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A ‘Learning From Home’ Guide – Year 3, Week 1 – Everything linked is FREE.9 - 9:30Active learning9:30 – 10:30MathsPLAYTIME&SNACK11 – 12Literacy / phonicsLUNCHSharing stories1 – 1:30Topic & activitiesChoose one for the week1:30 – 2:30Anytime activitiesBBC Super MoversLINKChoose a subject and get moving!Please check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s MATHS focus.Please check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s LITERACY focus.Read your school reading bookLook at the ideas that your teacher has sent you and choose one. The task could take more than one session.ScienceHistoryGeographyArtDesign TechnologyComputingMusicFrenchHYPERLINK ""Purple Mash HYPERLINK "" TopmarksWorld of David WalliamsMaths gamesTTRSScratchSudokoJust DanceLINKPlease check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s MATHS focus.Please check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s LITERACY focus.Read a book on Get E Pic. You can sign up for a month for free. with Joe Wicks – LIVE at 9am on Youtube LINKPlease check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s MATHS focus.Please check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s LITERACY focus.Listen to a free audible bookLINKKids YogaLinkSomething for a calmer start.Please check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s MATHS focus.Please check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s LITERACY focus.Read a book on Get E Pic. You can sign up for a month for free.’s Friday! Choose your favourite PE from this week.Please check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s MATHS focus.Please check your weekly email from Mrs Trainer and Mrs Burns to find out this week’s LITERACY focus.Read one of your own books from homeNote to parents & carers:This is a rough guide, only if you feel it is something you would benefit from using. This replicates a similar timetable to school; however, these circumstances are very different to being at school. If this does not work for your child, then do not use it. It is simply here if anyone feels they can benefit from it or use it as inspiration for your own ‘timetable’ should you need or want one.Planning for Literacy and Maths would usually cover one week, occasionally through two. If you choose to do some maths work, I would recommend doing one thing in lots of different ways for the learning to have the most impact. For example, if the focus was addition and subtraction – 1. count pictures, cross out pictures. 2. Use cubes or objects to add and subtract. 3. Use a number line to jump forwards and backwards. 4. Have a go at a challenge to try and prove how they know the answer is correct. 5. Look at number sentences and workout the answers. TWINKL is free to use using UKTWINKLHELPS code. This is a brilliant resource and worth signing up for free as soon as possible. There are over 600,000 resources. Type in Year 3 in the search bar to start. : Download the app called Sir Linkalot and use the free code in the link in the timetable. Children can select their age and words and play through fun spelling games.Our topic for next term would have been ‘Volcanoes’.Start by researching ‘The Structure of the Earth. To find appropriate material, include the words ‘Year 3’, ‘KS2’ or ‘kids’ in your search. The Ducksters website has some great information with a quiz, word search and crossword puzzle to complete at the bottom of the page. There is also a further link at the bottom of the page on ‘Plate Tectonics’, for those of you who want to learn more. Twinkl has a power point you will find if you search ‘The structure of the Earth power point,’ on their site, using the free code. Watch the following video: The structure of the Earth. There are lots of other videos available but this one involves pizza, yum!Geography: What are the different layers of the Earth called? Draw and colour a diagram to show the four layers of the earth. Can you write a description for each layer? Can you find out what each layer is made of? How thick is each layer? History: Read the story, ‘Escape form Pompeii’ by Christina Balit. If you search for the book title, you will find a PDF copy of the text at Word . Alternatively, you can listen to the story on YouTube. What can you find out about the city of Pompeii? In which country would you find it? What happened to Pompeii? What was the city like before the disaster? What is the city like now? Create a fact sheet, a leaflet or a small book about Pompeii. Make it interesting and attractive. You could include drawings, photographs, different colours, different fonts and different shape text boxes. You don’t need to do this on a computer. Design Technology: The video on ‘The Structure of the Earth’ mentioned Pizza. Could you and your family make a pizza? You could buy a base from the shop and add toppings or you could make everything from scratch. You can buy the pizza base mix that you just add water to.You could make the Earth out of modelling clay to show the different layers (see below). You could create a 3D cross section of the Earth using paper (also shown). Get creative, there are some fabulous ideas on Pintrest. Please show us what you make, we love to see your pictures. Art: Pompeii was a Roman city. Rich Romans often had beautiful mosaic floors in their houses. Find some pictures of Roman mosaics. How were they made? Create your own mosaic. For some great ideas search, ‘Roman Mosaic art for kids.’ Perhaps you could create a volcano? Don’t worry if you do not have lots of different coloured paper or that all the squares need to be the same size. You could cut up magazine pictures or you could colour in some plain paper before cutting it into squares.ICT: Learning to code can be lots of fun. The children will be familiar with The Hour of Code website as we were using the Dance Party coding game in our last ICT lesson. Have a go at any of the games available. As it is an American site, it states grades, so use grades 2-5. See if you can create a different dance party. Music:Listen to the following songs on the Layers of the Earth: your favourite song and learn it. You could put on a performance for your family. What about making a video of your performance?Science: Visit BBC Bitesize and learn about what a rock is. Twinkl have a power point explaining what a rock is just search ‘Types of Rocks Year 3.’ Can you name and describe the three different types of rocks. Can you tell the difference between natural and human-made rocks. There is a sorting activity you could try, you could print the sheets out or draw a table and write the names of the rocks under the headings natural and human made. ................

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