CHAPTER 9: The New Imperialism

CHAPTER 9: The New Imperialism

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| |EVENTS | |

|9.1 |imperialism |What were the economic motives for imperialism? |

| |Social Darwinism |What were the political and military motives for imperialism? |

| |protectorate |What were the humanitarian and religious goals for imperialism? |

| |sphere of influence |Explain how Social Darwinism was applied to imperialism. |

| | |What factors allowed European nations to dominate over others? |

| | |How did Africans and Asians respond to Western expansion? |

| | |Why were some Westerners opposed to (against) imperialism? |

| | |Compare and contrast how Britain and France ruled their colonies. |

| | |What was the advantage of establishing a protectorate, as opposed to a colony? |

| | |Compare and contrast a colony with a sphere of influence. |

|9.2 |Usman dan Fodio |Describe Africa before the Europeans carved it into colonies. |

| |Shaka |What were the ways in which Islam impacted West Africa? |

| |Boers |How did Shaka Zulu’s conquests affect southern Africa in the early 1800s? |

| |paternalistic view |What was the “Great Trek”? How did the Zulus respond and what was the outcome? |

| |Dr. David Livingstone |Which two countries in Africa were created for former British and American slaves? |

| |Henry Stanley |How did European contact with Africa increase in the late 1800s? |

| |King Leopold II |How did most Westerners, including missionaries, view African cultures and religions? |

| |Boer War |What was decided at the Berlin Conference of 1884? What was ironic about this conference? |

| |Menelik II |What two groups fought in the Boer War? Why? What was the outcome? |

| |elite |Which African country managed to resist European colonization and maintain its independence? How? |

|9.3 |Muhammad Ahmad |What caused the decline of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires? |

| |Mahdi |Describe the Wahhabi movement. Where does it continue to have influence? |

| |pashas |How did nationalism lead to the weakening of the Ottoman empire? |

| |Young Turks |Why are the Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits strategic? |

| |Armenians |What were the positive effects of Westernization in the Ottoman Empire? |

| |genocide |What were the negative effects of Westernization in the Ottoman Empire? |

| |Ferdinand de Lesseps |What did the Young Turks believe the Ottoman Empire needed? |

| |Suez Canal |What did the Muslim Turks accuse the Armenians of doing? |

| |concessions |Approximately how many Armenians were killed or died from disease or starvation during the Armenian Genocide? |

| | |Why is Muhammad Ali called the “father of modern Egypt”? |

| | |How did Egypt become a British protectorate? |

| | |How did Persia attract foreign interest in the early 1900s? |

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| |EVENTS | |

|9.4 |sati |How did India’s diversity allow them to be more easily conquered? |

| |sepoy |In what ways did the British try to Westernize India? |

| |British raj |What were three unpopular moves the British East India company made in the 1850s? |

| |viceroy |What were the causes and effects of the Sepoy Rebellion? |

| |cash crops |Why did the British improve transportation and communication in India? |

| |Ram Mohun Roy |How did the British ruin India’s hand-weaving industry? |

| |purdah |Why did India suffer terrible famines in the late 1800s? |

| | |List the benefits of British rule in India. |

| | |What did Ram Mohun Roy do to reform India and also to reform traditional Indian culture? |

| | |Why did Western-educated Indians eventually work toward independence from Britain? |

| | |What were the goals of the Indian National Congress? |

| | |What was the goal of the Muslim League? |

|9.5 |balance of trade |Prior to the 1800s, why did China enjoy a trade surplus? |

| |trade surplus |What allowed the British to win the Opium War? |

| |trade deficit |What were the provisions of the Treaty of Nanjing? |

| |Opium War |What were the results of “unequal treaties”? |

| |indemnity |Describe the conditions in China that led to the Taiping Rebellion. |

| |extraterritori-ality |What were the outcomes of the Taiping Rebellion? |

| |Taiping Rebellion |What was the self-strengthening movement? Why did it fail? |

| |Sino-Japanese War |What was the Open Door Policy? |

| |Open Door Policy |How did reformers try to solve China’s internal problems? |

| |Guang Xu |What contributed to the anti-foreign feeling in China at the turn of the century? |

| |Hundred Days of Reform |What was the goal of the Boxers? |

| |Boxer Uprising |How did the Boxer Rebellion bring about change in China? |

| |Society of Righteous and |What were Sun Yixian’s Three Principles of the People? |

| |Harmonious Fists | |

| |Sun Yixian | |

CHAPTER 10: New Global Patterns

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| |EVENTS | |

|10.1 |shogun |What were some characteristics of Tokugawa rule on Japan? |

| |daimyo |By the mid-1800s, why did so many groups of people in Japan feel discontented? |

| |Commodore Matthew Perry |How did the government respond to the discontent? |

| |Mutsuhito |What were the provisions of the Treaty of Kanagawa? |

| |Tokyo |What was the Meiji reformers’ main goal? What did they do to reach this goal? |

| |Meiji Restoration |Read the Traveler’s Tales section. What opinion do you think Fukuzawa has of American culture? |

| |Diet |What were provisions of the Meiji constitution? |

| |zaibatsu |How did Meiji leaders encourage Japan’s businesses to Westernize? |

| |homogeneous society |What was the debate regarding women under the Meiji Restoration? |

| |tributary state |What were reasons for the quick modernization of Japan during the Meiji period? |

| |First Sino-Japanese War |Name two reasons Japan sought to expand their Empire. |

| |Russo-Japanese War |What was the outcome of the First Sino-Japanese War? |

| |annex |What was the significance of Japan’s victory in the Russo-Japanese War? |

| | |What changes did Japan bring to Korea? |

|10.4 |regionalism |What were the consequences of regionalism and the rise of caudillos? |

| |caudillos |In Latin America, what did the conservatives favor? What did the liberals favor? |

| |Benito Juarez |What factors undermined democracy in post-independence Latin America? |

| |La Reforma |What was the peonage system? Do you think it was fair? Why or why not? |

| |peonage |How did Spanish and Portuguese policies prevent their Latin American colonies from developing their own economies? |

| |Monroe Doctrine |Why did Latin America continue to be economically dependent on foreign powers, even after political independence? |

| |Panama Canal |What four things helped Latin American nations move into the world economy? |

| | |Why did many local industries fail to develop even after Latin America joined the world economy? |

| | |What was the goal of the Monroe Doctrine? |

| | |What was the Roosevelt Corollary? |

| | |What was the significance of the Panama Canal? |

| | |How did the United States act as an imperialist power in Latin America? |


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