Industrial Revolution Story Line

Industrial Revolution Story Line

The Industrial Revolution marks a huge change in society that is the forerunner of our modern industrial society. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, production of g__________ and s______________ was slow and inefficient. Products were made in ______________ and at a local level. The Industrial Revolution will change how work is done, where people live and how people make a living.

At the start of the unit, we looked at how to compare societies and their wealth. ___________________ is the term that we use that is a measure of the consumption of goods and services that individuals or groups can achieve. There are a number of indicators that are used to compare the standard of living including: i__________________, d_______, m______________, e_____________, _ch_________________ and _l____________________. Countries with a high standard of living are located in ______________ and ____________, with _________________ having the highest standard of living. Countries on the lower end of the scale tending to be located in __________________.

As we examine economic choices, there are 3 main questions to examine:

1) _____________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________

3) _____________________________________________________

In the Middle Ages (1000-1300), most of Europe’s economic system was based on the idea of ______________________, where peasants worked the land for their lords and really didn’t have much of a chance for upward movement. The general population viewed the idea of gaining wealth as _____________ and against the teachings of the _______________. As feudalism breaks down, ________________ and traders begin acquiring wealth. During the 1500s and 1600s, a new type of economic idea called __________________ is promoted. This idea says that there is a ____________ amount of wealth in the world. If a country wanted to be wealthy, it needed to ____________ more than it ________________. In this type of economy, production is controlled somewhat by the government.

There are three types of economic systems that we studied. The first system is based on the way things have been done in the past and is referred to as the _______________ system. An example would be if I chose a job path because that is what my father did and his father did, etc.. Another economic system is based on the government determining all policy, how much is produced and the way things are done. This is called a ________________ economy. The last economic system in this section was the idea of the _____________________ economy. This economic system emphasizes interaction and choice between people to determine what is produce. Prices adjust due to the ideas of s____________ and d________.

The Industrial Revolution doesn’t actually begin with the mechanization of jobs and the idea of factories, but rather in the area of ___________________________. Old farming methods were fairly inefficient, only yielding 5 or 6 bushels per bushel sown. One of the first changes was getting rid fields resting in f______________. _______________________ who later becomes known as __________________ Townshend, suggests a system of crop ______________ where farmers switch between wheat, turnips, barley and clover. The invention of the ___________________ by Jethro Tull improves the amount of seed being grown and allows for rows of crops and easier weeding. Farmers also begin to share information about farming experiments and experiences. The size and quality of livestock also improved as herders began practicing _____________ ______________ of their livestock. Finally, efficiency was improved by moving from the old common field system, to a closed land system, a practice known as _____________________. This involved fencing off public lands and eliminating the old narrow strip farming.

All of these changes in agriculture will lead to a large increase in the ____________________. Women were healthier, having more babies. Thomas Malthus, a British writer observed that prior to this time, population growth had been slow, controlled by things like : ___________, ________________ and ________________. Without these restrictions, human population would grow very quickly. The increase population in England demanded more goods, especially cloth, and started a chain reaction that leads to industrialization.

Britain is the first country to feel the effects of the Industrial Revolution. The conditions in Britain were just right for industrialization. The reasons England was first included:

1) an increased _____________________ due to the agricultural changes

2) ______________________ - money is needed to make investments in new technologies and to build factories

3) a large ___________________, (people who do jobs), due to the agricultural revolution and improved sanitation

4) A movement of people from _______________ to _________________ settings. Due to the population changes and the Enclosure movement, people relocate to the _____________ in hope of finding work.

5) Britain also had the major natural resource that powers the Industrial Revolution, __________. Britain had cut down many of its forests and this new energy source would power the steam driven machinery.

6) Britain will also develop an efficient ______________________ system for moving people and goods. One of the first improvements was in the building of _____________ to link waterways. Towards the later part of the Industrial Revolution, _________________ became a major source of transporting goods.

7) Britain also saw the benefits of the Scientific Revolution. Inventors and innovators created new technologies such as __________________, _____________________ and _______________.

8) Britain benefited from a demand for ________________ due to their growing population and markets in their _______________________(overseas territories).

The British will have a 50 year lead on the other countries of Europe in industrialization, giving them a distinct economic advantage as they could produce high quality goods, in greater numbers, quicker and at less ______________ than any other country.

The first changes that take place towards increase mechanization occur in the ________________ industry. Prior to industrialization, most work was done in simple homes or cottages and therefore was known as the __________________ industry, the Domestic System or the ____________ _________ system. The process of turning __________ into thread was a very time consuming process. The wool had to be sheared from the sheep, cleaned, carded (brushing into fibers) and then spun by spinsters. The yarn would then be taken to a weaver to produce cloth.

The Flying Shuttle was the first invention to get things going faster. The ___________ ______________ came next, where 8 threads could be spun at once (and later 100 threads). A few years later, Richard Arkwright created the ____________ ______________, which is considered the first factory machine. It spun a stronger thicker thread, but not as many. So, Samuel Crompton creates the Spinning ______________, that will combine the best of the Spinning Jenny with the quality of the Water Frame. This machine was also powered by _______________ so now it does not have to be near a water source.

The way work was done changed drastically. We go from having human and animal power, to ______________ power, to ________________power. James Watt will improve upon the ideas of Thomas Newcomen to create a more practical and efficient ________________ _______________. Newcomen’s engine was only really used in mining and wasn’t terribly efficient. The creation of the steam engine, will allow factories to develop in cities near the workforce, or near the coal mines for resources. Factories now could also run around the clock. Steam power will also lead to changes in _______________________ with railways and also in the production of ___________________, (a product created by using coal and iron ore).

The creation of the first railways would have a large impact on the way Britain and Canada would develop. Benefits of the new form of transportation included a way to move heavier goods more easily, ___________________ grows as people can now travel much quicker to the sea or countryside, __________________ spreads quickly as newspapers can be read in distant places the next day, the breaking down of ________________ barriers between areas in England, as well as the creation of many ____________________.

The Industrialization of society leads to the Factory system, which is based upon three ideas:

1) increased ____________________________

2) the _____________________________ of production

3) the _____________________ of _________________________.

The incredibly fast change of the pace of society had many benefits, but factory owners also took advantage of the huge labour force seeking employment. The shift from a ___________ to ________________ society meant that people were no longer self-sufficient but became _______________ earners. Working conditions in the factories and ______________ were often miserable. Most of our understanding of the conditions comes from two reports to the British parliament. The __________________ report (1832) focused on the conditions in factories and the __________________ report (1842) focused on conditions in the _________________ industry. Working conditions included: working _______________ hours, usually _______ to ________ hours a day; working for low ____________, about 15 shillings a week for a male, less for a _________________or a ____________________. Since it was cheaper to use women and children, many men were let go from their jobs. There were often ___________________ as owners took very few safety precautions. The work place was hot and ___________ as cotton thread had to be spun at 70 degrees F. Punishments were severe for being late or even talking to someone you shouldn’t. In mines, _____________ were often used to crawl into narrow passages. Most workers lived near the factories in row houses known as _______________________.

The working conditions lead to reactions by parliament and by intellectuals. One group of workers known as the _________________ tried to resist the changes by smashing the machinery of factories. Other groups of workers will attempt to organize into groups known as ________________ which will try to push for workers’ rights, wages and working conditions. British parliament will eventually listen and introduce laws such at the ______________________ which focuses on reducing the number of underaged children working in factories. Later legislation called the _____________ Act, reduces the number of hours _______________ and children can work and restricts them from working ____________________.

New philosophies on economics begin to develop as well. ______________________ advances the cause of _______________________ in his book the Wealth of ______________. Smith argues that the market handles itself. The laws of __________and ____________________ regulate the prices. ___________________ between private business in essential for motivation and survival. The ______________ motive drives people to do there best so they have the most buying power they can have. Governments are not to interfere in this system, an idea that is described by the French term _____________________.

The idea of Capitalism is based upon a few key principles:

1) _______________________ - the ability of people to make their own choices in spending and earning wealth

2) _________________ ownership of the means of production

3) .

4) .

Competition and continuous improvement are essential. The ____________ mechanism determines the fair value of a good or service.

Other thinkers promote the idea of ______________________, which states that the government has a responsibility to care for its people and use its power to control production and business.

One socialist thinker was ___________________, who created a model community in Scotland to show how a factory could still earn _________________, while treating its workers humanely. This model factory known as _______ ___________________ created safe, healthy working conditions, clean living accommodations, and fair wages. He also created the world’s first ____________________ store. This idealist brand of socialism is called ____________________ socialism.

Others pushed for elected government representatives to push for the causes of the working class. They wanted the government to provide basic human rights and have partial control of economic planning. This type of elected socialism is called _______________ socialism.

Finally, there was the idea of _____________________ socialism, promoted by a German philosopher called Karl ______________. This idea is also known as ___________________.

____________ believed that throughout history, there has always been class struggles. There is historical progression to his ideas of the stages of human civilization’s development. Marx believed that eventually the workers would _________________ and overthrow the _________________. He called the workers the _______________________ and the owners the__________________________. After this revolution of the workers, all the means of production would be owned by the workers and all would contribute what they could to their society and everyone would receive what they needed. __________________ property would be abolished and eventually government would not even be needed. A classless society would exist. Marx wrote two important pieces of work. The _______________ ________________ describes the ideals of communism, while _____ ____________________ critiques the abuses of capitalism and how the worker is exploited. The ideas of communism are put into practice in the 20th century, first in ___________ then in China and other countries. In these countries, the idea of communism changes to more of a ___________________ style of government rather than the ideal form that Marx was encouraging.

AND… this brings us back to our original three questions:

1) What is going to be produced

2) How much of each good and service will be produced

3) Who will benefit from the production of the goods and services

These ideas on economic development still are a major idealist difference between groups in society today. We have recently observed the _______________ movements ,starting on Wall Street and spreading around the world. People are asking, why the 1% of the wealthy, own and control the economy, while the 99% of people try to get by. The ideas on the role of the government in the economy also help define our political parties of today.


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