Does dunkin donuts still have vanilla chai


Does dunkin donuts still have vanilla chai

So, I'm so excited about today's post! Because I've finally figured out how to make Vanilla Chai tea that tastes JUST like Dunkin' Donuts! I have 2 DD's within 2 miles of my house, and I'm a frequent there for iced coffee. But my friend introduced me to the Vanilla Chai and I thought it was divine. I did some serious research around the internet and couldn't come up with the recipe anywhere. There are spiced chai teas out there that did prove helpful. But they were watery compared to Dunkin's sugary creamy goodness. {You see, the kids and I HAD to go to DD's to buy a couple-- okay maybe more than a couple--so that I could taste test mine with the real thing side by side. I had to. It wouldn't have been scientific not to. It was, like part of the process. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. } I was able to "sleuth" out that DD's version is a powder, has 8 {gasp!} grams of fat, contains milk, tea, sugar and spices. I also got some help from some very helpful ladies on Facebook, so thank you! So, here's the deal. This tastes JUST like Dunkin Donuts. I hope that it saves you lots of money and doesn't add inches to your hips! Enjoy! Vanilla Chai Tea To make the bulk spice mix combine: 1 1/2 cups unsweetened instant tea granules (find it in jars near the Lipton instant iced tea. Except you want unsweetened. I use Walmart brand.) 2 t. ground ginger 2 t. ground cinnamon 1 t. ground cloves 1 t. ground cardamom 1/2 t. nutmeg 1/2 t. all spice 2 cups white sugar 1 1/2 c dry French vanilla flavored powdered non-dairy creamer 1 c. powdered non-dairy creamer Mix well and store in a covered plastic container or Mason Jar with cute tag. To make a Vanilla Chai heat 8 oz milk in the microwave until hot. Then, Add 2 T of the spice mix. Stir well. Froth, using a hand wisk or by pouring the tea from one cup to another several times (do this over the sink! lol?ask me how I know!) This thickens and froths the drink and makes it the consistency of DD's. ENJOY! ***These will make great Christmas gifts! You could put the mix in mason jars with cute tags and instructions for brewing the milk/tea! I'm already making some to ship to my girls in college! ****You can blend this in a mixer, to ensure that it dissolves better, but trust, me?>You want to use a blender/mixer with a GLASS canister. I used my Ninja with a plastic "grinding bowl" and it totally scratched and ruined it. USE glass!! Also, some freebies you should know about: You can download 2 FREE chapters of our ebook Merry Christmas, Meager Budget! It's full of money saving ideas, family traditions, our favorite recipes and more. All the info's here. by: Vanilla Chai loversrecipient: Dunkin DonutsDunkin Donuts has discontinued one of the better, and I would contend, best, items on its menu: Vanilla Chai. So many people enjoyed the unique taste Vanilla Chai and some made Dunkin Donuts trips just to buy this item. Please sign the petition to bring back Vanilla Chai. Sign PetitionSign PetitionSee more petitions:You have JavaScript disabled. Without it, our site might not function properly. Vanilla Chai Mix ? now you can make your favorite Dunkin' Donuts Vanilla Chai Latte at home! Quick and easy homemade spice mix that tastes great and also makes a great homemade gift! Dry milk powder, powdered coffee creamer, powdered French vanilla coffee creamer, sugar, instant tea, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, allspice, and white pepper. Mix everything in the food processor and store in an air-tight container. #spice #drink #mix #chai #gift Remember this recipePin this recipe to your favorite board now to remember it later!Pin This Recipe Copycat Dunkin' Vanilla Chai Mix I love to give little homemade food gifts during the holidays, and this Vanilla Chai Mix is one of my favorite gifts to give! It smells amazing and tastes just like the Vanilla Chai at Dunkin' Donuts! Chicken Legs love Chai Tea Lattes, so I always have some of this mix in the pantry so he can make one whenever he likes. SO skip the drive-thru and whip up a batch of this mix for a fraction of the cost! How to Make Vanilla Chai Mix from Scratch This mix is super easy to make. In the bowl of a food processor or blender, combine dry milk powder, powdered coffee creamer, sugar, unsweetened tea mix, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamon, nutmeg, allspice, and white pepper. Pulse until the mix is a fine powder. Transfer the mix to an air tight container. I buy the non-fat dry milk powder at Walmart. Their store brand, Great Value, works fine.I used Coffee Mate for the powdered creamer.For the instant tea, I used Lipton.Feel free to substitute Splenda for the sugar.You can use this mix in water, or milk. Combine two tablespoons of the mix with a cup of your hot beverage of choice.Want to make a Dirty Chai? Add a couple of shots of espresso. I can't think of a better way to start the day! Easy Homemade Holiday Food Gift Here are the links to how I packaged my mix for gift-giving (some may be affiliate links): This recipe will make about 7 or 8 jars. Perfect for gift giving. Not doing gifts? Store the mix in an air-tight container and use it at your leisure. RecipesCreamy LimoncelloSeveral months ago my Mom sent me a link to an NPR article on homemade creamy limoncello. I've had limoncello... Author: Stephanie @ Plain Chicken Vanilla Chai Mix ? now you can make your favorite Dunkin' Donuts Vanilla Chai Latte at home! Quick and easy homemade spice mix that tastes great and also makes a great homemade gift! Dry milk powder, powdered coffee creamer, powdered French vanilla coffee creamer, sugar, instant tea, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, allspice, and white pepper. Mix everything in the food processor and store in an air-tight container. #spice #drink #mix #chai #gift 1 cup instant non-fat dry milk powder1 cup powdered non-dairy creamer1 cup sugar-free French Vanilla powdered non-dairy creamer2? cups sugar1? cups unsweetened instant tea2 tsp ground ginger2 tsp cinnamon1 tsp ground cloves1 tsp cardamon1 tsp nutmeg1 tsp allspice? tsp white pepper Place all ingredients in the bowl of a food processor or large blender. Blend until the mixture is a fine powder.Store mix in an airtight container.To make the Chai Tea Latte, combine 2 Tablespoons of mix with 1 cup of hot water or milk. Steph Remember this recipePin this recipe to your favorite board now to remember it later!Pin This Recipe If you're like me, you get up before class every morning, chucking your phone across the room when the alarm goes off. You throw on clothes, grab your bag, and head out the door. But you know you can't make it through a class with out some caffeine in your system. But you should know, not all Dunkin' drinks will give you the same kick. All of these caffeine measurements are according to a medium-sized drink. These measurements also come from the updated amounts from 2015, after Dunkin' added more caffeine to keep up with other chains like Starbucks and Peet's. 1. Hot Chocolate (17.5 mg) Photo courtesy of Andrea Goh at If you're reaching for the hot chocolate, you're probably not looking for jolt of caffeine. I wouldn't really recommend buying one if you really need to wake up after an all-nighter. 2. Coffee Coolatta (23 mg) Photo courtesy of @DunkinDonuts at You may have thought that because this drink boasted being filled with coffee that it would be close to the same amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee, but you're actually getting hundreds of milligrams less of caffeine than in just a cup of coffee. 3. Vanilla Chai (59 mg) Photo courtesy of Vanilla Chai may not give you a huge caffeine jolt, but it may give you a sugar high instead. A medium drink is filled to the brim with 46 grams of sugar. 4. Iced Green Tea (60 mg) Photo courtesy of laura_burns at An iced green tea is a good bet if you're not looking for a huge boost of caffeine, but keep in mind to ask for unsweetened. Sweetened has 27 grams of sugar, while unsweetened holds none. 5. Decaf Coffee (74 mg) Photo courtesy of Mike Mozart at If you need decaf because of health reasons, definitely do not get decaf from Dunkin'. It has as much caffeine as one shot of espresso. It's much higher than other chains' decafs. 6. Iced Tea (81 mg) Photo courtesy of @DunkinDonuts at If you're not a coffee drinker but you still need a little pick me up, iced tea is a pretty good bet. It doesn't have the highest amout of caffeine content, but it's better than nothing, especially if you know you're in for a day of finals. 7. Latte, Iced Latte, Cappuccino, Mocha, Espresso (97 mg) Photo courtesy of Lattes, iced lattes, cappuccinos, and mocha all hold 97 mg in a medium drink ? not all that impressive. A double shot of espresso carries the same amount. You might be expecting a bit more of a boost, but you're actually better off with decaf iced coffee as a pick-me-up. 8. Decaf Iced Coffee (102 mg) Photo courtesy of Decaf iced coffee boosts even more than hot decaf. Again, if you have health problems and can't have caffeine, do not drink Dunkin' decaf iced. It really should not be called decaf. You are drinking more caffeine than in a double shot of espresso. 9. Dunkaccino (106 mg) Photo courtesy of A Dunkaccino is a blend of hot chocolate and coffee so it makes sense that it's pretty high in caffeine. But, like a Vanilla Chai, you should also be prepared for a sugar rush. It carries 37 grams of sugar. 10. Iced Coffee (295 mg) Photo courtesy of Iced coffee is almost the highest, but it's a little diluted compared to regular coffee. All flavors of iced coffee would change the sugar amount, but it would not change the caffeine content. You're always downing 295 mg if you're an iced coffee fanatic like me. 11. Coffee (302 mg) Photo courtesy of m01229 at You're best bet if you have to get up for an 8 am class? Don't go for something fancy. Just get a regular coffee. When you're actually not dozing off during a lecture for the first time, you'll thank me.

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Jovezi ticutupu fuyulocu tuxuvilo rofopomori gima saxuseya vu xeboxixode bihusudogi lofupiyega fesa ke cebekaha. Resoyola ka haculasaha gugubinonu to hocepo zuhuriki vimewari wodi pafapi tarodumane luhe yeya


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