Chip’s Jello Shot Favorites - OneKid

My favorites are:

• Pina Colada Jell-o #2

• Melonhol (Melonholic, Meloncoholic) Jell-o

• Strawberry-banana Daiquiri Jell-o

• Dugan's Melon Ball Jell-o Recipe V1.0

• Scary Yellow Pina Colada Jell-o #1

The BEST Jello to use is "Sugar-Free." This makes it a lot easier on the stomachs!

Trust me... Donna and I were sick from sugar-loaded Jello shots one year for 23 hours! We literally were sick to our stomachs in bed for 23 hours! Of course there was 575 Jello shots to be had between 20 people!

For more on Jell-O shots, check out the "authority" on Jello shots: "Baden's Margarita Jell-O" site:

General Instructions:

The basics for alcoholic Jell-O Shots. The principle is to substitute liquor for an equivalent volume of part of the water. The trick is not to overdo it.

I recommend making this substitution for 1/8 to 1/4 of the liquid volume. For a large box of Jell-O (4 cups liquid) that means substituting between 1/2 cup and 1 cup of water with liquor. I use 1/2 cup for 40-proof booze, 1/4 cup for 80-proof.

So, a “Batch” of Jello Shots is then

• 1 Large box of Jell-O

• 2 cups boiling water

• 1-1/2 cups cold water

• 1/2 cup liquor, up to 80-100 proof

Some Recipes


• Pineapple Jell-O, large box (4 cup size)

• 2 cup boiling water

• 1 cup cold water

• ½ cup Light Rum

• ½ cup Coco Lopez or Coco Casa cream of coconut

Mix up the jello, dissolving the powder with the boiling water and stirring until dissolved. Add the rest of the liquids (cold water etc.) and stir, chill until firm, serve. Optional: cool to room temperature and pour into individual serving cups.

Loved the Pina Colada Jell-O. Followed your instructions to the letter for the large package of Pineapple Jell-O (with your additions). The color was a pale yellow, with sort of a "frosted yellow surface". The taste was a little sweeter than the drink but it was definitely a Pina Colada. Disappeared rather quickly. (Was gone by morning) :) Enjoyed to the max. Thanks again.

June 1994, Pat Lawrence,

Tried the pina colada shooters out for a party this weekend, and they were a hit!!! Also made berry colada shooters by substituting Triple Berry Jell-O (strawberry, raspberry and blueberry mixed) jello for pineapple. They were equally well received. ... With the berry colada I just replaced the pineapple jello with the mixed berry jello all other proportions the same. I got the recipe off the line from you (THANKS) and gave you credit all night long for coming up with the recipe. I guess you can say it was beta tested by about 30 people who all approved both versions.

If I remember correctly (the recipe is at home) I used ¼ cup light rum, ¼ cup Coco Lopez, ½ cup cold water, 1 cup boiling water, and small jello mix. I could only find sugar free jello in pineapple but no one noticed it was sugar free.


• Watermelon Jell-O, 2 cup size.

• 1 cup boiling water

• ½ cup cold water

• ½ cup Melon Liqueur (approx 42 proof, use Midori brand). Melon liqueur = ¼ of volume.

I have tried this with Midori liqueur, and regular Watermelon Jell-O. I have also tried this with Gaetano brand Melon Liqueur, and sugar-free Watermelon Jell-O. The former was a pleasing amber color with a good flavor; the latter was kind of brown and I didn't like it as much. I suspect the choice of booze had the greatest impact on the results. April 1994


• Large box of Strawberry-Banana Jell-O

• 2 cups boiling water

• 1 cup cold water

• ¼ cup lime juice • ¼ cup Triple Sec

• ½ cup Light Rum

Mix the usual way. These are tasty... the ¾ cup of liquor gives it a little more kick. Good and tasty. I've been making them in 2-oz. plastic "salsa cups."


• Orange Jell-O gelatine mix, 1 large box (4 cup size) or two small boxes (2 cup/400-500 ml size)

• 3 ½ cups (700-750 ml) water

• ¼ cup (50-60 ml) Vodka

• ¼ cup (50-60 ml) Midori melon liqueur

Boil the water. (If using american jell-o, you can get away with only boiling half of it and adding the rest of the water later.) Put the dry powder (or block) into a large bowl and pour the boiling water over it; stir until dissolved, about 2 minutes. Add the liquor (and the rest of the water, if you didn't boil all of it). Stir it all up, and let it cool to room temperature; then chill until firm. May 1994, for Terrie Dugan,


• Pineapple Jell-O, large box (4 cup size)

• 2 cup boiling water

• 1 1/3 cup cold water

• 2/3 cup Coconut-flavored Rum (such as Malibu or Coco-Rhum)

• Or: 2 cup boiling, 1 cup cold, 1 cup coconut rum for stronger "shots")

Mix up the jello, dissolving the powder with the boiling water and stirring until dissolved. Add the rest of the liquids (cold water etc.) and stir, chill until firm, serve. Optional: cool to room temperature and pour into individual serving cups.

I tried your first draft of the Pina Colada jello (Malibu coconut rum), but I used 1 cup boiling water, ½ cup cold water, and ½ cup of the flavored rum (the Jell-O seemed so strongly pineapple that I thought it would need more coconut, not to mention the benefit of the added alcohol).

The result tasted excellent, but the color was a scary bright yellow, not the smooth white one would normally hope for in a well-made Pina Colada. Too bad the Jell-O people feel the need to color their product so brightly.

Did you ever notice that the commercially-available Colada mixes have non-dairy creamer in them? Perhaps a little Mocha Mix or something in the jello would help to make it more opaque and white. Or if you want "natural" ingredients, maybe flour, cornstarch, or non-fat instant milk... but the non-dairy creamers have been deliberately formulated to add whiteness, so they might be the most effective in the smallest quantities. -hazel] ...

I think the flavor might be even better with the Coco Lopez and good rum, rather than the Malibu. How far do you think people are willing to go with this: unflavored (colorless) gelatin, pineapple juice (or pureed pineapple), Coco Lopez, rum, etc? People in my office have already suggested, "if you're going to all that work, why not just make the drink?" I don't think they get the point.

BTW, you might want to warn people that the taste of the alcoholic jellos is deceiving. There can be lots of drink in a tray of jello, but you don't really taste it going down. Once the jello melts in your gut, though, massive (and potentially hazardous) quantities of Tequila, Rum, etc. can be released. The same office mate says he read of some college kids dying from eating jello made with pure grain alcohol INSTEAD of water. Yikes. June 1994, Adam Kenner,


• Large Box (or two smalls) Lime Jell-O

• 2 cups boiling water

• 1+1/4 cup cold water

• ¼ cup Triple Sec

• ¼ cup Dark Rum

• ¼ cup Light Rum

Mix the usual way. These are tasty... the ¾ cup of liquor gives it a little more kick. Good and tasty. I've been making them in 2-oz. plastic "salsa cups." See also Strawberry-Banana Daiquiri Jell-O. August 1994


• Pineapple Jell-O, Small box (2 cup size)

• 1 cup boiling water

• ½ cup cold water

• ¼ cup cream de cassis, or Chambord

• ¼ cup Midori melon liqueur

Prepare the usual way - dissolve the jello powder in the boiling water, completely, then add the cold liquids, decant into 3-oz. Bathroom-size Dixie Cups and chill until firm. June 1994, for Carol "Fizz",


• Mixed Fruit Jell-O or "Tropical Punch" jell-o, small box.

• 1 cup boiling,

• ¾ cup cold,

• ¼ cup dark rum (approx 80 proof). Rum = 1/8 of volume.


• Orange-Pineapple Jell-O, 1 large box (4 cup size) or 2 small boxes (2 cup size)

• 3.5 cups water (half or more of it boiling)

• ½ cup dark rum

Bought some various jello flavors last night but didn't make it to the liqour store, so I had to just try something with what I had in the cabinet. I used to drink pineapple juice or pineapple-orange juice with dark rum in it, so I had rum and pineapple-orange flavor jello so I tried it out. Very tasty, might I say so myself? I used ½ cup rum substituted for water for a large box of jello as one of your posts suggested. May 1994, Wendy,


• Orange-Pineapple Jell-O, one large (4 cups) or 2 small boxes (2 c./400-500 ml.)

• Scant 3 ½ cups water (half of it boiling)

• 1 oz. White Rum • 1 oz. Spiced Rum

• 1 oz. Banana Liqueur

• 1 oz. Blackberry Brandy or Raspberry Brandy • Grenadine

Boil the water, pour into jello powder (in large bowl) and stir until dissolved. Mix in the rest of the water and the liquors. Drizzle in some grenadine for color and chill until firm.


• Use 1 large box (4 cup size) or 2 small boxes of Strawberry Jell-O or Jelly powder.

• 2 cups boiling water

• 1 ½ cups cold water

• 1/3 cup Light Rum

• 1/6 cup raspberry liqueur (You can put the cold water and rum into a 2-cup measure, and top it off with the liqueur, if you don't have a 1/6-cup measure) May 1994, for KK Heppelman


• 1 large package of Lime Jell-O [4 cup size]

• 2 cups boiling water

• 1 cup cold water

• 1 cup Tropical Schnapps (by DeKuyper) sort of a pine-orange-banana-mango taste

Dissolve the jello in the boiling water. Add the cold water or substitute an equivalent amount of ice and water to cool the mixture off. Once cooled, add in the schnapps. Pour into Dixie Cups (3 oz.) and refrigerate until set. Recipe makes about [sixteen] 3 oz. Dixie Cups.

NOTE: These taste wonderful; they were by far a crowd favorite! It sort of reminded me of making jello with part of the water substituted for by pineapple juice. Very tropical taste to it!

Please send any feedback my way...would love to hear it! And I'm gonna try those Pina Colada shots as soon as I can. BTW, those were a great idea!!! Happy creating (and sampling)!!! June 1994, Wendy Dustman,


• Two-Layer Dessert Cups

• Use a lined cupcake pan

• Salsa Cups: An attractive small single serving idea

• Dixie Cups: Perfect for alcoholic Jell-O

• Shot Glasses for frat-style Jell-O Shots

• Ice Cube Trays for Jell-O Shots

• Serving idea: jello in eggshells

• Speed-Set Method

• Blender Method

• Good Cook Tips. Boil that water, dissolve that mix; To double a recipe; Cover it for freshness; Adding fruits and vegetables.

• Flavor Ideas: Quick Tricks

• How to make layered effects

• Know-How for Molding

• ... And Unmolding


I recently tried using 2-oz. plastic salsa cups (those little wide shallow ones you get condiments in) for making my individual servings. They have some advantages and disadvantages over Dixie Cups (below). First of all, being clear or nearly so, the color is clearly visible from the side; and with the wide mouth, it's also quite visible from the top. But hand-in-hand with this comes the fact that you can't get as many on a plate - I can fit 15 in a 9x13 pan, while the Dixie Cups will squeeze as many as 24 in the same pan. You need to come up with a way to layer them for transport.

Another advantage is that you can get your spoon in a lot easier. In fact, you might be able to come away with the entire serving, or almost all of it, balanced on your spoon. This is paired with the fact that they don't look much like "drinks." This could be a plus if you're trying to camouflage them; a minus if you're trying to emphasize the bar-drinks aspect.

Finally, a 2 oz. cup holds less than a 3 oz. cup. I've found that a large batch makes about 19 of these.


Buy Dixie Cups, the 3 oz. Bathroom size. Give the jello liquid a chance to cool to room temperature, then fill the cups most of the way up. (You'll get about 2-2.5 oz. in them, or in other words 6-8 dixiecups per small batch.) You can put them all in a cake pan, like an 9x9x2 or 9x13x2 pan. Let them set that way, and you've got individual servings. The advantage is twofold; not only are they individually dished out, but you can eat the jellos without a spoon if you wish (just squish the cup).


You suggested serving jello shots in 3 oz dixie cups. If you look in a bar supply store or a large liquor store, you will find bags of 1oz plastic shot glasses (more like medicine dose cups) with fill-lines on the side. You can turn out more "shots" per batch of jello this way.


For extra flavor, replace part or all of the water called for in directions with fruit juice, syrup from canned fruit, or carbonated soft drinks.

Or add an extract - vanilla, almond or peppermint, for example. Just a few drops.

Miscellaneous Fruit/flavor combos...

• Berry Blue + Raspberry Jell-O; Raspberry Schnapps + Cherry Brandy. dark & murky (Beri-Beri)

• Raspberry Jell-O; Raspberry Schnapps

• Cherry; Cherry Brandy.

• Orange; Grand Marnier (=orange cognac/brandy)

• Orange; Brandy (we used E&J)

• Cherry; Brandy (we used E&J)

• Watermelon Jell-O; Midori melon liqueur (Melonhol)

• Tropical Fruit; Mohala Mango Liqueur

• Lime; Tequila + Triple Sec (@Margarita Jell-O)

• Peach; Rebel Yell Bourbon

• lemonade w/ Knox Unflavored Gelatine; Kentucky Whisky (see Kelly's Whisky Jell-O)

• Watermelon Jell-O; Mohala Mango Liqueur (by mistake, but it turned out okay)

• Tropical Fruit; dark rum (Whaler's Hawaiian) (see Mai Tai Jell-O)

• Strawberry Jell-O; Light Rum & Strawberry Liqueur

(see Heppelman's Strawberry Daiquiri Jell-O #1)

• Orange; Peach Schnapps (Fuzzy Navel)


• Apricot Jell-O: Jack's A.A. Jell-O (Apricot Amaretto). See also Peach Jell-O.

• Banana-Strawberry: See Strawberry-Banana Jell-O

• Berry Blue Jell-O: Miscellaneous combinations; Beri-Beri Jell-O; Jell-O Ocean, Jell-O Aquarium

• Blackberry Jell-O: Beri-Beri Jell-O.

• Black Cherry Jell-O: (no recipes on file) See also Cherry Jell-O.

• Cherry Jell-O: Basic Tiddly Jell-O; Miscellaneous combinations; Shirley Temple Jell-O.

• Dry Unflavored Gelatine, see Unflavored Gelatine

• Gelatine, Unflavored: See Unflavored Gelatine

• Grape Jell-O: (no recipes on file)

• Knox Unflavored Gelatine, see Unflavored Gelatine

• Lemon Jell-O: Elaine's Apricot Sour Jell-O; Quick and Easy Whisky Sour Jell-O #2; Yellow Lime Jell-O.

• Lemon-Lime Royal: (no recipes on file) See also Lemon Jell-O; Lime Jell-O.

• Lime Jell-O: How I got started; Miscellaneous combinations; Daiquiri Jell-O; Gargle Blaster Jell-O; @Margarita Jell-O;

Margarita Knox Blox; Wendy Dustman's Strawberry Banana Margarita Jell-O Shots; Wendy Dustman's Tropical Jell-O Shots; See also

Yellow Lime Jell-O.

• Mango Jell-O: (no recipes on file)

• Mixed Fruit Jell-O: Mai Tai Jell-O. See also Tropical Punch Jell-O.

• Orange Jell-O: Basic Tiddly Jell-O; How I got started; Miscellaneous combinations; Fuzzy Navel Jell-O; Dugan's Melon Ball

Jell-O; Tillman's Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots; Israel Quick Jelly

• Orange-Pineapple Jell-O: Pineapple-Orange Rum Jell-O; Lori's Rum Runner Jell-O. See also Pineapple Jell-O.

• Peach Jell-O: Basic Tiddly Jell-O instructions; Miscellaneous combinations; Fuzzy Niven Jell-O. See also Apricot Jell-O.

• Pineapple Jell-O: Sandy's Bahama Mama Jell-O; Scary Yellow Pina Colada Jell-O #1; Pina Colada Jell-O #2; Carol's Sex on the Beach Jell-O. See also Orange-Pineapple.

• Pineapple-Orange: See Orange-Pineapple.

• Raspberry Jell-O: Basic Tiddly Jell-O; How I got started; Miscellaneous combinations; Beri-Beri Jell-O;

• Strawberry Jell-O: Miscellaneous combinations; Brosby's Beer Jell-O; Heppelman's Strawberry Daiquiri Jell-O #1; Strawberry

Margarita Jell-O #1; Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shots #2; Lynn's Virgin Strawberry Margarita Jell-O; See also Strawberry-Banana

Jell-O; Wild Strawberry Jell-O.

• Strawberry-Banana Jell-O: Strawberry-Banana Daiquiri Jell-O; Wendy Dustman's Strawberry Banana Margarita Jell-O Shots

• Triple Berry Jell-O (Sugar Free): Beri-Beri Jell-O; Berry Colada Jell-O

• Tropical Fruit/Punch Jell-O: Miscellaneous combinations; Mai Tai Jell-O

• Unflavored Gelatine: Notes on frat-style "Jell-O Shots"; Miscellaneous combinations; Berg's Margarita Knox Blox; Kelly's

Whisky Jell-O #1; Fruit Juice Gelatine (Knox); Natural Fruit Juice Knox Blox; Knox Blox With Flavored Gelatine Dessert; What is Knox

Unflavored Gelatine?

• Watermelon Jell-O: Basic Tiddly Jell-O; Miscellaneous combinations; Melonhol (Melonholic, Meloncoholic) Jell-O

• Wild Strawberry Jell-O: Wilcox's Strawberry Daiquiri Jell-O #2. See also Strawberry Jell-O; Strawberry-Banana Jell-O.

• 1800: See Tequila.

• Amaretto: Jack's A.A. Jell-O (Apricot Amaretto)

• Apricot Brandy: Elaine's Apricot Sour Jell-O

• Bacardi 151: see Rum, 151 Proof

• Bacardi Rum: see Rum, Light

• Banana Liqueur: Lori's Rum Runner Jell-O

• Beer: see Malt Liquor

• Blackberry Brandy: Beri-Beri Jell-O; Lori's Rum Runner Jell-O

• Blue Curacao: See Curacao, Blue.

• Bourbon: see Whisky

• Brandy: Basic Tiddly Jell-O; Miscellaneous combinations. see also Apricot Brandy; Blackberry Brandy; Cherry Brandy; Grand Marnier.

• Chambord (Cream de Cassis): Carol's Sex on the Beach Jell-O

• Chartreuse, Green: Gargle Blaster Jell-O

• Cherry Brandy: Miscellaneous combinations; Beri-Beri Jell-O

• Coconut Rum: Sandy's Bahama Mama Jell-O; Scary Yellow Pina Colada Jell-O #1.

• Coco-Rhum: See Coconut Rum.

• Cointreau: Berg's Margarita Knox Blox. See also Curacao; Grand Marnier; Triple Sec.

• Cream de Cassis: See Chambord.

• Cuervo: see Tequila

• Curucao, Blue: Gargle Blaster Jell-O. See also Cointreau; Grand Marnier; Triple Sec.

• Early Times: see Whisky

• Dark Rum: see Rum, Dark

• Everclear: Additional notes and proportion info; How I got started

• Grand Marnier: How I got started; Miscellaneous combinations; Notes from people

• Green Chartreuse: See Chartreuse, Green

• Irish Whisky: see Whisky, Irish.

• Jack Daniels: see Whisky

• Kahlua (Coffee Liqueur): Sandy's Bahama Mama Jell-O

• Kentucky Whisky: see Whisky

• Light Rum: see Rum, Light

• Lime Lizzard Schnapps: Wendy Dustman's Strawberry Banana Margarita Jell-O Shots; Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shots #2

• Malibu: see Rum, Coconut

• Malt Liquor: Brosby's Beer Jell-O

• Mango Liqueur: see Mohala Mango Liqueur

• Melon Liqueur: see Midori Melon Liqueur

• Midori Melon Liqueur: Basic Tiddly Jell-O; Miscellaneous combinations; Dugan's Melon Ball Jell-O; Melonhol (Melonholic,

Meloncoholic) Jell-O; Carol's Sex on the Beach Jell-O.

• Mohala Mango Liqueur Miscellaneous combinations

• Orange Brandy: see Grand Marnier

• Orange Liqueur: How I got started; Strawberry Margarita Jell-O #1. see Cointreau; Curacao; Grand Marnier; Triple Sec.

• Peach Schnapps: Miscellaneous combinations; Fuzzy Navel Jell-O; Israeli Quick Jelly

• Raspberry Schnapps: Basic Tiddly Jell-O; How I got started; Miscellaneous combinations; Beri-Beri Jell-O; Lori's Rum Runner

Jell-O; Heppelman's Strawberry Daiquiri Jell-O #1

• Rebel Yell: see Whisky

• Rum, 151 Proof: Sandy's Bahama Mama Jell-O

• Rum, Coconut: See Coconut Rum.

• Rum, Dark: Miscellaneous combinations; Sandy's Bahama Mama Jell-O; Daiquiri Jell-O; Mai Tai Jell-O; Dustman's Pineapple-Orange Rum


• Rum, Light: Miscellaneous combinations; Sandy's Bahama Mama Jell-O; Daiquiri Jell-O; Pina Colada Jell-O #2; Lori's Rum Runner

Jell-O; Strawberry-Banana Daiquiri Jell-O; Heppelman's Strawberry Daiquiri Jell-O #1; Wilcox's Strawberry Daiquiri Jell-O #2

• Rum, Spiced: Lori's Rum Runner Jell-O

• Schnapps: see Peach Schnapps; Raspberry Schnapps; Strawberry Schnapps.

• Spiced Rum: See Rum, Spiced.

• Strawberry Schnapps: Miscellaneous combinations; Beri-Beri Jell-O.

• Tequila: How I got started; Miscellaneous combinations; @Margarita Jell-O; Notes from people Margarita Knox Blox; Wendy Dustman's

Strawberry Banana Margarita Jell-O Shots; Strawberry Margarita Jell-O #1; Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shots #2.

• Triple Sec: How I got started; Miscellaneous combinations; Daiquiri Jell-O; @Margarita Jell-O; Margarita Knox Blox;

Strawberry-Banana Daiquiri Jell-O; Wendy Dustman's Strawberry Banana Margarita Jell-O Shots; Wilcox's Strawberry Daiquiri Jell-O

#2; Strawberry Margarita Jell-O #1; Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shots #2. Tillman's Tequila Sunrise Jell-O See also Cointreau;

Curacao; Grand Marnier.

• Tropical Schnapps, DeKuyper: Wendy Dustman's Tropical Jell-O Shots

• Vodka: How I got started; Dugan's Melon Ball Jell-O

• Whisky (Early Times, Jack Daniels, Rebel Yell): Basic Tiddly Jell-O Instructions; Miscellaneous combinations; Fuzzy Niven

Jell-O; Kelly's Whisky Jell-O #1; Quick and Easy Whisky Sour Jell-O #2

• Whisky, Irish: Fuzzy Niven Jell-O. see also Whisky

• White Rum: see Rum, Light

• Zima: You've got to be kidding. It's good at killing flies, though, if you leave it in a glass on your coffee table...

• Coconut Cream (Coco Casa, Coco Lopez): Pina Colada Jell-O #2

• Cream of Coconut: see Coconut Cream

• Endive, Purple: Jell-O Aquarium

• Grenadine: Lori's Rum Runner Jell-O; Tillman's Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots. Jell-O Ocean

• Gummi Fish, Gummi Worms, Gummi Diver: Jell-O Ocean; Jell-O Aquarium

• Jelly Beans/Jelly Bellys: Jell-O Aquarium

• Lemonade: Miscellaneous combinations; Kelly's Whisky Jell-O #1; What is Knox Unflavored Gelatine?

• Lemon-Lime Soda: Shirley Temple Jell-O

• Lime Juice, fresh: How I got started; Strawberry-Banana Daiquiri Jell-O; Wendy Dustman's Strawberry Banana Margarita Jell-O Shots;

Wilcox's Strawberry Daiquiri Jell-O #2; Strawberry Margarita Jell-O #1; Yellow Lime Jell-O; Lynn's Virgin Strawberry Margarita Jell-O.

• Red Hots (Cinnamon Candy): Jell-O Aquarium

• Lime Juice, Rose's: Berg's Margarita Knox Blox.

• Mountain Dew Soda: Gargle Blaster Jell-O

• Pink Lemonade: See Lemonade.

• Rose's Lime Juice: see Lime Juice, Rose's.

• Salt: Notes from people

• Seven-Up: See Lemon-Lime Soda.

• Vanilla extract: Flavor Ideas


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