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Name: ____________________________________ Period: _____ Chapter 18 ReadingUrban Location Theory & InteractionPages 301 – 312 All material in this chapter is fair game for quiz questions, which includes vocabulary. This means that you need to READ the whole chapter and not just answer the questions.Urban Location Theory & InteractionWhat is ecumene?What is urban?What is suburbs?What is rural?Factors Driving Urbanization & SuburbanizationWhat is settlement?When did the first settlements appear?What are the THREE factors that allowed urban settlements to finally appear?123What THREE changes allowed for a surplus of food?123Who controlled products in these early settlements?Who were the first members of the service sector?UrbanizationWhat is urbanization?What is percent urban?How many people live in cities today?SuburbanizationWhat is suburbanization?How are suburbs connected to cities?What are population densities like in suburbs?How do they lack diversity?Causes of SuburbanizationWhen did suburbanization start in North America?What are the FOUR major causes of suburbanization?1234What did the Federal Housing Administration offer?Why did African Americans move to the North?What is “White Flight”?What TWO things lead to urban decline?12What TWO things left cities?12Shifting TrendsWhat has happened to rural populations in the United States?Where does half of the US population live?In what THREE ways has suburbanization changes rural areas?123What is reurbanization?What is exurbanization?What is a satellite city?Influence of Site & Situation on CitiesWhat is a city-state?Early City-StatesDid city-states belong to empires?What were rulers called in city-states?What are urban hearths?What are the FOUR urban hearths?1234What other TWO places did urban centers emerge?12What did city-states eventually coalesce into?What city-state is located inside Italy?What are TWO other modern day city-states?12Centers for ServicesWhat did people develop besides agriculture in cities?Defining CitiesWhat are cities?Legal Definition of a CityWhat is the legal definition of a city?What THREE ways is this legal definition legal?123Metropolitan AreasWhat is a metropolitan area?What cities are included in the metropolitan area of Denver, Colorado?1234What is a MSA?What does a MSA consist of?What is a micropolitan statistical area?What is a nodal region?What FOUR ways can an urban areas morphology be considered?1234Population CharacteristicsWhat is social heterogeneity?What FOUR major characteristics are more present in cities than rural areas?Why are cities so diverse?TransportationWhat is space-time compression?Borchert’s ModelWho developed the Borchert’s Model?What is the Borchert’s Model?What are the FOUR epochs in urban history?1234What THREE means of transportation technology have cities gained since 1970?123InfrastructureWhat is a pedestrian city?What did streetcar systems encourage?What is a streetcar suburb?What new vehicle allowed for the increased growth of cities?Distribution & Interaction of CitiesWhat is an urban system?Gravity ModelWhat is the gravity model?What can this model predict?What do Orlando, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada attract?What other THREE cities attract more visitors beyond the predictions of the gravity model?123Rank-Size RuleWhat is the rank-size rule?Geographers believe the rank-size rule is characteristic of what region?As a rule, geographers consider rank-size an indicator of what?What FOUR countries are considered to follow the rank-size rule?1234Primate Cities What is a primate city?What THREE hubs do primate cities offer?1234What MDC is considered to follow the primate city model?What Developing Country is considered to follow the primate city model?Central Place TheoryWho developed the central place theory?What is central place theory?What is central place?The Shape of Market AreasWhat is a market area?What is hexagonal hinterlands?Threshold & RangeWhat is threshold?What are TWO examples of services that have very low thresholds?12What FOUR services have higher thresholds?1234What FOUR services have the highest thresholds?1234What is range?MegacitiesWhat is a megacity?Urbanization in the Developing WorldWhat THREE megacities are located in Africa?123What FIVE megacities are located in South Asia?12345What FIVE megacities are located in South America?12345World CitiesWhat is a world city?Megalopolis What is a megalopolis?What is the conurbation? ................

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