
Home learning grid for school closure P5Week beginning 1.6.20P5 Class specific activities:WritingTalking and listeningSpellingHave you ever wanted to go on an adventure? Have you ever wanted to be a spy? Work through the literacy resources and create your own adventure story: and choose from the activities provided for literacy this week. Look over the talking and listening cubes. Practise responding to each one. You may respond with the truth or you may come up with an imaginative response. Which do you find easier?Time yourself and see how long you can keep your answer going for.Once you have practised, present your mini talks to someone in your house.Look over your P5 spelling progression grid in your home learning pack. We are currently on column 1/6. We are learning about plural words ending in ‘ys’.boys keys toys trays plays daysabbeys birthdays cowboys moneysquays turkeys valleys journeys chimneys donkeys jockeys trolleys monkeysPre-test yourself at the start of the week to see which words you need to practice. Use your spelling grid to complete an activity for the words you need to work on. Extra: Find four free games for this spelling pattern at: MathsNumeracyQuestionsGrouped resources for times tables, measure, fractions and problem solving have been allocated to your account on:activelearnprimary.co.ukHint: Remember to finish the game so that you are given a score. Opening a game and not completing will count as 0%Work from the P5 mental agility grids within your home learning pack. Pick a specific one to work on. Time yourself each day of the week and see if you can beat your record each day. Challenge: the multiplication game. Can you find the answer?Play the factors game. Can you come up with the two factors when given the answer?Play the division game. Can you work in reverse to find the missing factor?Admin@royalmile.edin.sch.ukThis is the email address that you can use to communicate with your class teacher. Remember that we would love to see some of your work so that we can give you feedback and share success on the blog- like we would do in class!Shared Second Level Activities:Sciences/ TechnologyHealth and WellbeingModern Languages- Spanish/ GaelicGlasgow Science Centre will bebringing a bit of science into yourhome every day at 10am to helpkeep everyone inspired in thesechallenging times.‘Young Minds’ have created a Wellbeing Activity Calendar. There are activities you can do alone or as a family. The idea is that you take 5 minutes per day to do something that will boost wellbeing. Pick your favourite activities and try one each day! . with Joe. 10:00am on YouTube Speedie has posted a whole school languages activity for ‘Say something nice’ day. We have attached a link to it on the blog post. Theme/ProjectSomething funA problem to solveYour Planet: the latest environmental news: The link below will take you to news clips about our planet. Have a browse and a think. What environmental issues are you passionate about? Can you think of any that link to your chosen country or Scotland? Make a poster or a book creator to bring attention to what you believe is important and how best to help. Check out the weekly art activities from the National Galleries of Scotland. Explore our Creative CurriculumWhat can you make with leftover toilet rolls? Check out below for some ideas! Can you make a marble run? Check out the link below for some inspiration! We’d love to see pictures of what you have made! Send them to your teacher or to admin@royalmile.edin.sch.uk ................

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