Memory Review Sheet

Memory Review Sheet

Unit 7


• definition

Types of Long-Term Memories

• semantic memory

• implicit memory

• episodic memory

• flashbulb memory

The Three Processes of Memory

Know the function of each and how each compares to the workings of a computer.

• encoding

• storage

• retrieval

The Three Stages of Memory

Know the function, capacity, and time length of each

• sensory memory –iconic and echoic

• short term memory

• long-term memory

• rehearsal

Short-Term Memory Concepts

• chunking – definition and examples

• serial position effects – primacy & recency effect

Long-Term Memory Retrieval

• context effects –definition and examples

• schemas – definition, how do they affect reconstruction of memories?

• Reconstructive memory

o assimilation, sharpening, leveling

Normal Forgetting

• types of forgetting

o encoding failure

o decay

o retrieval failure

• factors that lead to forgetting

• what is motivated forgetting?

Extreme Forgetting

Know descriptions and causes for each.

• repression

• infantile amnesia

• anterograde amnesia

• retrograde amnesia

Misinformation Effect

• what is it?

• Elizabeth Loftus Study

o summarize it

o what conclusions about eyewitness memory can be made from this study?

Memory Review Sheet

Unit 7


• definition

Types of Long-Term Memories

• semantic memory

• implicit memory

• episodic memory

• flashbulb memory

The Three Processes of Memory

Know the function of each and how each compares to the workings of a computer.

• encoding

• storage

• retrieval

The Three Stages of Memory

Know the function, capacity, and time length of each

• sensory memory –iconic and echoic

• short term memory

• long-term memory

• rehearsal

Short-Term Memory Concepts

• chunking – definition and examples

• serial position effects – primacy & recency effect

Long-Term Memory Retrieval

• context effects –definition and examples

• schemas – definition, how do they affect reconstruction of memories?

• Reconstructive memory

o assimilation, sharpening, leveling

Normal Forgetting

• types of forgetting

o encoding failure

o decay

o retrieval failure

• factors that lead to forgetting

• what is motivated forgetting?

Extreme Forgetting

Know descriptions and causes for each.

• repression

• infantile amnesia

• anterograde amnesia

• retrograde amnesia

Misinformation Effect

• what is it?

• Elizabeth Loftus Study

o summarize it

what conclusions about eyewitness memory can be made from this


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