-161925-257175008501380-220345 HYPERLINK "" @00 HYPERLINK "" @First Level Home Learning Grid (P2 – 4) 21/4/20 Please monitor the class blogs at and your class Twitter page!Writing ReadingNumberTake a look at this excellent resource and create a rainforest poster or leaflet. Choose an animal you want to learn more about. Find out as much as you can about the animal and create a poster or fact file or book to show your learning. Research the creature and write a fun, imaginary story.Remember to lots of !Please keep practising your comprehension and grammar skills on Complete reading the Orang-utan e-book on Create a board game, dance, song or chant to recall your times tables facts. Practice your mental agility as much as possible with motivational games such as SpellingTalking & ListeningMaths/NumeracyPlease practise the first 100, 200 or 300 FRY words (attached to the blog) by LCWC three times and a fun spelling activity such as bubbly writing, all caps, step spelling or create a wordsearch for someone else to solveAsk an adult to look over your written work (your poster or story) and practise the words you misspelt.Go to and find games to help you practise your sounds words. Watch this clip and find out about the Sikh celebration Vaisakhi, – the tell someone about what you learnt.Collate tally marks for each vowel you found on one of your pages of the book you are currently reading A E Then use your date and create a block graph E ANow you choose the criteria for a block graph? (2,3,4 or more letters per word, amount of syllables etc)Religious & Moral EducationModern Languages - SpanishArt/Music/Drama/PEDraw a picture and label it about this Sikh celebration Vaisakhi or describe a celebration of your own religion or customs of your family. 2082803429000Everyone can tell the time to the o’clock in English. Can you learn how to do it in Spanish?!?! Use the Learn Screen La Hora to learn how to do it. Then play the game La Hora to see if you remember! Don’t worry if you can’t understand all the words! Hint… try to remember your numbers in Spanish.20967703238500 Make a Water Xylophone! Can you adjust the water to make the notes higher or lower?Health & WellbeingSciences/TechnologiesIDL Theme/ProjectStart writing a diary. Try to include something positive every day!Follow the link(s) for an… Origami Challenge! Can you make an Origami Cowboy Hat?Picture instructionsVideo instructionsTipsUse a square piece of paperBe careful and precise with the folds. Especially the ones at the start.Be patient. You don’t have to finish it in 1 go.Share a picture on your class Twitter page when you make it!Phases of the Moon.Watch this helpful video to keep learning. HYPERLINK "" the Phases of the Moon rap to learn even more. you like Oreos? Can you make a Phases of the Moon diagram like this?You’ll only need 4 Oreos, paper and pens.Share your snack (I mean work) on your class Twitter page with the hashtag #oreomoon.Something fun! Questions Can you find the snowman amongst the penguins?!Check the Blog and Twitter page for a larger versionadmin@royalmile.edin.sch.ukPlease keep sharing comments & pictures of your work. The class Twitter pages is another excellent way of doing this. You might even inspire others too!27927305651500P2 - @RMPSPrimary2P3 - @RMPS_P3P4 - @rmpsp4 ................

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