Polytech High School

POLYTECH High School

Physical Earth Science Spring 2012

Mrs. Jennifer Regelski jregelsk@polytech.k12.de.us

Mrs. Lisa Layton-Krout llayton@polytech.k12.de.us

Course Description: Physical Science is a second level science course designed to follow Biology. An introduction of chemistry, earth science, and physics is explored through laboratory experiments and demonstrations.

Course Objectives: Students are expected to master the State Standards.

Textbook: Glencoe, Physical Science with Earth Science

Sign your name in your book in ink. Take it home and use it a reference. You will be held accountable for the care of your book upon its return. This means you may have to pay for it if it is lost or damaged.

Textbook website:

Grading: Your grade will be calculated by dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of points possible. Each marking period will have a different number of total points possible depending on the activities we do. You can keep track of your grades by keeping a running tally of points possible and points earned. The final exam will count for 20% of the semester grade. The semester grade is calculated according to school policy found in the student handbook.

Parents will be able to access student grades online using Home Access Center. Most assignments will be graded and posted within one week. Labs and projects may take longer to grade and post; please be patient. I plan to send grade sheets home with students for parent signatures.

Attendance: Read your handbook and learn the school policy on attendance. If you have an excused absence, you have the same number of days that you were absent in which to complete the makeup work. It is your responsibility to get the assignments and make them up. The missed assignments can be determined before class or after class – not during class! Do not put make up work in the basket with other work, give it to your directly.

• Appointments during class are discouraged.

• Students will not be allowed to drive on lab and test days.

• Maximum 2 times out of class for driving, prior permission must be obtained.

• Missed tests will be made up the next day.

• Missed labs must be made up within one week.

• Passes will not be given to go to your locker or to other teachers.

• Come to class prepared

• All tests are announced ahead of time; if a student is absent the day before

a test, they will still take the test on the scheduled date.

Bathroom Breaks

Students must obtain permission to leave from the teacher and sign out on the door. Passes are hanging on the door; please take the appropriate pass with you.

Late to Class: 3 Tardies = a detention

Late work: Turn in work on time. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED!

Laboratory: Students must pass a lab safety quiz. Students and parents must sign the lab safety contract. Students will not participate in any lab until both of these requirements are met. Students are responsible for broken lab equipment. Horseplay will not be tolerated.

Our Expectations of You:

• Attend all classes. Follow all school policies.

• Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings.

• Participate in class discussions. Be polite raise your hand.

• Turn in assignments on time. Make up any missed work.

• Students will respect themselves, others and school property.

• Students will work to the best of their abilities.

• Students will not eat, drink or chew gum in class.

• No cell phones, iPODS, or other such electronic devices are allowed in class

• Do not write on the desks. Students will be responsible for cleaning, sanding and repairing any vandalized desks.

• Class will be dismissed when everyone is seated and the room is ready to be vacated.

• Assignments will be placed in the basket as students enter the classroom. When the bell rings, I will enter the room and collect papers from the basket. Any papers turned in after that time will be late.

Journals/Notebook: You must bring it with you to class every day.

2 Composition Notebooks and 1 binder for handouts are required.

All work turned in will be CLEARLY and NEATLY written in blue or black ink or pencil.

Please cut off any fringes or rough edges.

Lab Report Format: The following is the format for all lab reports you must use this format. Put the Roman numeral and heading; then fill in the appropriate information for that section.

I. Problem: What are you investigating and why?

II. Hypothesis: Original hypothesis your educated guess

III. Materials: What did you use?

IV. Procedure: What did you do?

V. Data: What did you observe?

VI. Conclusion: What happened and why? Refer back to your hypothesis, does your data support it? EXPLAIN USE DETAILS.

VII. Questions: Answer assigned questions

Skip lines between each section of your write up. The report should be clear and easy to read.

Make lists, use data tables. The report should be free from errors.

Make sure that everything is labeled and in the proper order.



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