It has truly been an amazing year at the Phoenix Dream Center! Our mission is to find a need and fill it, to find a hurt and heal it and last year we were able to impact thousands of lives through our different programs and outreaches.

You played a huge part in these efforts, helping us to raise $2.3MM in financial support, which went to recovering young men and women out of human trafficking, rebuilding families in the foster care system, and restoring lives broken by addiction. Not only that, but we estimate that between in-kind donations and volunteer labor support, you also helped us raise an estimated $2.6MM. Finally, we were able to obtain over $270K for special projects on our campus, which included room renovations for our young men and women, technology upgrades, and fleet repairs.

What a blessing to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of human trafficking survivors, aged-out foster youth, formerly incarcerated individuals, recovering addicts, and homeless individuals.

Thank you for your support in 2019 in helping us reach the least, the last, and the lost.


Executive Director


Each week, we conduct over 100 different outreaches into the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.

From street corners and parks to jails, Native American reservations, and nursing homes, our outreaches are aimed at reaching the areas in our community that are truly forgotten.

Not only do we provide food, clothing, and resources, but we also provide the Good News of the Gospel.

Homeless, veterans, families, kids, adults, and at-risk youth in the area have all come to know the Phoenix Dream Center as having no limits to where we will go to reach those in need.

By the Numbers

Total number of outreaches 5,928

Total individuals impacted 503,516

Total number of meals served 804,960


On average, one child in Arizona is removed from their home every 40 minutes.

Working with the Arizona Department of Child Safety, we aim to prevent as many children from entering the foster care system as possible, or, if a family has already been separated, to reunify them.

From supplying basic household needs, like beds and diapers, to connecting families with community partners, our goal is to support families and create hope for a positive future.

For those youth who are preparing to ageout of the foster care system, we provide transitional housing and support as they establish a life of independence.

By the Numbers

Total number of families served


Total number of aged-out youth served 105

Aged-out Youth Year-One Success Rate 84%


Our Christian-based, residential program aims to help homeless, addicts, and formerly incarcerated individuals rebuild their lives.

Our goal is to help these individuals overcome life-controlling issues wrought by anger, depression, and emotional residue left by tragic life circumstances.

With structured accountability and classes that practice spiritual cognitive-based programming, we work to ensure that our men and women have the tools they need to be mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically successful.

Our graduates go on to lead healthy, productive Christian lives in society.

By the Numbers

Total number of men & women served


Year-One Success Rate for Phase Two Graduates 87%

Completion Rate 44% Transfer Rate 9%

Dropout/Release Rate 47%


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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