University of California, Los Angeles

Curriculum VitaeIsmail Kurbanhusein PoonawalaOffice Address: Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, 378 Humanities Bldg. University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1511Tel: (310) 206-1391Fax: (310) 206-6456e-mail: <> or <ismailp@>Home Address: 28749 Covecrest Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275-3364Tel: (310) 377-3711Professional Training and Education1964-68 Ph.D. in Islamic Studies (Interdisciplinary degree awarded by Center for Near EasternStudies, University of California, Los Angeles; fields of study: i) Arabic language and Literature; ii) Persian language & literature; iii) Islamic history from pre-Islamic days to present; iv) Greek and Islamic philosophy). Dissertation topic: “Al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān and His Urjūza al-Mukhtāra: Critical edition with introduction and English summary.” Thesis advisor & Chair of the Doctoral Committee, Prof. Gustave von Grunebaum.1960-64 M.A. (with distinction) in Arabic language & literature, Department of Arabic language & literature, Cairo University, Egypt. Dissertation topic: “Al-Sul?ān al-Kha??āb: ?ayātuhu wa-shi?ruhu” (Al-Sul?ān al-?ha??āb: His Life and Poetry). Thesis advisor Prof. ?Abd al-?Azīz al-Ahwānī. (Examiners included Profs. Shawqī ?ayf and ?usayn Na??ār, and the dissertation was publicly defended). 1957-59 M.A. (with distinction) Bombay University, India, Arabic major and Urdu minor.1952-57 B.A. (Honors with distinction) Bombay University, India, Arabic major and Islamic Studies minor.Research Experience and Teaching Positions Held 1974-2012 Professor of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles.1982-87 Chair, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Islamic Studies, UCLA.1971-74 Research Associate, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.1968-71 Assistant Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.1964-68 Research Assistant to Prof. Gustave von Grunebaum, Director, Center for Near Eastern Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.PublicationsBooks:Al-Sul?an al-Kha??āb : ?ayātuhu wa-shi?ruhu. Cairo: Dār al-Ma?ārif, 1967. Study of a Medieval Yemeni Ismā?īlī poet’s life and his works with a critical edition of his Dīwān. The first part of his dīwān, depicts Kh??āb’s deep devotion to his faith, his commitment to the Ismā?īlī da?wa, and the Neoplatonic yearning for the return of his soul to its original terrestrial habitat. However, it is the second part which depicts in vivid colors his life and the struggles for power he waged on elder brother and the subsequent killings of both the brothers cannot be explained except in terms of religious zeal. The latter part was edited from a unique manuscript that had been recently discovered in Jīzān, Saudi Arabia. Without the discovery of the second part, with the Dīwān of his elder brother Sulaymān, Kha??āb’s life story would have remained a puzzle wrapped up in mystery. Al-Urjūza al-Mukhtāra by al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān: Critical edition with notes and introduction. Montreal/Beirut: Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University/al-Maktab al-Tijārī, 1970. One of the longest urjūza (consisting of 2375 verses) in Arabic literature dealing with the thorny question of succession to the Prophet Mu?ammad. The author defends the Shī?ī-Ismā?īlī point of view in favor of ?Alī and the Fā?imid imams while refutes the interpretations held by non-Ismā?īlī sects.Biobibliography of Ismā?īlī Literature. Malibu, Calif.: UCLA, von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies/Undena Publications, 1977. The material for the biobibliography of more than two hundred authors and 1,300 titles, mainly in Arabic and Persian, was culled from a wide variety of Ismā?īlī and non-Ismā?īlī sources. This information was corroborated and augmented by scrutinizing a large number of Ismā?īlī manuscripts preserved in private family collections among the Bohra community of India.The History of al-?abarī, vol. IX: The Last Years of the Prophet, the Formation of the State. Translation with annotations. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1990.The History of al-?abarī is by common consent the most important universal history produced in the world of Islam. The author often quotes his sources verbatim and traces the chain of transmission to an original source. This volume covers approximately the last two and a half years of the Prophet’s life. Al-?abarī’s account if full of graphic details and vivid descriptions which makes it delightful to read. In many instances, the narrative seems as though it must have been experienced directly. The animated dialogues, turns of phrases in reported speech, moments of humor – all these seem redolent of ?abarī’s literary talent. The volume is also richly annotated.Al-Sul?an al-Kha??āb : ?ayātuhu wa-shi?ruhu [Al-Sul?ān al-Kha??āb: His Life and Poetry]. Second revised and expanded edition with English introduction. Beirut: Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, 1999.The revised edition contains English introduction and several poems from the Dīwān of his brother Sulaymān that throws light on their relations and other historical events, esp. in the northern Yemen. The trio: Kha??ab, the first dā?ī Dhu?ayb and the ?ulay?id Queen Arwā, played a major role in the establishment the Musta?lī-?ayyibī da?wa at a critical moment in Yemeni history.Kitāb al-Iftikhār by Abū Ya?qūb al-Sijistānī. Critical edition with notes and English introduction. Beirut: Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, 2000. Written towards the end of his life, Kitāb al-Iftikhār is a highly polemical work. It gives a succinct outline of Ismā?īlī creed wherein the author strived hard to harmonize Ismā?īlī Shī?ism with Neoplatonism. At the same time Sijistānī tries to Islamicize the basic Neoplatonic vocabulary by equating certain key Qur?ānic terms with this vocabulary. English introduction analyzes the contents under the following four headlines: theology, cosmology, anthropology and eschatology. The Pillars of Islam (Da?ā?im al-Islām): vol. I: Acts of Devotion and Religious Observances, by al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān. Translated by A. A. A. Fyzee. Completey revised and annotated by Ismail Kurbanhusein Poonawala. New Delhi: Oxford University Press of India, 2002.It was commissioned by the Fā?imid caliph-imam al-Mu?izz both for the use of the state as well as the Ismā?īlī community. Al-Mu?izz had scrutinized the entire work chapter by chapter and section by section. It is therefore considered by the Musta?lī-?ayyibī Bohras as the greatest authority on Ismā?īlī law upto the present day and it remains a source of supreme authority in their legal matters. The Pillars of Islam is the first authoritative English translation. The first volume discusses faith, devotion, ritual purity, prayer, funerals, alms tax, fasting, pilgrimage, and jihād.The Pillars of Islam (Da?ā?im al-Islām): vol. II: Laws Pertaining to Human Intercourse, by al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān. Translated by A. A. A. Fyzee. Completey revised and annotated by Ismail Kurbanhusein Poonawala. New Delhi: Oxford University Press of India, 2004.The second volume deals with a wide range of subjects such as food, dress, medicine, oaths, hunting, ritual slaughter, business transactions, marriage, divorce, inheritance, criminal punishments, the question of apostasy, and the etiquette of judges.Ad?iyat al-ayyām al-sab?a [Invocations for the seven days of the week], by the Fā?imid caliph-imam al-Mu?izz li-Dīn Allāh. Text edited with notes and introduction by Ismail Poonawala. Beirut: Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, 2006. English introduction deals with the authorship of the Ad?iya and Ismā?īlī doctrines as reflected in those supplications, esp. the Islamic concept of taw?īd, creation myth and cosmology, and cyclical history. Kitāb al-Maqālīd al-malakūtiyya [Book of the Keys to the Kingdom], by Abū Ya?qūb al-Sijistānī. Critical edition with notes and English introduction. Beirut/Tunis:Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, 2011. It is a major work of Sijistānī composed after the Kitāb al-Yanābī?. It represents an advanced stage of adapting Neoplatonism to Shī?ī-Ismā?īlī doctrine and aligning it with the Islamic doctrine of taw?īd. English introduction discusses Sijistānī’s life, the early doctrinal controversy in the Iranian school of Ismā?īlī thought, the structure and organization of Kitāb al-Maqālīd, its contents and sources. Turks in the Indian Subcontinent, Central and West Asia: TheTurkish Presence in the Islamic World, edited by Ismail K. Poonawala. New Delhi: Oxford University Press of India, 2016 (to be released at the end of his year). The papers edited in this volume were delivered on the occasion of the 19th Giorgio Levi Della Vida Award and Conference in Islamic Studies held by the Gustave von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies at the University of California, Los Angles, on May 18-19, 2010. The recipient of the award Professor C. E. Bosworth had selected the theme “The Turkish Presence in the Islamic World.” Works in Progress:Revised and expanded edition of Biobibliography of Ismā?īlī Literature.Critical edition of al-Majdū?’s Fihrist.Articles in Refereed Journals & Chapters in Books“Al-Wa?da bayn Mi?r wa?l-Yaman fi?l-?ahd al-Fā?imī [The union between Egypt and Yemen during the Fā?imid rule], ?awt al-Sharq, Cairo, 28-29 Sept. 1964.“The evolution of al-Jabartī’s historical thinking as reflected in the Muzhir and the ??jā?ib,” Arabica, vol. 15 (1968), pp. 270-88.“Al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān’s works and the sources,” The Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, vol. 36 (1973), pp. 109-15.“A reconsideration of al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān’s madhhab,” The Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, vol. 37 (1974), pp. 572-79.“Al-Sijistānī and his Kitāb al-Maqālīd,” in Essays on Islamic Civilization Presented to Niyazi Berkes, ed. D. P. Little, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976, pp. 274-83.“An Ismā?īlī refutation of al-Ghazālī,” in Proceedings of the 30th International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa, held in Mexico City, Mexico, 1976. Mexico, 1982, Middle East, vol. I, pp. 131-34. “Ismā?īlī sources for the history of South-West Arabia,” in Studies in the History of Arabia, vol. I, Sources for the History of Arabia, ed. Abd al-Rahman al-Ansary, et al, Riyadh: Riyadh University Press, 1979, pp. 151-59.“The Qur?ān in the Rasā?il Ikhwān al-?afā?,” in International Congress for the Study of the Qur?ān, Canberra, Australia, 1980, pp. 51-67; also serialized in The Bohra Chronicle, Bombay, Sept.-Oct., 1983 and entitled “The Prophet, Prophethood, and the Qur?ān in the Rasā?il Ikhwān al-?afā?.“The Ismā?īlīs,” serialized in The Bohra Chronicle, Bombay, Nov. 1982-Jan. 1983, ???“In Memorium, Asaf Ali Asghar Fyzee 1899-1981,” The International Journal for Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 14 (1982), p. 418. “The Bohra Reform Movement,” in Proceedings of the 31st International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa, held in Tokyo-Kyoto, Aug. 31-Sept. 7, 1983. ??? Tokyo, 1984, p. 298.“Ismā?īlī ta?wīl of the Qur?ān,” in Approaches to the History of the Interpretation of the Qur?ān, ed. A. Rippin, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988, pp. 199-222; also serialized in The Bohra Chronicle, Bombay, Nov.-Dec. 1985. “An Ismā?īlī Treatise on the I?jāz al-Qur?ān,” The Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 108 (1988), pp. 379-85. “A Muslim Response to Chaim Seidler-Feller: The Land of Israel,” in Three Faiths – One God: A Jewish, Christian, Muslim Encounter, eds. John Hick & E. Meltzer, New York, 1989, pp. 172-80.“Translatability of the Qur?ān: Theological and Literary Considerations,” in Translations of Scripture: Proceedings of a Conference at Annenberg Research Institute, May 15-16, 1989, in Jewish Quarterly Review Supplement, 1990, pp. 160-92.“Mu?ammad ?Izzat Darwaza’s principles of modern exegesis: A contribution toward Qur?ānic hermeneutics,” in Approached to the Qur?ān, eds. G. Hawting and Shereef. London: Routledge, 1993, pp. 225-46.“Al-Sul?ān al-Kha??āb’s treatise on the i?jāz al-Qur?ān,” [critical edition of the Arabic text with notes and comments], Arabica, vol. 41 (1994), pp. 84-126.“Al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān and Isma?ili jurisprudence,” in Medieval Isma?ili History and Thought, ed. F. Daftary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp. 117-43.“?amīd al-Dīn al-Kirmānī and the Proto-Druze,” Journal of Druze Studies, vol. 1 (2000), pp. 71-94.“Imām’s authority during the pre-ghayba period: Theoretical and practical considerations,” in Shi?ite Heritage: Essays on Classical and Modern Traditions, ed. L. Clarke, Bingham: Global Publications, 2000, pp. 11-32.“The Beginning of the Ismā?īlī Da?wa and the Establishment of the Fā?imid Dynasty as Commemorated by al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān,” in Culture and Memory in Medieval Islam: Essays in Honour of W. Madelung, eds. F. Daftary & J. Meri, London: I. B. Tauris, 2003, pp. 338-63.“Why We Need an Arabic Critical Edition with an Annotated English Translation of the Rasā?il Ikhwān al-?afā??” in The Ikhwān al-?afā? and their Rasā?il, ed. N. El-Bizri, London: Oxford University Press in association with the Institute of Ismailin Studies, 2008, pp. 34-58. “Islamic Messianism: Some thoughts on the origins of Mahdism and its sociopolitical function,” in Proceedings of an International Conference on the Doctrine of Mahdism, Tehran, Aug. 14-15, 2008.Brief note endorsing Hussam Timani’s Modern Intellectual Readings of the Kharijites, New York: Peter Lang, 2008. “Preface,” to Jamal Ali’s Language and Heresy in Ismaili Thought: The Kitab al-Zina of Abu Hatim al-Razi, Gorgias Press, 2008. Pp. ix-xiv. “Sources for al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān’s Works and Their Authenticity,” in Ismaili and Fatimid Studies in Honor of Paul Walker, ed. B. Craig, Chicago: Middle East Documentation Center, 2010, pp. 87-99.“Isma?ili Shi?a,” in Oxford Bibliography Online (OBO: Islamic Studies), entry ID: 9780 1953 9015 50121, Version Date: 2011-01-10.“Al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān and His Refutation of Ibn Qutayba,” in Fortresses of the Intellect: Ismaili and other Islamic Studies in Honour of F. Daftary, ed. Omar Ali-de-Unzaga, London: I. B. Tauris, 2011, pp. 275-307. “An Early Doctrinal Controversy in the Iranian School of Ismā?īlī Thought and Its Implications,” Journal of the Persianate Studies, vol. 5 (2012), pp. 17-34.“A Tribute to Three Bohra Scholars of the 20th Century,” in The Bohra Chronicle, Bombay, issue of May, 2012, p. 13. “Al-Sijistānī and His Kitāb al-Maqālīd al-Malakūtiyya,” in Ishraq (Islamic Philosophy Yearbook), vol. 4 (2013), pp. 161-84. “The Evolution of al-Qā?ī al-Nu?mān’s Theory of Ismā?īlī Jurisprudence Based on the Chronology of his Works on Jurisprudence,” in The Study of Shi?i Islam, ed. F. Daftary & G. Miskinzoda. London: I.B.Tauris, 2013, pp. 295-349.“A Manifesto on behalf of the Bohra Community Signed by two Internationally Recognized Bohra Scholars,” coauthored with Prof. Abbas Hamdani;?it was first released to the press in Bombay, on Jan. 28, 2014, concerning the dispute of succession in the Shii Ismaili community; then published with Gujarati translation in The Bohra Chronicle, issue of March 2014, pp. 1, 4, 9-10.“Bird’s Eye-view of Dawudi Bohra’s History and Their Doctrines,” a court brief prepared for the Bombay High Court hearing of June 16, 2014, concerning the succession dispute among the Bohra community, pp. 1-16.“Humanism in Ismā?īlī Thought: The Case of the Rasā?il Ikhwān al-?afā? (The Epistles of the Sincere Brethren and Faithful Friends)” in Universality in Islamic Thought, ed. M. Morony, London, I. B. Tauris, 2014, pp. 65-144. “A forgotten copy of Abū Mu?ammad al-Yamanī’s Mukhta?ar fī ‘aqā’id al-thalāth wa-sab‘īn firqa ascribed to the Imam al-Ghazālī: A case of mistaken identity or of an outright forgery?” Chroniques du Manuscrit au Yémen, vol. 19 (2014), pp. 1-16.“Ismā?īlī Manuscripts from Yemen,” Journal of Islamic Manuscripts, vol. 5 (2014), pp. 220-45. Critical edition of the 34th Epistle Inna al-?ālama insānun kabīrun (On the Universe as a Macroanthropos) with introduction and (English tr. by David Simonowitz) from the Rasā?il Ikhwān al-?afā?, Oxford University Press, 2015.“Wealth and Poverty in the Qur’an and Traditions of the Prophet, and How Those Concepts are Reflected in the Rasa’il Ikhwan al-Safa’,” Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies, vol. 8 (2015), pp. 263-87.“Anonymous Works and Their Ascription to Famous Authors: Are They Cases of Mistaken identity or an Outright Forgery?” in Arabica, vol. 62 (2015), pp. 404-10.Critical edition with English translation of the 41st epistle Fi?l-?udūd wa?l-rusūm (On Definitions and Descriptions), from the Rasā?il Ikhwān al-?afā?, Oxford University Press, (in press, to be published at the end of 2016).“Notes on Kitāb al-Zīna of Abū ?ātim al-Rāzī (d. 322/934),” Chroniques du Manuscrit au Yémen (in press to be published in May 2016).Entries in the following EncyclopediasSupplement to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edn.?Alī b. ?an?ala, p. 61.?Alī b. Mu?ammad b. al-Walīd and his sons, p. 62.Amīndjī b. Djalāl, p. 70.?asan b. Nū? al-Bharūchī, p. 358.Idrīs b. al-?asan, p. 407.Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edn.Lu?māndjī b. ?abīb Allāh, vol. 5 (1986), pp. 814-15.Al-Makramī, ?afī al-Dīn Mu?ammad, vol. 6 (1987), pp. 190-91.Memons, vol. 6 (1990), pp. 1009-10.Al-Mu?ayyad fi?l-Dīn al-Shīrāzī, vol. 7 (1991), pp. 270-71.Mu?ammad ?Izzat Darwaza, vol. 7 (1991), pp. 442-43.Mu?ammad b. ?āhir al-?ārithī, vol. 7 (1991), pp. 410-11.Naitias, vol. 7 (1992), pp. 919-20.Al-Nasafī, Abu?l-?asan Mu?ammad b. 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