“Science does not know its debt to imagination.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson




The Quick Reference Guide to the Important Stuff:

Class website:

Mr. Woodward’s email: mwoodward@

: send the following text message to 81010 @beaker247

Weekly Quizzes every Monday. (Tues. if no school on Mon.) Quiz can be retaken one time that same week.

Weighted Grade Percentages: ●Tests & Quizzes: 55% of semester grade

●Final Exam: 15% of semester grade

●Labs, Class Activities, and Homework: 30% of semester grade

→Late work can achieve up to a score of 70%

*NOTE: Individual Student’s Semester Grades are not rounded

What you need in class every day: Folder, Notebook, Pencils & Pens (get various colors), Highlighters (get various colors), Scientific Calculator (Casio Model # fx-300MS will be provided for use in class. I suggest getting the same calculator for home use. Check !)

All the Other Mumbo Jumbo details:

Introduction: Honors Chemistry is a year long college preparatory laboratory science course which provides an introduction to understanding matter and all changes that occur in matter. Laboratory activities, lectures, demonstrations, and problem solving activities will be used extensively to enable students to enhance their science vocabulary, analyze and interpret data, utilize scientific instruments, state fundamental chemical concepts, and apply these concepts to new situations.

TOPICS COVERED: The topics covered in this course are aligned with the standards mandated by the state of California. Logical reasoning and critical thinking skills will be needed throughout each of the different topics covered in this class.

TEXTBOOK: Each student will be assigned a textbook from the instructor. Damaging or losing the textbook will result in a charge to the student’s account. Students will be assigned a Chemistry: Matter and Change, Glencoe (California edition) textbook.

STUDENT EVALUATION: Student grades will be based on the following categories. Each category will contribute to the student’s overall grade.

1. Homework/Homework Packets: All students are expected to complete reading assignments, take notes, and complete problems for each unit. Students may receive a stamp the day the assignment is due to indicate completion of the assignment. Upon completion of about 8-10 assignments, a grade for that homework packet will be calculated and input into Aeries.

2. Testing:

• Weekly Quizzes: Quizzes will be given throughout the units of study. Since chemistry continually builds upon previously learned concepts, students must understand each concept to be successful.

i. The student usually takes the quiz the first time in class (this will usually be on Monday.) The quiz is returned to the student with a score on it. If the student wants to improve that quiz score, the student can retake the quiz beginning the next school day and have the opportunity to complete the retake during that same week. Students may make up quizzes on most days before school at 7:30 am or after 2:45 pm.

ii. The student may retake the weekly quiz once. The student must retake the quiz (before school or after school) during the week the quiz was given in an effort to improve the earned score. Once the week has expired, the retake opportunity for that quiz is also expired.

1. Attempt 1 Actual Score earned

2. Attempt 2 Higher score of attempt 1 or 2

iii. Take home quizzes and “pop” quizzes. These might be assigned during the year and are NOT able to be retaken.

• Unit Exams: These exams will cover a unit of study. These exams cannot be retaken. The actual scored earned will be entered into Aeries. This exams are usually a combination of multiple choice (MC) questions and free response questions (FRQ). Both scores will be reported.

• Semester Final Exam: There will be a Final Exam at the end of each semester. This exam cannot be retaken. This will cover all laboratory work, class lectures, homework assignments, and any additional instructional activities completed during the entire school year.

3. Notebooks/Student Participation: All students will be expected to maintain a chemistry notebook which will contain all class notes, handouts, worksheets, lab reports, and provided periodic tables. This may be checked periodically and points assigned based on its content and organization. In addition, student’s class activity in class will be assessed in the form of classwork, note taking, and participation in class.

4. Labs/Activities: Students will be expected to complete periodic lab write-ups and complete tasks in a lab setting. This grade may include pre-lab activities, student conduct in lab, completion of the lab activities, as well as completion of post-lab reports.


1. Folder dedicated to Chemistry only

2. A notebook dedicated to Chemistry only

3. Pencils & Pens (get various colors)

4. Highlighters (get various colors)

5. Scientific Calculator (Casio Model # fx-300MS will be provided for use in class. I suggest getting the same calculator for home use. Check !)

GRADING: Grades will be assigned based on the percentage of possible points earned over the course of the semester. The final semester score will be based upon weights designated as follows:

• Tests: 70% of semester grade (55% exams and quizzes + 15% Final Exam)

➢ (The ONE test or quiz (not final exam) that most negatively affects your semester grade will be dropped when calculating the semester grade.)

• Labs, Homework, and Class Activities: 30% of semester grade

The semester grading scale is as follows (It’s a standard grading scale with + and -):

100 – 90% = A ||| < 90 – 80% = B ||| < 80 – 70% = C ||| < 70 – 60% = D ||| Less than 60% = F

➢ Very important note: Semester grades are not rounded. An 89.99% is a B+

EXTRA CREDIT: Various extra credit assignments/tasks may be offered throughout the semester. These extra credit points will be credited toward the homework portion of the grade.

INTEGRITY POLICY: Students will be expected to follow Esperanza High School’s Academic Integrity Policy/Code of Conduct. Any copying of work or tests and plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Any student caught breaking these integrity policies will receive a zero grade for that assignment as well as possible further disciplinary action as the teacher/administrator sees fit.

SAFETY: Each student agrees to follow the Student Safety Contract as well as any written or verbal instructions given by the teacher. The student will be expected to conduct themselves in a manner that ensures the safety of everyone in the lab. Any student who does not follow the laboratory rules or does not follow laboratory instructions will receive point deductions for the lab (a zero grade on that lab for major safety violations) and may be removed from additional lab activities or from the course as a whole.


1. Attend class regularly and be on time; which means being in your assigned seat and prepared for class when the tardy bell rings. Students that are tardy often will be disciplined according to the school’s tardy policy. The 6th tardy gets sent to the Attendance Director.

2. Have all classroom materials every day.

3. Complete all assignments and turn them in as requested. Assignments are due the following school day unless other instructions are given by the teacher. Work that is not legible will not earn any credit. It is the student’s responsibility to turn work in on time.

• LATE WORK POLICY: Late work is defined as work that was not turned in at the time is was due. All late work will only be accepted when turned into the “late work” basket. All late work receives a 30% penalty unless it is late due to a school acceptable absence. Labs may not be turned in for late credit after those labs have been graded and returned to the class. Turn your late assignments into the “late work” basket to receive credit. Absent students must write ABSENT at the top of their assignment or they will be deducted 30%.

• When a student is absent, IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN ANY MISSING ASSIGNMENTS UPON HIS/HER RETURN. Any worksheets/handouts that were given out can be retrieved from the paper cubby.

• Missed exams: Students should come to class prepared to take the exam the day of their return during our class period. Students who missed multiple days will be given up to one week after the test was given to take the exam. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a time with the teacher to complete the exam.

• Missed labs: Labs cannot be made up. If the student has an excused absence, then the student will receive a grade of “NA” which excuses the student from that lab. If the absence was for “skipping school,” then a grade of zero will be given.

• Keep all lecture notes & all papers given for the entire school year. You will want them for the final!


1. Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible

2. Respect the rights and property of all students, adults, and the school.

3. Engage in behavior that enhances the learning climate of the classroom.

4. Follow all school and class rules including the dress code, cell phone policy, & safety guidelines.

5. Remain seated or at your workstation until you are excused by the instructor. The bell does not dismiss students, the instructor does.

6. MOBILE PHONES OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES MAY NEVER BE USED IN THIS CLASSROOM! These devices are extremely distracting and will not be tolerated in class. If I see the device in class, I will take it away from the student. Refusing to give the unauthorized technology to a teacher or staff member when asked will receive consequences for defiance in addition to those related to Esperanza’s cell phone and electronic device policy.

7. Food or gum cannot be consumed in this classroom.

Complete and Return This Page to Mr. Woodward

Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

Thank you for reading through these materials with your student. There are numerous areas for you to sign or initial. Please read completely before signing.

During the school year, films may be shown that are science related, such as movies like “Gravity,” “The Right Stuff,” etc. They are rated PG or PG-13 and require parent notification and permission. I also occasionally take pictures of students and post them on my website. However, to protect the students, I will never associate a student’s name with a photograph.

Please thoroughly read the syllabus and Student Lab Safety Contract with your child. If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please write them in the “comment” section below or email me. I am excited to have your child in my class and look forward to a wonderful school year!


Michael Woodward

Chemistry Teacher


• I have read, understand and recognize the expectations, guidelines and lab safety regarding the science course requirements in Mr. Woodward’s class. I will encourage my student to comply with these standards.

• I understand that science appropriate related PG-13 films may be shown during the school year. The student has permission to view these films. If you do not want your student participating in watching these types of films, please initial here: ____

• I have been notified that photographs of students participating in class may be posted on the school/district website for others to view. If you do not want your student’s photograph being shared on a PYLUSD website or , please initial here: ____

• I have read and understand the Student Safety Contract. I recognize the responsibility required to maintain a safe classroom environment for all students. I understand that improper lab behavior/conduct will have consequences, which may include teacher assigned detention, Saturday hours, a grade of zero on the lab, and/or possible exclusion from future labs.


___________________________________ _________________________________

Print Student Name Print Parent Name

X_______________________ ________ X_______________________ _______

Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date

Complete and Return This Page to Mr. Woodward!!

Student Name: ____________________________Period: ______

Student Safety Contract

1. The laboratory is a place for serious work. Maintain a mature and professional attitude at all times. The rules on this page are to be read, learned, and practiced.

2. Never, under any circumstances, attempt unauthorized experiments. Accidents and trouble will be avoided by following this simple rule.

3. Always wear protective eyewear when in the laboratory.

4. Any accident involving even a minor injury must be reported to the instructor at once.

5. Beware of hot glass. Hot glass looks like cold. Inspect glassware before using” look for small chips & cracks.

6. All books, coats, and other personal effects should remain at your desk and never be found at your laboratory station. Place books on seats on lab days and arrange chairs to provide an easy exit in case of emergency.

7. Do not touch, taste, or smell chemicals unless directed to do so. When observing the odor of a substance, do not hold your face directly over the container. Fan a little of the vapor toward yourself by sweeping your hand over the top of the container. (This is wafting)

8. When heating a test tube, start heating gently by moving the tube in and out of the heat source. Be aware of how easily liquids start to boil. Do not point your test tube at your neighbor or yourself when heating substances therein. A suddenly formed bubble of vapor may eject the contents violently &dangerously.

9. Put out fires. Know the location of the fire extinguisher fire blanket, and shower in the laboratory. Know how to use the sink as an eyewash. As a rule, wash eyes for 15 minutes. Fire blanket may be used to smother fires.

10. When diluting concentrated acid, pour the acid slowly and carefully into the water. Never add the water to the acid. “Always do just as you ‘oughter,’ add the acid to the water.”

11. If an acid or other chemical is spilled on your skin, wash it off immediately with water. If an acid or base is spilled on the counter or on your clothing, neutralize it, rinse well with water, and then wipe it up.

Acid on clothing or counter:

use baking soda (a weak base) to neutralize

Base on clothing:or counter:

use vinegar (a weak acid) to neutralize

12. Throw all solids to be discarded into labeled waste containers or as directed by teacher... solids never go into the sinks! Liquids are emptied into the sinks and washed down with water unless special handling is required. If needed to protect our water supply, special liquid waste containers will be indicated.

13. Always read the labels twice before taking anything from a bottle... many chemicals have similar names. NEVER return unused chemicals to the dispensing bottle to prevent contamination.

14. The electronic balances are expensive and somewhat fragile. Do not press on balance pan (they are not designed to move). Never place chemicals directly on balance pans... they chemically react with many of the salts we use in class. Use a weigh boat or, if desperate, a quarter sheet of notebook paper makes a good weighing paper.

15. Keep an eye on your neighbor while in the la5oratory to see that she or he is also obeying the rules... remember, the accident that harms you may not be your own.

16. Keep your apparatus and lab station clean always. Wipe up spills since YOU know what those spills are: acid and water look the same to the next student using that station.

17. Report any accident, no matter how minor, immediately to the instructor in the room.

Complete and Return This Page to Mr. Woodward!!

Recording video in the classroom is STRictly prohibited as per law:



  ( Title 2 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )



  ( Division 4 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )



  ( Part 28 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )


CHAPTER 4. Prohibited Instruction [51500 - 51540]

  ( Chapter 4 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )


ARTICLE 2. Prohibited Materials [51510 - 51513]

  ( Article 2 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )



The Legislature finds that the use by any person, including a pupil, of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom of the elementary and secondary schools without the prior consent of the teacher and the principal of the school given to promote an educational purpose disrupts and impairs the teaching process and discipline in the elementary and secondary schools, and such use is prohibited. Any person, other than a pupil, who willfully violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Any pupil violating this section shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

This section shall not be construed as affecting the powers, rights, and liabilities arising from the use of electronic listening or recording devices as provided for by any other provision of law.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

I understand that Mr. Woodward does not allow cell phones and other digital devices to be used without specific permission in the classroom!

X_______________________ _______ X_______________________ _______

Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date

Complete and Return This Page to Mr. Woodward!!

Student Name: ____________________________Period: ______


Occasionally I may find the need to send you an important message. I use ’s free service to communicate to students. All students are asked to join this message list. Parents can join too!

Using your mobile phone, send the following text message to 81010 @beaker247 or go directly to this website and enroll:

I have signed up for the teacher reminders!

X_______________________ ________ X_______________________ _______

Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date


Your first quiz (DUE THURSDAY AUGUST 31st at the start of class):

1) When can a student use their mobile phone or other electronic device in Mr. Woodward’s chemistry classroom?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

2) When can a student eat or drink in Mr. Woodward’s chemistry classroom?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

3) What is the penalty for turning in late work?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

4) How many times can a student take a quiz?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

5) How much of the semester grade is the final exam?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

6) If a student ends the semester earning a 79.9%, will Mr. Woodward round the grade to an 80.0%?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

7) Where can worksheets be found if a student did not receive one the day it was passed out in class?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

8) Solid waste materials cannot go in the sink, so how are solid waste materials disposed of in class?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

9) If a student is absent, how are missed labs made up?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

10) What is Mr. Woodward’s class website that he wants you to check regularly?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

To be graded in class: Score: ______/ 10



I have read and understand the above safety rules.

I agree to follow these rules and maintain a mature and professional attitude in the laboratory.

| | | |

|______________________________ |__________________________ |________________ |

|Student Signature |Witness (Parent Signature) |Date |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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