25 Please call Michelle Cano at 602524-7735 or Michelle Grimditch at 480-710-4357 for more info.

Louis Griedl Regina Havens

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.




MARCH 13, 2022

God desires your heart.

He desires for you to know that He understands


During this retreat weekend, you are invited to share in this truth with other high school teens throughout Phoenix, in the beautiful pines of Prescott! Join us as we dive into the Heart of God through talks, small groups, prayer, games, and quality time with other young Catholics. If you need a weekend reset ? this is your opportunity!

THE MEN OF ST. JOSEPH -- A Ministry for the Men of the Parish

Eucharist Video Series

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Join us and discover God's wondrous plan for our salvation.

Speaker Night:

Wednesday, April 6 at 6:30 pm in the Church Entire Parish is Invited!

Featuring: Paul & Beth Zucarelli

Paul Zucarelli had it all. He had a wonderful family, was a highly successful businessman, and held the respect of a great many people. And then he died, got a glimpse of heaven, and returned back to life. He had thought he had it all, but through this event, learned that there was something missing in his life. In the forward to Paul's book, FAITH UNDERSTOOD, An Ordinary Man's Journey to the Presence of God, Bishop Olmsted writes:

"I hope that Paul's story encourages you to experience the reality of God's love and to welcome Him as the Lord of your life...God is now using Paul's story to build up His kingdom through Paul's witness to a living Jesus Christ. I hope you are encouraged by Paul's story as much as I have been." The entire parish is invited to hear Paul's testimony on Wed. April 6 at 6:30 pm in the Church. Please free to bring a friend or two for this very inspirational testimony!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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