Ecological Footprint WebQuest: - Oregon High School

Ecological Footprint WebQuest:

Directions: Follow the links described below and work through the questions and actions described.

What is an ecological footprint?

Go to and read the overview of an ecological footprint.

1. What is an ecological footprint?

2. What is meant by ecological assets? (What components make up an ecological footprint?)

3. How long does it take earth to create the resources people use in a year?

Go to and read about earth overshoot day.

4. What is meant by earth overshoot day?

5. How is it possible for us to still have resources to use if we’re in ecological overshoot?

Ecological Impact Quiz:

Go to and enter the quiz. DO NOT ENTER YOUR EMAIL!

6. Take the quiz and compare your average ecological footprint with the average footprint of 24 acres in the United States. Please record your “score” here OR call your teacher over to show her that you’ve taken the quiz (in case you don’t want to put your score down on paper).

Go to to answer these questions.

Is the Ecological Footprint anti-trade, anti-technology, or anti-GDP?

7. How does the Ecological Footprint account for worldwide trading? [Are resources used to make products affecting the footprint of the country manufacturing the product or the footprint of the country using the product?

8. Is the Ecological Footprint anti-trade? Explain.

9. Is the Ecological Footprint anti-technology? Explain.

10. A country’s GDP (gross domestic product) represents the total dollar value of all goods and services produced each year. GDP is often used to represent the size and strength of a country’s economy. Is the Ecological Footprint anti-GDP? Explain.

What is a global hectare?

11. What is a global hectare?

12. What factors are considered when measuring global hectares?

13. Why does the Ecological Footprint use global hectares? [What’s the benefit of using global hectares as the unit of measurement?]

Is the Ecological Footprint a measure of carrying capacity?

14. Why is it so hard to measure carrying capacity for people?

15. Is the Ecological Footprint a measure of carrying capacity? Explain.

Living Planet Report:

Go to and use the links under the LEARN section to answer these questions.

How have key species populations fared since 1970?

16. Since 1970, the global Living Planet Index has fallen by 30%. What does this mean?

17. What habitat has seen the greatest decline in population sizes?

18. What is the difference in species population size change in tropical areas compared to temperate areas during the past 40 years?

19. How do species population size changes in the last 40 years differ based on wealth of the country in which the species is located?

Why do temperate species do better than tropical species?

20. Why have more species populations decreased in tropical regions compared to temperate regions?

Which countries make the most demands on our planet, and which the least?

21. In 2007, humanity’s footprint exceeded the Earth’s biocapacity by _____ %.

22. What is the primary cause of the Earth’s ecological overshoot?

23. How is a country’s income related to its ecological impact?

How does the loss of species diversity affect you and me?

24. The Living Planet Report argues that all human activities make use of ecosystem services. What are some ecosystem services provided by a diverse and healthy ecosystem?

25. What people (on Earth) are likely to be affect first and most negatively by decreasing species diversity? Why?


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