Kelas /Semester : XII/1

|Kelas /Semester : XII/1 |

|Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana |

|interaksional dan/atau monolog terutama berkenaan dengan wacana wacana berbentuk narrative, explanation, discussion, commentary dan |

|review. |

|Kompetensi Dasar |Indikator |Materi pokok |

|Menyimak |Merespon dengan benar tindak tutur di dalam wacana | |

|Memahami wacana transaksional dan |transaksional/ interpersonal berupa: | |

|interpersonal ringan atau monolog lisan |Expression of asking for information | |

|terutama berbentuk explanation |Merespon monolog lisan text explanation |Can you explain how…. |

| |Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan | |

|Berbicara |transaksional berupa: | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dalam wacana |Expression of asking for information | |

|transaksional dan atau monolog lisan |Melakukan monolog lisan text explanation | |

|terutama dalam wacana berbentuk explanation |Merespon teks berbentuk explanation | |

|Membaca |Mengidentifikasi pengorganisasian text explanation | |

|Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah – langkah |Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat dalam text explanation|I wonder how …. |

|pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis |Present tense | |

|berbentuk explanation |Noun phrase | |

| |Abstract noun | |

| |Mendemonstrasikan ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu |How Desert remains dry? |

| |menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejean | |

|Menulis |dan tata tulis yang berterima terutama jenis teks |General statements, sequenced of |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dengan |berbentuk explanation |explanation |

|langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang | | |

|benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk | | |

|explanation | |Desert is a place that… |

| | |The wide hot area |

| | |The temperature |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Editing checklist of the writing |


Explain to me, how desert remains dry ?

(Spoken Explanation)

A. Building Knowledge of Field

A.1. Brainstorming

Activity 1.

Look at this picture. Answer the questions

1. What kind of animal is it?


2. In what region does it usually live?


3. How is the climate of the region?


4. How is the geographical condition of the region ?


5. Why does the desert remain dry?


Activity 2.

Underline the countries which have desert region

Saudi Arabia USA Japan Irak Nepal China

Germany Indonesia Oman Qatar Nigeria Thailand

Canada Kuwait Swiss Bolivia Senegal Fiji

Activity 3.

Listen to your teacher reading this text. Complete the missing words with the words you heard from your teacher.

Desert is a place in the earth that is mostly covered with sand or ____(1). There is a little vegetation in it. Only in certain place that some kinds of vegetation can grow. In Wadi , for example, ____(2) trees or ___(3) trees can live there. Wadi is a spring in a desert. The Badouins usually live around the wadi. They rise their _____(4) such as camels, sheeps and oftenly horses there.

The temperature in the desert is very hot at day and very cold at night. It can ____(5) almost 45 ( celcius at noon and minus 15 ( Celcius at night. The contrast condition of temperature makes the desert ____(6) as one of the dangerous places in the earth. Men, vegetation or animals can die of dehydration or _____(7) or coldness. The Tuareg ____(8) is one of the desertmen who can adapt with the environment.

Activity 4.

Use the words you hear to complete the sentences

1. Dayak is a well-known _________who lives in the middle of Kalimantan jungle.

2. You can _________the mangoes by using this ladder.

3. When we go to Parangtritis beach we can play sand in the ______ that can be found along the beach.

4. When the Islamic pilgrims are coming from Mecca they usually buy ________ originally form Madinah

for their family and friends.

5. When you are “sunbathing” in the beach, don’t forget to use sunblock cream to avoid ______

6. The little cowboy is driving his _______ to the farm to get fed.

A.2. Speech function

A.2.1 Asking for information

Activity 5.

Observe this picture.

Activity 6.

Read this dialogue.

Nina : Dani, look at this picture.

Dani : What picture is it? Oh, an American Indian

Nina : Yes, an American Indian

Dani : I wonder if you tell me, Why were they extinct ?

Nina : As I know, there are many factors that caused them tend to extinct but the most important factor

is the migration of the white men to America. The White saw the Indian as their enemy so

they killed them and occupied their land.

Dani : I understand now. Thank you.


1. What does Nina want to show to Dani?


2. Why is it interesting for Nina?


3. I wonder if you tell me, Why were they extinct?. What kind of expression is it?


4. Could you mention the other utterances for the expression?


Activity 7.

Learn this expressions

Activity 8.

Fill in the blank with the expression of asking information

1. A young boy : Father, ………………………………….. this handycam, please?

A father : Open the lens cover, then direct the handycam to the scenery you want to take and just

push the “on” button.

2. A little girl : ………………………………………………this iron works?

A maid : I am sorry I can’t explain. Ask your mother

3. A student : ……………………………………………….this facsimile works?

A instructor : Let’s read the manual first.

4. A lady : ……………………………………………to use the camera of this cellular phone

A man : I am sorry. I am not familiar with this kind of phone.

5. A little boy : ……………………………………………this bike is repaired?

A mechanic : Of course . I’ll explain to you.

A.3. Grammar function

A.3.1. Simple Present review

Explanation text in general uses Simple Present Tense as its main tense. Here is the summary.

A.General pattern

|Pattern |Time reference |

|a. Verb pattern |Every…. |

|(+) S + V1(-s/-es) |Always never |

|(-) S + do/does not V1 |Often occasionally |

|(?) Do/does + S + V |Sometimes seldom |

|B. To be pattern |Rarely |

|(+) S + is/am/are + adjective/adverb/nouns |Ever |

|(-) S+ is/am/are not + adjective/adverb/nouns | |

|(?) Is/Am/Are S + adjective/adverb/nouns | |

B. Function

1. Expressing habitual actions or customs

2. Expressing general truth

C. Examples

1. The desert is hot and dry.

2. Camels live in the desert.

3. Date tree grows well in the desert

4. We aren’t Arabian but Indonesian.

5. They don’t go to Mecca every year

6. Are you hungry?

7. Does Shinta walk to school everyday.

D. Special Note

If the subject is third singular person (e.g) he, she, it John, Smith, Karen, the earth), we must

add a final –s pr –es to the verb.

1. Add –es if the verb ends in ss, sh, ch, x or z

cross – crosses

crush - crushes

catch - catches

mix - mixes

buzz - buzzes

2. If the verb ends in –y preceded by a consonant , change the –y into I and add -es

cry - cries

fry - fries

Activity 9.

Put the verb in the bracket into the correct form.

Do as Example : Lani ….. (drive ) a cab to her school every day.

Lani drives a cab to her school everyday.

1. The Badouins … (be) the tribes that live in the sahara.


2. The eagle … (hunt) for its prey every morning.


3. The rattle snakes never ….(sleep) at night.


4. The cloud ….(not, be) so thick. I think it won’t be rain now.


5. You …. (not, dispose) the waste to the desert. It will pollutate its environment.


6. The camels (live) Indonesia? No. They live in the Saudi Arabia.


7. Shinta (be ) ill ?. She looks pale.


8. Why you (be) sleepy?


A.3.2. Noun Phrase

We found this phrase in the monolog above.

…. the dangerous places in the earth.

The phrase is called noun phrase. In Indonesia “noun phrase “ is “ sekelompok kata yang

mempunyai satu unit pengertian dan secara keseluruhan berfungsi sebagai kata benda”. Here is

the order pattern.

|Deter-m|Quality |size |Age/ |

|iner |characters | |temperature |

|1. |Verbs |-ion | |

| |Act | |Action |

| |Elect | |Election |

| |direct | |Direction |

|2. |Verbs |-ment | |

| |Advertise | |Advertisement |

| |Pay | |Payment |

| |argue | |Argument |

|3. |adjectives |-ity | |

| |Complex | |Complexity |

| |curious | |Curiosity |

|4. |adjectives |-ness | |

| |tender | |Tenderness |

| |ugly | |Ugliness |

|5. |nouns |-ship | |

| |owner | |Ownership |

| |member | |Membership |

|6. |nouns |-hood | |

| |mother | |Motherhood |

| |child | |Childhood |

|7. |Nouns/adjectives |-dom | |

| |king | |Kingdom |

| |free | |freedom |

Activity 12.

Change the words into abstract nouns. Use the appropriate suffixes above.

|No. |Root words |Abstract nouns |No. |Root words |Abstract nouns |

|1. |Brother | |11. |Wise | |

|2. |Careless | |12. |Imagine | |

|3. |Bitter | |13. |Adjust | |

|4. |Sensitive | |14. |Abstract | |

|5. |instruct | |15. |Martyr | |

|6. |Neighbor | |16. |React | |

|7. |Generous | |17. |Kind | |

|8. |Combine | |18. |Able | |

|9. |Achieve | |19. |Loyal | |

|10. |Partner | |20. |Relation | |

Activity 13.

Complete these sentences by using the abstract nouns you made in activity 12.

Example : The __________between I and my sister is so close.

The relation between I and my sister is so close.

1. We have to keep our ______________ clean and nice to see.

2. Thanks for your ____________. It is because of you I got this job.

3. The commander gives a clear __________ how to arrest the robber.

4. As a student, we have to increase our ____________ in acquiring the lessons.

5. Nuclear __________ can be used to generate electricity.

6. Art and music can develop student’s ____________. So they can create new kind of arts.

7. Because of Mr. John’s ____________ All of the poors can buy food for a month.

8. Barbara and Joe has a ____________ in the new bussiness. They share the gain and the loss equally.

B. Modelling of Text

Activity 13. Identifying the Structure of an Explanation

❑ Read the text below

❑ Pay attention to the structure of this text


| | |

|General Statement |These are three possible reasons why deserts remain dry. These are high mountain barrier, cold ocean |

| |currents and high pressure systems. |

|Sequence of Logical | |

|Reasons |Mountain Barriers |

| |When warm air passes over the ocean it picks up moisture in the form of water vapour. As this moist |

| |air travels over mountain ranges. When begins to rise, the air cools and this causes the water vapour|

| |to condense into droplets which fall as rain. When the air reaches the other side of the mountain |

| |barrier, it has lost all its moisture and so the other side of the mountain remains dry. |

| | |

| |Cold Ocean Currents |

|Sequence of Logical |Air passing over cold ocean currents is cooled and therefore is unable to pick up and hold much |

|Reasons |moisture. When this cold air mass reaches the warm desert, any moisture in the air is evaporated and |

| |so does not fall as rain and so the desert remains dry. |

| | |

| |High Pressure Systems |

| |In a high pressure system, the air is dry and is moving downwards. As this system moves over the land|

| |it draws in moisture from the land surface. Consequently the moisture does not fall as rain and so |

|Sequence of Logical |the desert remains dry. |

|Reasons | |

(Lampiran Kurikulum 2004: Depdiknas, 34)

Activity 14. Understanding the structure of the text.

Answer these questions.

1. What is the purpose of this text?


2. Mention the text organization of the text (the generic structure) ?


3. What kind of tense is mainly used in the text?


4. Why is the tense used in the text?


5. Are there any abstract words in the text? What are they?


6. Are there any passive construction in the text ? What are they?


Activity 15. Understanding the content of the text.

Answer the questions

1. How many factors make the desert remain dry


2. When does the other side of mountain have lost its moisture and remains dry ?


3. What happens if the cold air mass reaches the warm desert ?


4. What happens in a high pressure system ?


5. Find the words which has the same meaning with the word “boundary”


Activity 16.

Read the summary about “explanation text”

C. Joint Construction of text

Activity 17.

Work in group of three or four students. Observe this diagram. Then answer the question below.

What does the diagram tell about?



Activity 18.

After observing the diagram, write an explanation text about “ How the rain is formed”. Use the words below as clues.

D. Independent Construction of Text.

Activity 19.

❑ Now it is time for you to write your own explanation text.

❑ Re write the explanation text “How the rain is formed” above.

❑ Tell to your friends in front of the class.

Example :

Hello, good morning my teacher, and all my friends. This morning I would like to explain about How The rain is formed. In the rainy season, we always get wet of rain, don’t we? Yes. Do you know how rain is formed? …..good. Ok. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………






|Kelas /Semester : XII/1 |

|Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana |

|interaksional dan/atau monolog terutama berkenaan dengan wacana wacana berbentuk narrative, explanation, discussion, commentary dan |

|review. |

|Kompetensi Dasar |Indikator |Materi pokok |

|Menyimak |Merespon dengan benar tindak tutur di dalam wacana | |

|Memahami wacana transaksional dan |transaksional/ interpersonal berupa: | |

|interpersonal ringan atau monolog lisan |Expressing response for hope | |

|terutama berbentuk explanation |Merespon monolog lisan text explanation |I hope so |

| | | |

|Berbicara |Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan | |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dalam wacana |transaksional berupa: | |

|transaksional dan atau monolog lisan |Expressing response for hope | |

|terutama dalam wacana berbentuk explanation |Melakukan monolog lisan text explanation | |

| | | |

|Membaca | |I wish you luck |

|Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah – langkah |Merespon teks berbentuk explanation | |

|pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis |Mengidentifikasi pengorganisasian text explanation | |

|berbentuk explanation |Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat dalam text explanation| |

| |Passive voice | |

| |Connectives of time and cause |Making paper from woodchips |

| | |General statements, sequenced of |

|Menulis |Mendemonstrasikan ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu |explanation |

|Mengungkapkan nuansa makna dengan |menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejean |Closing |

|langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang |dan tata tulis yang berterima terutama jenis teks | |

|benar didalam teks tertulis berbentuk |berbentuk explanation |The woods are cut off |

|explanation | |Because, so that |

| | | |

| | |Editing checklist of the writing |


Making Paper from Woodchips

(Written Explanation)

A. Building Knowledge of Field

A.1. Brainstorming

Activity 1

Answer the following questions

1. What picture is it?


2. What is it used for?


3. What is it usually made of?


4. What is the paper made of?


5. Do you know how to make papers?


Activity 2.

In pairs, read this dialogue aloud.

Ais : What do you do?

Nia : I am folding these coloured paper into origami. These are our assignment at English Class.

Ais : Origami! Wow what a wonderful art. But the papers you use are still new.

Nia : Yes they are. What’s the problem?

Ais : I think it is better for you to use “ a used paper”. The new paper is too precious.

Nia : I don’t understan. What do you mean?

Ais : Paper making is a long complex process. So we must use paper effectively.

Nia : Tell me how to make a paper.

Ais : Okay. What is paper made of?

Nia : I think it is made from wood!

Ais : Good. You are correct. It is started with “wood chipping”.

Nia : What is Wood chipping?

Ais : Wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper product from forest trees.

Woodchipping is a process used to obtained pulp and paper products from forest trees.

The woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of forest

called a coupe.

Nia : And then?

Ais : Mmm, Next tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill.

Nia : What did the mill do to the trees.

Ais : At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken into a chipper which cut

them into small pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and

other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by

chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.

Nia : The next step?

Ais : Oh, I almost forgot The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed. And finally the

pulp is rolled out to make paper.

Nia : Wow, What a complicated process.

Ais : You are right. Considering the complexity of making paper, let’s appreciate any paper on our

hands. Use it more effectively.

Nia : Thanks for your explanation. I will make my origami from the used paper from now on.

Answer the following questions.

1. Who are they?


2. What is made by Nia?


3. What material is used by Nia to make Origami?


4. Why does Ais protest Nia?


5. How is Ais opinion about the use of paper?


6. Why does Ais have such kind of opinion?


7. Do you agree with Ais? Why?


A.2. Grammar Function

A.2.1. Passive Sentence

When Ais explain how to make paper, she used the following expressions:

1. The trees are cut down…

2. The logs are taken…

3. The woodchipped are then screened…

4. The pulp is then bleached..

5. The water contents is removed…

6. They are exported …

The sentences uses a “passive constriction” here are the patterns.


|Simple present | |

|I write a letter |The letter is written by me |

| |S + is/am/are + V3 |

|Simple Past Tense | |

|She read the book |The book was read by her |

| |S + was/were + V3 |

|Present Continuous | |

|He is playing card |The card is being played by him |

| |S + is/am/are/ being + V3 |

|Past Continues | |

|We were learning match when he come |Match was being learnt when he came |

| |S + was/were being + V3 |

|Present Future | |

|They will visit grandma |Grandma will be visited by them |

| |S + modal be +V3 |

| | |

|Future Continuous | |

|They will be washing cloths |Cloths will be being washed by us |

| |S + Will be + V3 |

|Present Perfect | |

|She has passed the exam |The exam has been passed by her |

| |S + has/have been + V3 |

|Present Perfect Continuous | |

|We have been listening to the radio |The radio has been listened by us |

| |S + has/have been being + V3 |

|Past Perfect | |

|she had done the test |The test had been done by her |

| |S + had been + V3 |

|Past future Continuous | |

|You had been studying English |English had been being studied by you |

| |S + had been being + V3 |

|Future Perfect | |

|I will have passed the exams |The exam will have been passed by me |

| |S + Will have been + V3 |

|Future Perfect Continuous | |

|She will have been doing the test |The test will have been being done by her |

| |S + Will have been being + V3 |

Activity 3.

Change the following sentences into passive form.

1. Two buffaloes pulled the farmer’s plough in the rice field .


2. Anissa had borrowed the novel to the library.


3. By this time tomorrow, the Mr. Ari will have finished his short story.


4. Ami didn’t phone Jim about the problem.


5. Robert Frost created many well-known poems .


6. Alia will invite Keanu to the party.


7. Dian is preparing the presentation for a meeting tomorrow.


8. The cook fried the lobster before he serves it to the customers.


A.2.2. Connectives of time and cause

This sentence is taken from the text.

The woodchipping process begins When the trees are cut down.

Study the following connectives

1. Conjunction of Time

|1. |When |When the trees have been cut, the chipper will do the next process. |

|2. |After |After I graduate from school, I will go to USA. |

|3. |Before |I had cleaned all my dress before I leave for Bandung |

|4. |while |Rina was cooking while her mother was gardening |

|5. |until |I worked over time until my boss called me to go home. |

2. Conjunction of Cause

|1. |Because |Because air has lost all its moisture, the other side of the mountain remains dry |

|2. |Because of |The other side of the mountain remains dry because of the loss of its moisture |

|3. |Due to |The other side of the mountain remains dry due to the loss of its moisture |

|4. |If |The other side of the mountain remains dry if it has lost all its moisture |

|5. |As |As the wind stop, the windmill can’t produce energy to generate electricity. |


1. When, while, after, before, while , until, as and if are followed by sentences.

2. Because of and due to are followed by noun phrase or gerund.

Activity 4.

Fill in the blank with suitable conjunction of cause and time.

1. I will pass you some book to you ………..I visit you again.

2. We wait…………the rain stopped.

3. She can’t walk now …….the fracture of her legs.

4. The baby will cry …….the mother is out of sight.

5. I posted the letter…… I had finished writing it.

6. …….He was walking home, he saw a little girl crying by the road.

7. Carol is jumping for joy ……she has won the first prize for the singing competition.

8. My father was gardening … mother was sewing here shirts.

9. The match stopped ……….the referee blew his whistle.

10. Always greet your teacher ………..she starts the lessons.

Speech Functions

A. Giving and responding to general wishes.

Activity 5

Learn these dialogue.

Fani : Indah, you look that you confuse today. What’s wrong with you?

Indah : Yes, I am so nervous. Today, I have to write an explanation text, the title is “Making paper from

Woodchips.I don’t master the materials well.

Fani : Oh, I see. But don’t worry. I am sure that you can do this well. Good fortune be with you

Indah : Very many thanks.

Fani : OK, Go! Don’t be late.

Indah : Good bye

Fani : Bye, see you.

Activity 6.

With your partners. Discuss the following questions.

1. What are they talking about?


2. Who are they?


3. Why does she wish good fortune for her friend ?


4. Could you mention the other expression of giving and responding wishes?


Activity 7.

Learn the following expressions

|Expression of General Wishes |Expression of respond to general wishes |

|I wish you luck |Thank you |

|Good luck |Thank you very much |

|Good fortune be with you |Thank . You too |

|I hope that everything goes OK with you |Very many thanks |

|Well, I hope that everything will be all right | |

Activity 8.

Fill in the blank with suitable expressions.

1. X: Rin, I will move to San Fransico tomorrow.

Y: So, it is our last meeting then.

X : I hope not.

Y: Ok _________________________________________

X: Thank you and the same to you.

2. X: I will have my final examination tomorrow.

Y: Have you prepared for it.

X : Of course. I have

Y : Well, ________________________________________

X: Thank you very much.

3. X : Wow, It’s a wonderful party, isn’t it?

Y : Yes, it ‘s right. By the way, I saw you go to custom office yesterday. Any business?

X : Yes, I made a visa. I got a scholarship from Monash University. I will leave next week

Y : Wow. What a good chance. _______________________

X : Thank you.

4. X: Dedi, IBM company called me for an interview.

Y: How is the result?

X: They accepted me to work there.

Y : Congratulation. May you be happy and successful in your new career.

X: _______________________________________________

5. X: Well, here goes…

Y; Where are you going?

X: I’m going to ask Mr. Wuryanto for a remedial test. I got 5 on the test yesterday

Y: I wish you luck.

X : ______________________________________________

B. Modelling of Text

Activity 9.

Read the text below and pay attention to the generic structure and the language features of the text.

|Title : |Making Paper from Woodchips |

|General statement | Woodchipping is a process used to obtained pulp and paper products from forest trees. The|

| |woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of forest called a coupe|

|Sequenced of explanation |Next tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. |

| |At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken into a chipper which cut them |

| |into small pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other |

| |impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals |

| |and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed. |

|Closing |Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper. |

(taken from: lampiran contoh text Kurikulum 2004, depdiknas, 2004)

Activity 10.

Answer these questions

1. What is the purpose of the text?


2. Mention the action verbs used in the text?


3. Are there any abstract words in the text? What are they?


4. Are there any time or cause connectives in the text? What are they?


5. How many sentences are there written in passive construction? Write them!


6. What is “Wood Chips”?


7. How many stages are there in making paper? What are they?


8. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed….. The word “they” refers to … .


C. Joint Construction of text

Activity 16.

Work in group of three or four students. Write an explanation text using the words given and give its generic structure.

| Words/Phrases |Hydroponics: Farming Without Soil |Generic Structure |

|Soil |Hydroponics is an unconventional ……..(1) technique. It | |

|Gravel |is the ………(2) of plants in water. The idea of | |

|Growing |hydroponics comes from the assumption that plants do | |

|Nutrient |not need ……..(3) as such. They need only the …….(4) and| |

|cultivation |moisture in the soil, and these can be supplied …….(5) | |

| |beds that contain water. | |

| |Hydroponics is not a new process. As long ago as 1960, | |

|Cucumbers |an English ……(6) tried growing plants in water in a | |

|Formulas |laboratory experiment. In 1800 some German researchers | |

|Average |used the method to develop many of the ……(7) for plants| |

|Physician |nutrient solution that are still in use today. About a | |

|Physiologist |generation ago, hydroponics moved out of the research | |

|Crops |laboratory into commercial use. In 1936 a California | |

|Leading |……..(8), W.F. Gerick, published guidelines for | |

|Green houses |hydroponics agriculture. | |

| |One of the …….(9) companies in the fields of | |

| |hydroponics is Hydroponics Incorporated of Glendale, | |

| |Arizona. It operates about 200 …….(10) on a 48 hectare | |

| |site. It produces more than 2,7 million kilograms of | |

| |fruits and vegetable each year mostly tomatoes, but | |

| |also ………(11), lettuce and melons. Crop yields are | |

| |excellent: for example, each mature tomato plant | |

| |produce an ……(12) of 12,1 kilos of fruits in a year of | |

| |two growing cycles. This compares with about 9 kilos | |

| |for two ……(13) of the average soil-grown plant. | |

|Weeds |Everything is carefully controlled in the greenhouse: | |

|excluded |the temperature, the humidity, and the air circulation.| |

| |Wind, hail, frost, drought, …….(14), and insects are | |

| |all …….(15). | |

D. Independent Construction of Text.

Activity 17.

❑ Now it is time for you to write your own explanation text.

❑ Choose one of the titles below

❑ Don’t forget to use the generic structure of an explanation text.

Titles :

❖ How telephone works?

❖ How telex works

❖ Why leaves fall in Autumn season

❖ …………………………………(your own title)

|Generic Structure | |

| |…………………………………… |

|A General Statement | |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

|Explanation | |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |…………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

|Closing (if any) | |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |………………………………………………………………………………….. |

|No. |Questions |Answer |

| | |Yes |No |

|1. |Text Organization | | |

| |a. Does the text have general statement | | |

| |b. Does the text have a sequenced explanation of why | | |

| |or how something occur | | |

| |c. How many reasons occur in the sequenced of | | |

| |explanation | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2. |Lexicogrammatical features | | |

| |a. Does the text focus on generic, non human | | |

| |participant | | |

| |b. Does the text use mainly material process or verbs of | | |

| |doing? | | |

| |c. Does the text use relational verbs | | |

| |d. Does the text use temporal and causal circumstances | | |

| |and conjunctions | | |

| |e. Does the text use passive voice in its sentence | | |

| | | | |

Uji Kompetensi 2

Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e

Text 1.

Why many Americans are fat

Scientists and doctors say that about 34 million Americans are too fat. Why is this ? one cause is the kind of food American eat. Many American like “Fast Food”. These foods (such as hamburgers and ice cream) often have fattening in them. Another cause is the way Americans eat. .They often eat little snacks between regular meals, these extra foods add extra fat on the body. A third cause is not enough exercise. American like driving everywhere, instead of walking They often have machines to do a lot of the work. Some Americans are also too heavy because of health problem. But for most of those 34 million Americans, the problem is the American lifestyle.

01. Shinta : What kind of text is it?

Anita : It is called …………..text.

a. Narrative c. report e. recount

b. explanation d. description

02. Shinta : How is the text organization of this text?

Anita : usually it consists of …..

a. Orientation, events, re-orientation.

b. Orientation, events, twist

c. Orientation, complication, resolution

d. Issue, argument for, argument against, conclusion.

e. General statement, sequenced of explanation

03. Shinta : What is the purpose of this text?

Anita : It is used to ……

a. explain the audience where something happen

b. explain the processes in the formation or workings of natural or social cultural phenomena

c. tell about funny stories

d. amuse or entertain the audience

e. tell about natural phenomena

04. Shinta : What kind of tense is mostly used in the text?

Anita : It uses ……..

a. simple present tense d. present continuous tense

b. simple past tense e. past continuous tense

c. simple future tense

05. Kenny : How many functions does nuclear energy have ?

Robert : I has …….functions

a. one c. three e.five

b. two d. four

06. Ani : What does the first paragraph tell us about ?

Uni : It discusses about …..

a. the effect of Americans are fat

b. the research about the Americans are fat

c. the reasons why Americans are fat

d. the impact why Americans are fat

e. the study why Americans are fat

07. Budi : Who stated that Americans are too fat?

Ani : … .

a. Many Americans c. scientist e. scientists and doctors

b. Some Americans d. doctors

08. Amin : How many reasons are stated in the text why American are too fat?

Asri : As I count there are … . reasons

a. 3 c. 5 e. 7

b. 4 d. 6

09. Andi : What is the biggest cause of why Americans are too fat?

Asri : I think it is … .

a. fast food c. lack of exercise e. Lifestyle

b. fattening d. health problem

10. These foods (such as hamburgers and ice cream) often have fattening in them. (prg 1. stc 4)

The underlined word refers to … .

a. doctors c. fattening e. Americans

b. scientist d. fast food

11. Ani : How does Rina go to school everyday?

Sania : Oh, She always … . her motor cycle.

a. Drive c. drives e. driving

b. to drive d. drove

12. Mr. Ali : What can I do for you, Madam?

Mrs. Mul : I want to buy a kilo of … .

a. those red big fresh Chinese Orange d. those fresh big red Chinese orange

b. those fresh red big Chinese orange e. fresh red big those Chinese orange

c. those Chinese fresh red big orange

13. Mr. Andi : The bridge that was damaged the flood last week needs new … .

Mr. Ali : I agree with you.

a. to construct c. constructing e. construction

b. constructed d. constructly

14. Mr. Ali : Which one is your car?

Mr. Agus : My car is … .

a. The antique small old green Volkswagen d. The green old small antique Volkswagen

b. The small old antique green Volkswagen e. The Volkswagen antique small old green

c. The old small antique green Volkswagen

15. Mrs. Wu : ___________________ how to use this computer?

Mrs. Nie : I am a little forget. Let me look the manual first.

a. Would you like me d. would you like to explain

b. Could you explaining me e. can you explained to me

c. Would you mind explain me

16. We used to play marble in our … .

a. Childness c. chilhood e. childment

b. Childnation d. chilly

17. Sania : When did you submit your homework?

Kelly : I submitted it …. Mr. Agus Wuryanto went to Australia

a. After c. until e. when

b. Before d. while

18. Akbar : All of my properties lost … . the flood

Beni : I am sorry to hear that

a. Because c. if e. as

b. because of d. due

19. Beni : Where is your car

Ari : It is in the garage. It …. Now

a. is repaired c. is repairing e. is repairly

b. is being repaired d. repaired

20. Wendy : When will you finish this picture?

Akbar : I promise the picture … . by the time you come here this afternoon

a. will finish c. will be finished e. will have been finished

b. will be finishing d. will have been finishing

21. Barney : When did you fried the chicken?

Barkley : … .

a. the chicken is fried last night d. the chicken were fried last night

b. the chicken was fried last night e. the chicken had been fried last night.

c. the chicken are fried last night

22. Mr. Zoe : I will go to Italy to follow the Pizza making contest.

Mr. Zula : Good fortune be with you.

From the dialogue we can conclude that the second speaker expresses his… .

a. opinion c. wish e. regret

b. pride d. complain

23. Amir : I’ll follow an English debate contest tomorrow.

Ali : Good luck.

Amir : … .

a. never mind c. very many thanks e. what a surpise

b. not at all d. I hope too

24. Beni : After chopping down the tree, please …. . all the branches and tops.

Ali : yes, Sir.

a. cut on c. cut out e. cut up

b. cut of d. cut from

25. Americans like driving everywhere, instead of walking. The closest synonym of the underlined word is…

a. nevertheless c. the best e. better than

b. because of d. unless



(2) My tribe had extinct because they died of hunger. They had no food because your troops killed all the Bison.

(1) Could you please tell me why your tribe had extinct ?



To ask information you can use these expression

1. Could you tell me why ……….

2. Excuse me, could you explain ………

3. I wonder if you could tell me ………..

4. I hope you don’t mind my asking, but ……?

5. Excuse me, do you know how ….?

6. Can you tell me how……..?






Explanation Text

A. Definition

Explanation text tells how and why things occur in scientific and technical fields.

B. Social Function

To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural


C. Text organization

✓ A general statement to position the reader

✓ A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs

✓ Closing

D. Language Features

✓ Focus on generic, non-human participants

✓ Use mainly:

a. General and abstract nouns

b. Action verbs

c. Simple present tense

d. Passive voice

e. Conjunction of time and cause

f. Noun phrase

g. Adverbial phrase

h. Technical language


Sun River






Clouds rivers sea/ocean sun wind air

Rise drop go up warm shine carry

How the rain is formed

Rain is drop of water falling from the clouds in the sky. It is a natural phenomena that happens every year. The rain is formed through several steps of process including rivers, seas, sun and cloud.















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