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Module 5: Changing Cities Text: Digby et al

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Activities |Resources |

| |key questions | | | |

|19-21 |5.1 What are the environmental |To identify what makes up an |Work through the ecofootprints PPT. The images from slide 10 |Pgs 204 – 205 |

| |issues facing cities? |eco-footprint. |can be given for students to allow them to sort them into the |Pgs 206 – 207 |

| |a Urban regions can generate huge |To describe factors which |correct order. | |

| |eco-footprints. |influence the size of |Use pg 204 to label the ecofootprint diagram. |RESOURCES MISSING HERE!!! |

| | |eco-footprints. |Complete the ecofootprint advice sheet. | |

| | | |Work through the comparing ecological footprint PPT. |[pic] |

| |b There are tensions between |To understand that cites creating |Show the What a Waste Tonight video and use one of the two |Pgs 208 – 209 |

| |cities as generators of wealth and|wealth can also create |question sheets alongside it. |Pgs 210 – 211 |

| |as eco-friendly organisms. |environmental problems. |Work through the London life support systems PPT. |What a Waste video on shared drive |

| | | |Use the handout with the above PPT. |[pic] |

| | | |Alternative – use the Lesson 4 landfill and London PPT (with |[pic] |


| | | |ICT option: London Mucking Out webquest (need text books too) | |


| |5.2 How far can these issues be |To identify three ways in which |Watch the Tanzania sustainable settlement video on the shared |Pgs 212 – 213 |

| |resolved sustainably? |one city is trying to reduce its |drive. Students to make a list of sustainable features of the|Pgs 214 – 215 |

| |a Cities have huge potential for |eco-footprint. |school whilst they’re watching. After this, discuss which of |Tanzania sustainable settlement video on the shared drive |

| |reducing their ecofootprints. |To describe how transport could be|the features could be applied to our school. |[pic][pic] |

| | |made more sustainable. |ICT option: BedZED activity. |[pic][pic][pic] |

| | | |ICT option: reducing your ecofootprint activity. |RESOURCES MISSING HERE!!! |

| | | |Work through the Urban Transport PPT. Use the traffic | |

| | | |measures photos to fill out the traffic measures table. |[pic] |

| | | |In groups look through the Lichfield traffic plans to identify| |

| | | |traffic measures that are being implemented locally. | |

| | | |Optional: What’s happening here PPT with information about | |

| | | |Modbury ‘carrier bag free’ town. | |

| |b Different role models exist for|To know how cities of the future |Watch the food miles and Punjab 10 minute clip from the shared|Pgs 216 – 217 |

| |greener urban futures. |could be ‘greener’. |drive. Students to make notes. |Pgs 218 – 219 |

| | |To understand the idea of Green |ICT option: ethical consumers activity |Food Miles and Punjab clip on the shared drive. |

| | |Consumerism with its advantages |Use the food miles labels to create a food miles world map |[pic] |

| | |and disadvantages. |Answer the food miles question from the PPT using pages 216 | |

| | | |and 217. |RESOURCES MISSING HERE!!! |


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