The Great Gatsby Setting Map

The Great Gatsby Setting Map – 150 Points

Objective: To explore the idea of the American dream as expressed/implied by various characters in The Great Gatsby and make a connection between dreams and geographic/economic reality.

Areas Required on Map:

a. East Egg (pgs. 9-10) b. Buchanan's house (pg. 11)

c. West Egg (pgs. 9) d. Gatsby's house (pg. 9)

e. Nick's house (pg. 9-10) f. Long Island Sound (pg. 9)

g. Valley of Ashes (pg. 27) h. T.J. Eckleberg billboard (pg. 27)

i. Railroad tracks and motor road (pg. 27) j. Wilson's garage/house (pgs. 28-29)

k. New York City(this doesn’t have a pg. reference but needs to be on your map)

l. Tom and Myrtle's apartment (pgs. 33)

CREATE A KEY OR LEGEND FOR YOUR MAP - Copy the description of each location from the book.

1. Create a picture/symbol for each location– place the appropriate picture next to

the location it represents. Be creative here – think beyond a literal interpretation!

2. Locate examples and or quotes of the American dream. Think about what each character wants or most likely wants. Think about what the dream would be for the following characters – Nick, Tom, Daisy, Mrytle, George, Gatsby, and Jordan Baker. Who seems to have achieved the dream if anyone? For those that seem to have achieved the dream is there something/anything missing? Explain. Looking at these characters and their dreams what is Fitzgerald telling up about the American dream in the 1920’s?

a. For each character – give an example or quote that expresses what their dream is/might be – be creative in your choice of symbols

b. Create a symbol for that character’s dream and place the symbol on the appropriate location of the map

3. Describe three events (things that happen) in the book. Focus on things/ideas that may reflect some aspect of the American dream. Create a symbol for each event and place it on the map


1. Using the descriptions in your key and in the book – create a map. Don’t use words on the map – let your symbols and legend do the talking! Use the clues in the book to help you put things in their logical location. Don’t be afraid to be creative!

2. Place all the picture symbols from your legend on to the map. Place the symbols in the locations where the event/idea occurred. Whatever is on your legend should have a corresponding symbol on the big map.

3. Use color throughout your map. (You can use markers, colored pencils, crayons)


1. Review your map – Where do the old rich live (those that have inherited their money)? Where do the noveau rich live (those that have recently made their fortunes)? Where do the lower classes live? Based on the descriptions of these locations, what do you think Fitzgerald is saying about each class? How is the dream different for each group? What if anything do all these dreams have in common? How does geography (location) play a role in the American dream? Based on everything you have learned – do you think it was possible to achieve the American dream in the 1920’s? Support your answer with evidence from the book!


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