PETER T. ROBERTSHAW - California State University, San ...

 PETER T. ROBERTSHAWPUBLISHED WORKBooks2011 Gli Antenati: Che cosa ci raccontano i più antichi resti umani. Revised Italian edition of Every Bone Tells A Story. Zanichelli Editori. Co-authored with Jill Rubalcaba2010 Every Bone Tells A Story (a children’s book). Charlesbridge Publishers. Co-authored with Jill Rubalcaba. This book was a 2011 Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults Award Finalist of the Young Adult Library Services Association (a division of the American Libraries Association). It was also a Junior Library Guild Selection and a finalist for the 2011 award of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for best non-fiction science book for young adults2004 The Early Human World. (A textbook for 6th grade.) Oxford University Press. Co-authored with Jill Rubalcaba.1990 Early Pastoralists of South-Western Kenya. Nairobi: British Institute in Eastern Africa Memoir Series, no. 11.1990 A History of African Archaeology (editor and contributor) Portsmouth (N.H.)/London: Heinemann Inc./James Currey.1982 Culture History in the Southern Sudan (eds. J. Mack and P. Robertshaw). Nairobi: British Institute in Eastern Africa Memoir Series, no. 8. Introduction and chapter on Eastern Equatoria in the context of later eastern African prehistory.Journal Articles and Book Chapters Accepted: The glass from Tadmakka: chemical compositional analysis and interpretation (by J. Lankton, L. Dussubieux, P. Robertshaw, S. Nixon). In a volume title unknown to me (ed. S. Nixon). Journal of African Archaeology Monograph Series. Africa Magna Verlag.2014Chemical analysis, chronology, and context of a European glass bead assemblage from Garumele, Niger (by P. Robertshaw, M. Wood, A. Haour, K. Karklins, H. Neff). Journal of Archaeological Science 41:591-604.2014 A furnace and associated ironworking remains at Munsa, Uganda (by L. Iles, P. Robertshaw, R. Young). Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 49(1):45-63.2013 Sub-Saharan Africa: Archaeology. In Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration (ed. I. Ness). Blackwell Publishing. DOI: 10.1002/9781444351071.wbeghm813. Reprinted in The Global Prehistory of Human Migration (ed. P. Bellwood), pp.107-114. Wiley Blackwell (2015).2012 African archaeology, multi-disciplinary reconstructions of Africa’s past, and archaeology’s role in future collaborative research. African Archaeological Review 29:95-108.2012Glass finds from Chibuene, a 6th to 17th century AD port in southern Mozambique (by M. Wood, L. Dussubieux, & P. Robertshaw). South African Archaeological Bulletin 67:59-74.2010 Beyond the segmentary state: creative and instrumental power in western Uganda. Journal of World Prehistory 23:255-269. DOI: 10.1007/s10963-010-9039-x2010 Southern African glass beads: chemistry, glass sources and patterns of trade (by P. Robertshaw, M. Wood, E. Melchiorre, R.S. Popelka-Filcoff, M.D. Glascock). Journal of Archaeological Science 37:1898-1912.2010 Chemical analysis of glass beads from medieval al-Basra (Morocco) (by P. Robertshaw, N. Benco, M. Wood, L. Dussubieux, E. Melchiorre & A. Ettahiri). Archaeometry 52(3):355-379.2009 Glass beads from Kissi (Burkina Faso): chemical analysis and archaeological interpretation (by P. Robertshaw, S. Magnavita, M. Wood, E. Melchiorre, R. Popelka-Filcoff & M. Glascock). In Crossroads/Carrefour Sahel: Cultural and Technological Developments in First Millennium BC/AD West Africa (eds., S. Magnavita, L. Koté, P. Breunig, O.A. Idé), pp.105-118. Journal of African Archaeology Monograph Series Vol 2, Africa Magna Verlag.2009Chemical analysis of glass from Nupe, Nigeria (by P. Robertshaw, C. Weise, L. Dussubieux, J. Lankton, R. S. Popelka-Filcoff, M. D. Glascock). Tribus 58:83-95.2009 LA-ICP-MS analysis of African glass beads: laboratory inter-comparison with an emphasis on the impact of corrosion on data interpretation (by L. Dussubieux, P. Robertshaw & M. Glascock). International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 284:152-161.2009 African archaeology in world perspective. In Polities and Power: Archaeological Perspectives on the Landscapes of Early States (eds. S.E. Falconer and C.L. Redman). University of Arizona Press, pp.208-220.2008 African Slavery: Archaeology and Decentralized Societies (by P. Robertshaw & W.L. Duncan. In Invisible Citizens: Captives and Their Consequences (ed. C. M. Cameron), pp.57-79. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.2008Different views of a site. In World Prehistory and Archaeology, by Michael Chazan, pp.56-57. Pearson Education, Inc.2007The beginnings of food production in southwestern Kenya. [Reprint of 1993 paper with an update.] In The Emergence of Agriculture: A Global View, edited by T. Denman and P. White, pp.242-262. Routledge, London.2006Africa’s earliest bananas. Archaeology 59(5):25-29.2006 Chemical analysis of glass beads from Madagascar (by P. Robertshaw, B. Rasoarifetra, M. Wood, R. Popelka, E. Melchiorre & M. Glascock). Journal of African Archaeology 4(1):91-109.2006 Africa’s earliest bananas? (by B.J. Lejju, P. Robertshaw & D. Taylor). Journal of Archaeological Science 33:102-113.2005 Late Holocene environmental variability at Munsa archaeological site, Uganda: a multi-core, multi-proxy approach (by B.J. Lejju, D. Taylor & P.Robertshaw). The Holocene 15(7):1044-1061.2005Laser ablation ICP-MS of African Glass trade beads (by Popelka, Rachel S., Michael D. Glascock, Peter Robertshaw & Marilee Wood). In Laser Ablation ICP-MS in Archaeological Research, edited by Robert J. Speakman & Hector Neff, pp. 84 93. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.2004 African historical archaeology(ies): Past, present and a possible future. In African Historical Archaeologies (eds. A.M. Reid and P.J. Lane), pp.375-391. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 2004 Famine, climate and crisis in western Uganda (by P. Robertshaw, D. Taylor, S. Doyle & R. Marchant). In Past Climate Variability through Europe and Africa (eds. R. Battarbee et al.), pp.535-549. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.2003 Vegetation history and archaeology at Munsa, Western Uganda (by B.J. Lejju, P. Robertshaw & D. Taylor). Azania 38:155-165.2003 Chemical analysis of ancient African glass beads: a very preliminary report (by P.Robertshaw, M.D. Glascock, M. Wood & R.S. Popelka). Journal of African Archaeology 1(1):139-146.2003 Explaining the origins of the state in East Africa. In East African Archaeology: Foragers, Potters, Smiths, and Traders (eds. C.M. Kusimba and S.B. Kusimba), pp.149-166. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.2002The ancient earthworks of western Uganda: capital sites of a Cwezi empire? Uganda Journal 48:17-32.2001 The age and function of the ancient earthworks of western Uganda. Uganda Journal 47:20-33.2001Sedimentary sequences in western Uganda as records of human environmental impacts (by D. Taylor and P. Robertshaw). Palaeoecology of Africa 27:63-76.2000Sibling rivalry? The intersection of archaeology and history. History in Africa 27:261-286.2000 Climate change and the rise of political complexity in western Uganda (by P. Robertshaw and D. Taylor). Journal of African History 41(1):1-28.2000Environmental change and political-economic upheaval in pre-colonial, western Uganda (by D. Taylor, P. Robertshaw & R. Marchant). The Holocene 10(4):527-536.1999A sediment-based history of medium altitude forest in central Africa: a record from Kabata Swamp, Ndale volcanic field, Uganda (by D. Taylor, R. Marchant & P. Robertshaw). Journal of Ecology 87:303-315.1999The use of space among East African pastoral nomads: notes towards an archaeological grammar. In Dig it all: Papers dedicated to Ari Siiriainen (ed. Matti Huurre), pp.363-67. Helsinki: The Finnish Antiquarian Society. 1999Seeking and keeping power in Bunyoro-Kitara, Uganda. In Beyond Chiefdoms: Pathways to Complexity in Africa (ed. S.K. McIntosh), pp.124-135. Cambridge University Press.1999Archaeology of African hunters and gatherers. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers (eds. R.B. Lee and R. Daly), pp.185-89. Cambridge University Press.1999Women, labor and state formation in western Uganda. In Complex Polities in the Ancient Tropical World (eds. E.A. Bacus and L.J. Lucero), pp.51-65. American Anthropological Association Archaeological Memoirs.1997 Munsa Earthworks: A preliminary report. Azania 32:1-20.1997Archaeological research in Bunyoro-Kitara: Preliminary results (by P. Robertshaw et al.). Nyame Akuma 48:70-77.1996 Knowledge and power. Guest editorial, African Archaeological Review 13(1):7-9.1996 The present in the past: archaeological sites, oral traditions, shrines and politics in Uganda (by P. Robertshaw and E.R. Kamuhangire). In Aspects of African Archaeology: Papers from the 10th Congress of the PanAfrican Association for Prehistory and Related Studies (eds. G. Pwiti and R. Soper), pp.739-743. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.1995 The last 200,000 years (or thereabouts) in eastern Africa: recent archaeological research. Journal of Archaeological Research 3(1):55-86.1995 Lake Victoria and eastwards: Urewe, its antecedants and its neighbours (summary). Azania 29-30:314.1994 Archaeological survey, ceramic analysis and state formation in western Uganda. African Archaeological Review 12:105-131.1993 The beginnings of food production in southwestern Kenya. In The Archaeology of Africa: Food, Metals and Towns (eds. T. Shaw et al.), pp.358-371. London and New York: Routledge.1993 Archaeology in the Southern Sudan and East African connections (abstract). In Proceedings of the 9th Pan-African Association of Pre-history and Related Studies (eds. B.W. Andah, P. de Maret and R. Soper), p.86. Ibadan: Rex Charles Publications.1993 A reassessment of the Pastoral Neolithic in Kenya (abstract) (by D. Collett and P. Robertshaw). In Proceedings of the 9th Pan-African Association of Pre-history and Related Studies (eds. B.W. Andah, P. de Maret and R. Soper), p.180. Ibadan: Rex Charles Publications.1992Radiocarbon dating and the prehistory of sub-Saharan Africa. In Radiocarbon after Four Decades (eds. R.E. Taylor, A. Long & R. Kra), pp.335-351. New York: Springer Verlag.1991 Gogo Falls: Excavations at a complex archaeological site east of Lake Victoria. Azania 26:63-195.1991 On agricultural beginnings in Kenya: retrospect and prospects. In Origins and Development of Agriculture in East Africa: The Ethnosystems Approach to the Study of Early Food Production in Kenya (eds. R.E. Leakey & L.J. Slikkerveer), pp.7-15. Ames: Iowa State University.1990 The Glacial Maximum in Tropical Africa: 22,000 - 12,000 BP (by A.S. Brooks and P. Robertshaw). In The World at 18,000 BP. Volume 2: Low Latitudes (eds. C. Gamble and O. Soffer), pp. 121-169. Unwin Hyman.1989 The development of pastoralism in East Africa. In The Walking Larder: Patterns of Domestication, Pastoralism and Predation (ed. J. Clutton-Brock), pp. 207-214. London: Unwin Hyman.1988 The Elmenteitan: an early food-producing culture in East Africa. World Archaeology 20(1):57-69.1988 Environment and culture in the Late Quaternary of Eastern Africa: a critique of some correlations. In Prehistoric Cultures and Environments of Africa (eds. J. Bower & D. Lubell), pp. 115-126. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.1987 A new look at Ankole capital sites (by A. Reid and P. Robertshaw). Azania 22:83-88.1987 Prehistory in the Upper Nile Basin. Journal of African History 28:177-189.1986 Engaruka revisited: the excavations of 1982. Azania 21:1-26.1986 Comments on "Isotope assessment and the seasonal mobility hypothesis in the southwestern Cape of South Africa". Current Anthropology 27:146.1986 Life by the lake: later prehistory in South Nyanza. Kenya Past and Present 19:26-33.1985 Petrographic and physico-chemical studies of early pottery from south-western Kenya (by J. Langdon and P. Robertshaw). Azania 20:1-28. 1985 Excavations in Lakes Province, Southern Sudan. (by P. Robertshaw and A. Siiriainen). Azania 20:89-152.1984 Archaeology in Eastern Africa: recent developments and more dates. Journal of African History 25:369-93.1984 Fairview Shelter and the prehistory of the Eastern Cape. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums (human sciences)1:55-81.1983 Pottery traditions of early pastoral communities in Kenya (by D. Collett and P. Robertshaw). Azania 18:107-25.1983 Shell middens on the shores of Lake Victoria (by P. Robertshaw et al.) Azania 18:1-43.1983 Problems in the interpretation of radiocarbon dates: the Pastoral Neolithic of East Africa (by D. Collett and P. Robertshaw). African Archaeological Review 1:57-74.1983 A new framework for the study of early pastoral communities in East Africa (by P. Robertshaw and D. Collett). Journal of African History 24:289-301.1983 The identification of pastoral peoples in the archaeological record: an East African example (by P. Robertshaw and D. Collett). World Archaeology 15:67-78.1983 Archaeological explanation in East Africa. Royal Anthropological Institute Newsletter 56:4-5.1982 Preliminary report on archaeological research in the Loita-Mara region, S.W. Kenya (by F. Marshall and P. Robertshaw). Azania 17:173-80.1981 Excavations in Eastern Equatoria, Southern Sudan, 1980 (by P. Robertshaw and A. Mawson). Azania 16:55-95.1981Excavations at Smitswinkelbaai Cave, Cape Peninsula (by C. Poggenpoel and P. Robertshaw). South African Archaeological Bulletin 36:29-35.1980 Early Iron Age and Kansyore pottery: finds from Gogo Falls, South Nyanza (by D. Collett and P. Robertshaw). Azania 15:133-45.1980 Comments on 'Time and Place'. South African Archaeological Bulletin 35:102.1980 Coastal settlement, freshwater fishing, and pastoralism in the later prehistory of the Western Cape, South Africa. PhD. thesis, Cambridge University.1979 Excavations at Duiker Eiland, Vredenberg District, Cape Province. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums (Human Sciences) 1:1-25.1979 The first archaeological excavation in Southern Africa? South African Archaeological Bulletin 34:52-53.1978 Coastal shell middens in the Paternoster area, south-western Cape (by W. Buchanan South African Archaeological Bulletin 33:89-93.1978 The origins of pastoralism in the Cape. South African Historical Journal 10:117-33.1978 Archaeological investigations at Langebaan Lagoon, Cape Province. Palaeoecology of Africa 10:139-48.1978 The archaeology of an abandoned pastoralist campsite. South African Journal of Science 74:29-31.1977 Excavations at Paternoster, south-western Cape. South African Archaeological Bulletin 32:63-73.Exhibition1987 Designed a section of a traveling exhibition "500 Years Ago in East Africa"; assisted with preparing and arranging the exhibition, which was displayed in museums and galleries In Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.Book Reviews2013Power and Landscape in Atlantic West Africa: Archaeological Perspectives edited by C. Monroe and A. Ogundiran. Journal of African History 54(2):307-309.2011Inventing Africa: History, Archaeology and Ideas by Robin Derricourt. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 21(2):19-20.2010Africa and Archaeology: Empowering an Expatriate Life by Merrick Posnansky. Azania 45(2):220-227.2006Historical Archaeology of Bagamoyo: Excavations at the Caravan-Serai by F. Chami et al. Journal of African History 47(2):355.2005African Connections: Archaeological Perspectives on Africa and the Wider World by Peter Mitchell. Journal of African Archaeology 3(2):301-303.2005Researching Africa’s Past: New Contributions from British Archaeologists edited by P. Mitchell et al. Azania 40:141-142.2001 The Swahili: The Social Landscape of a Mercantile Society by M. Horton and J. Middleton. South African Archaeological Bulletin 56(173 & 174):104-105.2000 An African Classical Age: Eastern and Southern Africa in World History, 1000 BC to AD 400 by C. Ehret. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 6(1):150-151.1997 Kibiro: The Salt of Bunyoro, Past and Present by G. Connah. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 3(2):407-8.1997 Archaeology Africa by M. Hall. Journal of African History 38:301-2.1993 Herders, Warriors, and Traders: Pastoralism in Africa edited by J.G. Galaty and P. Bonte. Human Ecology 21(2): 215-218.1993? The Development of Nomadism in Ancient Northeast Africa by Karim Sadr. Journal of Northeast African Studies.1993 Pastoralism in Africa: Origins and Development Ecology by A.B. Smith. Journal of African History 34: 321-322.1990 African Civilizations by G. Connah. Sahara 2: 127-128.1988 The Ecology of Survival: Case studies from northeast African history edited by D. Johnson and D. Anderson. Azania 23:143-144.1988 Nubian Culture: Past and Present edited by T. Hagg. Journal of African History 29(3):548-549.1986 Fisher-hunters and Neolithic Pastoralists in East Turkana, Kenya by J.W. Barthelme. Azania 21:137-138.1985 African Archaeology by D.W. Phillipson. Africa 55:352-353.1985 Ghaap and Gariep: Later Stone Age Studies in the Northern Cape by A.J.B. Humphreys and A.I. Thackeray. Journal of African History 26:268.1985 From Hunters to Farmers: The Causes and Consequences of Food Production in Africa edited by J.D. Clark and S.A. Brandt. Azania 20:177-181.1984 The Archaeological and Linguistic Reconstruction of African History edited by C. Ehret and M. Posnansky. International Journal of African Historical Studies 17(1):117-118.1982 The Cambridge History of Africa Volume I: From the Earliest Times to c. 500 BC edited by J.D. Clark. Azania 17:183-188.1981 Lopoy and Lothagam by L.H. Robbins et al. Azania 16:191-92.1979 Analytical Archaeologist: The Collected Papers of D.L. Clarke edited by his colleagues. Azania 14:171-173.1978 Archaeology: A Reference Handbook by A.E. Day. South African Archaeological Bulletin 33:176.Obituary2005 Ari Siiriainen. Azania 40:155-156. ................

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