SPANISH 3 Pre-AP - Summer Reading Assignment

SPANISH 3 Pre-AP - Summer Reading AssignmentYour goal is to read, write, speak, and listen to as much Spanish as possible this summer to help you to prepare for Spanish III pre-AP. There are many ways that you can do that. You can listen to music in Spanish. You can watch TV in Spanish. You can watch your favorite animated movies in Spanish. Part 1: Choose one of the following movies to watch in Spanish. Click on the movie title to download the accompanying worksheet. Print the worksheet. Complete the worksheet as you watch the movie. Then, write a brief, paragraph-length reflection in Spanish telling what you liked, what you didn’t like, who your favorite character was, what your favorite scene was, etc. Save this paragraph on a word document titled Sp3preAP_Firstname_Lastname. You will submit this document to on the first day of class. Mar Adentro (2004) Valentín (2002)Cinco Amigas (2003) Tortilla Soup (2001)Real Women Have Curves (2002)Spanglish (2004)Part 2: Now, choose another movie to watch in Spanish (or in both Spanish and English). It can be from the list above or any other Spanish-language movie that deals with Spanish culture (examples: Bajo la misma luna, Instructions Not Included, Casi Casi, Casi Divas, Sugar, Canela, Calle 54, Tasting Menu, La Leyenda de la Llorona, Pulling Strings, Ballplayer: Pelotero, Viva Cuba, etc.) You can find many of these movies on Netflix or Hulu streaming. You can also check out movies from your local library. As you watch the movie, write down 15 direct quotes in Spanish from the movie and the name of the character that said them. For ten of those quotes, write the English translation. Then, write a brief, paragraph-length reflection in Spanish telling what you liked, what you didn’t like, who your favorite character was, what your favorite scene was, etc. Include your quotes, your translations and your paragraph-length reflection in Spanish on the Word document you created for Part 1. Part 3: For the last part of your summer reading assignment, you will create an account on (a language-learning website) and working to complete as many levels as possible. See directions below. To earn 70%, you must accumulate 700 XP points. To earn 80%, you must accumulate 800 XP points. To earn 100%, you must accumulate 1000 XP points. If you have any questions, please e-mail me. Have a safe and blessed summer!Se?ora Yorkayork@SPANISH 3 pre-AP: DuoLingo Summer Reading AssignmentCreate an account on . Please click “Sign up with e-mail.” You should use your school e-mail (@students.). If, for some reason, your school e-mail is not working, you may use your personal e-mail. Do not use Facebook or Google Plus. For your username, please use your first name and your last initial (Example: Jane Doe = JaneD or JaneD18). If you need to add a number afterwards, you can do that. 2647950395605002762250132969000Once you have created an account, log in. You will see this screen. Take the placement test. When you finish, you will have a screen that looks something like this. Depending on how you did on your placement test, you may have more of the gray bars that are filled in. Before you continue, you should search for and follow SraYork. You can also follow and compete with your friends. 522922522485350047434501664970001181100146494500Now, click on any of the circles to either re-do the lessons or strengthen the skills to earn XP points. 2552700167386000You can also test out of various skills to earn XP points. You earn 10-15 XP points with each lesson that you do. You also earn XP points for testing out of skills. You should try to do 8-10 lessons each week. Each lesson is about 10 minutes long.There is an excellent app for your phone that you can use to practice on the go.1800225194437000Students who earn 700 XP points by the first day of class will earn 70% on their summer reading assignment. Students who earn 800 XP points will earn 80%, students who earn 900 points will earn 90% and students who earn 1000 points will earn 100%. If you have fewer than 700 XP points on the first day of class, you will not pass the summer assignment, which is also the first grade of the class. (80 pts. total – 20 speaking, 20 reading, 20 writing, 20 listening) If you have any questions over the course of the summer, please e-mail Se?ora York (ayork@). She will respond within a few days. Have a wonderful summer! ................

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