Atascocita High School Student Council Constitution


(Adopted: August 2006)Amended: May 2011


In order to promote wholesome, cooperative spirit among students – to promote better relationships between our school and other schools – to provide the means for better understanding between teachers and students – to improve the school in general – and to become active in the welfare of the community, the students of Atascocita High School do ordain and establish this constitution.


This representative body of the students of Atascocita High School shall be named the Student Council.


Section One – Purposes

A. Develop attitudes of and practices of good citizenship.

B. Promote harmonious relation throughout the entire school.

C. Improve student-teacher relationships.

D. Improve school morale.

E. Promote orderly direction of student activities.

F. Promote better relationships between our school and other schools.

G. Promote the general welfare of the school.

H. Make for a more informed student body and promote the interest among the students and faculty in school activities.

I. Promote the general welfare of the community.

Section Two – Functions

A. The council shall act in an advisory capacity to the faculty and administration as to all matters affecting student life.

B. The council shall suggest the formation of student activities and word on means by which all student activities can work together in harmony.

C. The council shall make every reasonable means to ensure and promote democracy and goodwill among students, faculty and members, and in all ties foster the highest type of democratic school citizenship.

D. The student body shall have the opportunity to voice all concerns to any member of the council.

E. The council shall diligently try to represent to the faculty the true opinion of the student body on all matters pertaining to the welfare of the school, and shall undertake to communicate to the true picture of the policies of the school.

F. The council shall serve as a means of promoting cooperative action through the democratic process among the student body.

G. The council shall recognize all students who have attained some achievement while participating in activities of Atascocita High School, through the annual awards assembly.

Section Three – Limitations

A. The council shall not be considered to be a “police force” and shall have no powers to pass rules and regulations regarding discipline and shall not take disciplinary action against individuals or groups. Any activist of the council designated to improve the group behavior or individual behavior must be carried out through cooperative action rather than disciplinary actions.

B. The council can have no jurisdiction over matters pertaining to the expenditure of state and local school funds, except when called upon for an opinion, nor concerning the employed personnel of the school, except with the consent or request of the person involved.

C. The council must recognize the right of the high school principal, representing the community and the board of education to veto any action of the council. The high school principal shall appoint a faculty sponsor(s) to be his/her representative on the council.

D. The constitution, amendments, by-laws, acts or resolutions shall not be contrary to the policies and constitutions of its charter organization, TASC.


Section One- The council shall be made up of the following:

A. Six Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Publicist.

B. Five Delegates: Appointed to be chairperson of a state committee by the Sponsors.

C. Active: An active member must have fulfilled all the work-on requirements during designated time periods, as well as, maintain good standing in the organization.

D. Non-Active: Student members who do not qualify for membership status or are in the process of becoming an active member.

E. Each position shall be for a period of one year.

Section Two – Qualifications of Officers

A. The President and Vice President must have attended at Atascocita High School for at least one year, served on the Executive Council and Atascocita Student Council for at least one year. The Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Publicist must have attended a school in Humble ISD for at least one year, and been an active member of student council for at least one year.

B. The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Publicist must maintain a passing grade point average and each six weeks course grade may be no lower than a 70.

C. All officers must be nominated by at least 50 members of the Student Body per grade level. Exiting Seniors are not included.

Section Three – Qualifications of Delegates

A. All delegates must maintain a passing grade point average and each six weeks course grade may be no lower than a 70.

B. A state form and project proposal must be submitted to qualify for Delegate position.

Section Four – Qualifications of Voting Members

A. All representatives must be members in good standing of their class.

B. All members must maintain a sufficient amount of activity points.

C. Exception: All members of the student body may vote in officer

Section Five – Duties of the Officers

The President shall:

1. Serve concurrently as the Student Body President and Student Council President.

2. Prepare the agenda for and preside at all meetings.

3. Coordinate all activities of the council.

4. Be an ex-officio member to all committees.

5. Serve as chairman of the Executive Board.

6. Have a thorough knowledge of the Student Council Constitution.

7. Vote in case of a tie.

8. Coordinate the submission of Texas Association of Student Councils report forms by the appointed state deadline.

9. Call special meetings of the council.

10. Serve as the official Student Body representative at all school/district functions.

11. Serve as a member of Eagle Forum.

12. Assist a delegate in fulfilling the requirements of their appointed committee.

13. Assume any and all duties as requested by the principal or sponsor.

14. Set the example for all students to follow.

The Vice President shall:

1. Preside over all meetings and activities in the absence of the President.

2. Serve in all capacities assigned to him/her by the President

3. Maintain all committee and project reports.

4. Maintain the council calendar of events.

5. Coordinate social events for the council.

6. Assist a delegate in fulfilling the requirements of their appointed committee

7. Have a thorough knowledge of the Student Council Constitution.

8. Assume any and all duties as requested by the principal or sponsor.

9. Set the example for all students to follow

The Secretary shall:

1. Keep accurate minutes of all council meetings

2. Record attendance at all meetings

3. Maintain an up-to-date member directory

4. Maintain a record for all council members’ points

5. Oversee the publication of minutes.

6. Assist a delegate in fulfilling the requirements of their appointed committee

7. Have a thorough knowledge of the Student Council Constitution.

8. Assume any and all duties as requested by the principal or sponsor.

9. Set the example for all students to follow.

The Treasurer shall:

1. Oversee council expenses and revenues

2. Keep an accurate record of all financial transactions between student council members

and the council

3. Assist in maintaining all financial records

4. Understand the policies the school has in regard to the use of student finances

5. Review purchase orders and approve all transactions of the council

6. Prepare and submit monthly financial reports to the council

7. Maintain the inventory of the Student Council storage and equipment

8. Assist a delegate in fulfilling the requirements of their appointed committee

9. Have a thorough knowledge of the Student Council Constitution.

10. Assume any and all duties as requested by the principal or sponsor.

11. Set the example for all students to follow.

The Historian shall:

1. Prepare a photographic/video record of all council events.

2. Prepare and complete the annual scrapbook for district and state conventions as well

As recruiting events

3. Maintain the files and pictures of the Student Council

4. Prepare and present a slide show or video at the end of the year banquet

5. Prepare regular slide shows of council events for meeting

6. Assist a delegate in fulfilling the requirements of their appointed committee

7. Have a thorough knowledge of the Student Council Constitution.

8. Assume any and all duties as requested by the principal or sponsor.

9. Set the example for all students to follow.

The Publicist shall:

1. Coordinate the maintenance of the Student Council website

2. Serve as a liaison between the school and local publications regarding publicity of events by preparing press releases.

3. Compile lists of addresses of the news media and their requirements for announcing school events.

4.Keep the student body informed of events through bulletins, posters, announcements, fliers, etc.

5. Inform members of important upcoming events and information.

6. Assist the Secretary in maintaining an up-to-date member directory.

7. Have a thorough knowledge of the Student Council Constitution.

8. Assume any and all duties as requested by the principal or sponsor.

9. Set the example for all students to follow.

Section Six- Duties of Delegates

A Delegate shall:

1. Plan and coordinate all activities of their respective state committee

2. Create and maintain the calendar of the committee based on the state report form

3. Submit all necessary paperwork regarding events

4. Maintain project and state report forms for submission

5. Assist the Secretary in validating the sign-in/sign-out sheets for respective committee events

6. Create subcommittees and appoint chairpersons when necessary

7. Work with an appointed officer to insure the efficient function of the committee

8. Have a thorough knowledge of the Student Council Constitution.

9. Assume any and all duties as requested by the principal or sponsor.

10. Set the example for all students to follow.


Section One – The Executive Board

A. Membership: The Executive Board shall be made up of the six officers, five delegates, any appointed members, and the sponsor(s).

B. Duties

1. Has the power to make emergency and routine decisions subject to the approval of the council.

2. Shall aid the President in preparing for council meetings.

3. Shall preside over and cover election results.

4. Will maintain the council calendar.

5. Has the power to create executive rules that pertain to that year’s situations (effective for one year only).

Section Two – Voting Members

A. Each representative, delegate and officer (excluding the president) has one vote.

B. The council may pass a motion by a simple majority of a quorum.

C. The council may override actions taken by the Executive Board by 2/3 majority vote.

D. These elected members shall carry out the voice of their peers.

E. In case of a tie, the president will act as the tie breaker.


The council shall meet when the Executive Board designates and as often as the council requires. It shall have a designated place of meeting and files provided for the keeping of its record. Meetings shall be open to any student or teacher who has business to transact before the council and will be notified about time and place.


Specific procedure and rules of the elections will be designated by the Executive Board prior to each election with sufficient notice that all may have the opportunity to participate. A special election may be called to fill any vacancy, which occurs under the discretion of the present Executive Board. Only students who will be returning the Atascocita High the following year will be allowed to vote on incoming officers.


Section One

An officer, delegate or representative can be removed from office for actions which are detrimental to the welfare and best interest of the school for failure to meet the academic or conduct requirements stated in Article 3, Section 2 and 3.

Section Two

The Executive Board will follow the UIL “No Pass, No Play” Guidelines. IF a board member fails one or more courses during a six weeks grading period, he/she will be placed on probation. Any additional failing grades on a following six weeks grading period will result in the removal from office. These policies will be effective over the entire school year. A new semester does not make one eligible for a second probation period.

Section Three

The council shall constitute the trial board. After a hearing, a 2/3 vote of the entire membership of the council may be necessary to remove anyone from office. Removal will be effective immediately and all privileges held by the officer will be relinquished.


Section One

The President of the council may veto any act, by-law, amendment, or resolution that has been passed by the council or Executive Board provided that he or she shall immediately give his/her reason for taking such action in writing (within one week).

Section Two

The council may override a veto of the President by a 2/3 vote.

Section Three

A veto by the high school principal or his representative may not be overridden and is not subject to appeal.


This constitution may have by-laws, which must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire council membership or by acclamation of the Executive Board. The By-laws consists of any procedural information.


Section One

This constitution may be amended at any time provided the proposed amendment, submitted by a 2/3 vote of the council and appears on display for at least one week prior to voting.

Section Two

An amendment may originate upon petition of 20% of the student body or majority of the council. The same amendment cannot be submitted more than once in any semester.

Section Three

This constitution shall be ratified by a majority vote of the council.

Section Four

Present elected officers and delegates will be accepted under this constitution.

Section Five

All Executive members have the power to choose chairperson positions.

Section Six

All amendments go into effect immediately after ratification unless otherwise noted.


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