Activity 1: .au

COOKING 72148690Sub-school: SecondariesLesson number: 3Week: 4Date: Tuesday 5th May 2020What am I learning?I am learning to calculate the cost of a recipe.What is my teacher looking for?I can search for ingredients on a shopping website to find the price.WASH YOUR HANDS 79006690 - This may help get you in the mood to wash your handsRemember it is VERY IMPORTANT to wash your hands before you start cooking in the kitchen. You need to: TURN ON TAP WITH USE SOAP SCRUB HANDS RINSE HANDS DRY HANDS WARM WATER3300095323857252969105410539559511620420269209334580646259715Activity 1: Go to the following questions:QuestionAnswerWhat is the name of the recipe?Which company is promoting this recipe on their website?How many people does the recipe serve? Colour the correct answer4267200How many minutes does it take to prepare the ingredients for the recipe? Colour the correct answer5124450How many minutes does it take to cook the recipe? Colour the correct answer674370000How many ingredients does this recipe need?How many steps does this recipe have in it’s method?Activity 2: How much does it cost? - Search in the Woolworths website for each ingredient and write down the price. At the end calculate (add together) the prices to find out how much it would cost to make this recipe at home. Click on the link under each ingredient to help you find the right ingredient’s price.IngredientPrice $Olive oil (smallest bottle) Simply Cook Layered Stir Fry Kit with Honey Soy Sauce (1 packet) packet Fantastic fresh hokkien noodles range eggs (4 eggs required, choose the smallest carton) packet of roasted cashews jar of Honey Soy Sauce TOTAL + + + + + = $Activity 3: Sort the steps to the recipe Method into the correct order:Copy and paste the step in the table from 1 – 4. If you get stuck, look at the recipe on the Woolworths webpage (from Activity 1).Meanwhile, soak noodles in a medium sized bowl for 3 minutes in boiling water, then break apart gently with a fork and drain.In a separate non-stick frying pan, heat remaining oil over medium heat and fry eggs, sunny-side up, or to your liking. Stir cashews through stir fry, divide among four bowls and top each with an egg to serve.Heat 2 tsp oil in a large frying pan over a high heat. Add stir-fry vegetable mix, leaving sauce to the side, and cook for 3 minutes.Add noodles and honey soy sauce to frying pan with the vegetables and cook for a further 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Activity 4: Compare recipesFind a different stir fry noodle recipe on the internet (see useful links to help) or a recipe book at home and search each ingredient and its price, like in activity 2. Follow the guide below, add in as many columns as you need and you can choose. You can price hunt at any shop you like, does not have to be online, bring a pen and paper next time you go to the shop with your family.Recipe title:Where did you find the recipe?: IngredientPriceShopE.G. 400g chicken breast $10.20Woolworths online recipe is more affordable to make, the one I found or your one?What is the total price difference? (remember you will need to minus the large amount from the smaller amount, e.g. $20.55 – $15.35 = $5.20)Which recipe would you prefer to make? Why?Questions to ask your child: Is this a breakfast, lunch or dinner meal?Where does each ingredient in activity 2 belong in the food pyramid?Would you like to make one of the recipes? Which one?Is it a cheap or expensive recipe to make?If someone is allergic to nuts, what ingredient do you need to substitute or remove in the recipe?Do you have the ingredients to make the recipe you chose or do you need to go shopping?center184150Useful links: - Easy Quick Veg Noodles Recipe (Instant snack Ideas) - Recipe for sesame honey chicken noodles - This game is designed to help students learn about healthy eating. Come and help the tightrope walkers balance across the high wire! To get Peach or Basil across safely, choose healthy foods from the Five Food Groups for meals and snacks for the whole day. Remember to choose plenty of water to drink too! – A song to encourage students to eat vegetables - A website you can access FREE printable food related activities with a focus on healthy eating. ................

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