
right-61341000Over the next term you need to complete At least 1 task a week from the Creative Curriculum OR Numeracy/Maths Curriculum Grid. On occasions we will send a worksheet home for completion. 1 task from the Reading Curriculum GridPlease colour the boxes of the completed tasks. We will provide you with a home learning journal. If you are needing any additional resources to complete a task please speak to your teacher.Remember to practise the spelling pattern you are learning in Spelling EVERY WEEK. The Spelling sound lists will be given out each term and can be found on your child’s class page on the school website. Home learning should be posted on your child’s online learning journal EVERY MONDAY. A photo should be taken of the completed task. Worksheets should NOT be returned to school. The class teacher will review your child’s home learning every 2 weeks. If you have any difficulties logging on to your account, please ring or email the office on admin@hermitagepark.edin.sch.ukCREATIVE CURRICULUM GRID OUR TOPIC IS – Native AmericansWhat do I know and understand?Can I apply and show what I know?What can I question compare and analyse?What can I create?Can I evaluate and make judgements?I enjoy reading, writing and speakingWrite 6 facts about the Native American tribe you are researching. What makes a good leader? Write 6 reasons why someone would be Chief of the tribe you are researching.Write 6 questions you would ask a member of the Native American tribe you are researching.Write a diary entry describing the day in the life of someone in the tribe you are researching.Search Indian Reservations for Kids- on the Ducksters website. Read about life on a Native American reservation. Write your opinion on what you have learned.I enjoy working with numbers and being scientificCreate a fact file/diagram showing the weapons used to hunt and do battle with. Describe the materials used to make these.Remember to clearly label your diagrams.Native Americans used natural materials around them to invent products we still use today. Research some of these items and record your findings using text and diagrams.Locate the area in America where your tribe lived.Calculate how many km/miles from their home to Edinburgh.Calculate time duration if you were to fly from Edinburgh to this area in America.Explain what Wampum was.Who used it?How was it used?Draw examples of Wampum or try creating your own.Research the climate, for each season, where your Native American tribe lived. Compare it with the climate in Scotland for each season.Which do you prefer and why?I enjoy painting, drawing and visualisingTotem Poles were built by Native American tribes along the northwest coast of North America. Find examples to draw or paint.Research Native American symbols for animals and birds.Choose 5 to draw.Choose five animals/birds of your own and create a symbol for each.Find an example of a piece of Native American art.Write a review of the art.What you like or dislike about it.How it was created.Who created it and why?Create your own 3D Totem Pole.Choose appropriate materials and decide on its size.You can create your own symbols and colours.Find out about the role Native American women had in the tribe you are researching. Create a storyboard/cartoon strip depicting a day in their life.I enjoy being active and doing hands on activitiesResearch food which was available to the tribe you are researching. Create a menu using these items. If possible, make one of the meals.Research musical instruments made by Native Americans. Try creating a working model of one of these instruments. Research and listen to some examples of Native American music. Comment on what you listened to.Create a model of a home/shelter built and used by the Native American tribe you are researching.The sport of Lacrosse was played by Native American tribes. Write out their rules and equipment used. Compare it with modern day Lacrosse.I enjoy working with others.Research some names of the many Native American tribes.Ask someone to time how many you can name in one minute.Create a quiz on Native Americans. Ask someone at home to answer your questions Test the class.Ask someone in your family what they know about the Highland Clearances. Compare facts with how the Native Americans were treated.Create an activity of your own choosing linked to the Native American tribe you are researching.Ask someone in your family to write down everything they know about Native Americans. Discuss their answers with them. Are they correct? NUMERACY AND MATHEMATICS HOME LEARNING GRIDHERMIE COUNTS FOCUSInformation HandlingNumeracy SkillsProbabilityMILDUsing dice, make a 5-digit number. Count backwards and forwards in 2s, 5s and 10s.Repeat several times.Create a bar graph showing favourite foods of people at home. Write out 5 three-digit column addition sums. Write out 5 three-digit column subtraction sums.List 5 things that are impossible and almost certain to happen during your weekend. HOTUsing dice, make a 5-digit number.Count backwards and forwards in 1/2s and 1/4s.Repeat several times.Create a Venn diagram of sports your family enjoy. Write out 5 four-digit column subtraction sums.Write out 5 three-digit subtraction sums.Roll a dice. What is the probability of rolling a 6 first? Record how many times it took for you to land on the 6. Repeat for the other numbers on the dice.SPICYUsing dice, make a 6-digit number.Count backwards and forwards in 0.1, 0.5 and 0.25.Repeat several times.Create a Carroll diagram using multiples of two different numbers. Write out 5 division sums. Dividing 3 or more digits by one-digit.Write out 5 long multiplication sums. Multiply by two-digits. READING HOME LEARNING GRID P3 children are expected to read their group reading book at least 5 times a week.P4-7 children are expected to read a book for enjoyment from home of the class/school library for at least 15-20 minutes 5 times a week.All children are expected to complete at least one task from the Reading grid each week. Make a poster/advert for an event in the text.Draw a new front cover for the book.Find 5 WOW words and write the definition.Draw one of the characters and label your drawing with their characteristics.Make a cartoon strip showing a sequence of events from your book.Predict what will happen next.Be a book critic.Write a new blurb for your book. ................

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