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BA in English with Initial Teacher Licensure

for Elementary, Middle, or Secondary School

English BA students who wish to teach English in elementary (1-6), middle (5-8), or secondary school (8-12) may work toward an initial teacher license through the following program of study.


Any English major who wishes to work toward initial licensure must:

1. Apply to be admitted to the undergraduate education program. Applications are available in the College of Education & Human Development (CEHD) Office of Student Services (W-1-050 and W-1-051).

2. Create an Educator Licensure and Recruitment (ELAR) account with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Go to .

3. Schedule an initial meeting with the English Department licensure advisor, Alex Mueller

(alex.mueller@umb.edu), in order to plan a program of study in English.

Initial Licensure Requirements

1. English majors pursuing initial licensure must be enrolled in the 2-year teacher education program starting their fall semester of the junior year. Undergraduate Education Program requirements are available from the CEHD Office of Student Services. Specific requirements for all teacher licensure students include:

( Introduction to Psychology

( Pre-Practicum experiences (observing classes, tutoring, etc.)

Note: some requirements are specific to types of licensure. For example:

( Elementary school licensure students are required to take Infancy and Childhood Development.

( Middle/Secondary school licensure students are required to take Adolescent Psychology.

2. English majors must complete the following additional courses within the English Major:

( One of the following language focused courses (generally offered in Fall semesters)

(ENGL 440 History of the English Language

(ENGL 449 Contemporary Issues in Teaching English

(ENGL 448 Perspectives on Literacy (generally offered in Spring semesters).

( The English major capstone requirement may be met by student teaching (practicum) and completion of the student teaching portfolio.

( English major students pursuing initial licensure must still complete the required number of English courses for the English major (student teaching does not count as an English course).

Other useful general education courses for prospective English teachers include:

( Sociology of Education

( Oral Communication

( Introduction to Mass Media or Media and Identity (Media is often a topic in the HS English curriculum)

( Theatre Arts courses (for techniques that can be engaging for high school learners)

( American Studies courses (providing an interdisciplinary perspective and attention to popular culture).

( Workshops preparing for the Communications and Literacy portions of the MTEL through the CEHD.

Pre-practicum (student teaching) requirements

Students must complete at least 75 supervised pre-practicum field hours in an elementary, middle, or high school. Pre-practicum placements will be arranged through CEHD.

Practicum (student teaching) requirements

The practicum consists of one semester of supervised student teaching in a classroom setting corresponding to the area of licensure (a minimum of 300 hours). It is concurrent with a practicum seminar. Practicum/student teaching placements will be arranged through CEHD.

Application procedure for the practicum (student teaching)

Students must apply for the practicum through the CEHD Office of Teacher Education. The following paperwork is required:

( A completed application for student teaching

( A current UMass transcript (required English and Education courses should be completed before practicum)

( Documentation of 75 hours of field observation (Pre-practicum)

( Proof of passing the Communications & Literacy section and the appropriate subject area test of the MTELs.

( Deadlines for submitting applications for student teaching are March 1st (for Fall student teaching) and October 1st (for Spring student teaching).

Required examinations:

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) require all candidates for initial license to pass the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL). The test for the Secondary/Middle school teaching licensure consists of two exams:

1. Communication and Literacy, which is the reading and writing test

2. English, which tests the candidate's specific subject matter competency

Students pursuing Elementary licensure do not take the English MTEL, but they must take the Communication and Literacy MTEL along with additional examinations.

Students must successfully complete all requisite MTELs before student teaching (practicum).

Information about upcoming MTEL administrations and registration materials are available from 1-866-565-4894 or via the MTEL website: mtel.. The MTEL Test Information Booklet is available at: .


(English Department Advisor: Alex Mueller alex.mueller@umb.edu 617-287-6723

(CEHD Associate Director of Student Services: Kevin Ziomek Kevin.ziomek@umb.edu 617-287-7233 (W-1-051)

(CEHD Licensure Officer: Aimee D’Avignon aimee.davignon@umb.edu 617-287-7492

(Pre-Practicum Placements: Danielle Wheeler danielle.wheeler@umb.edu 617-287-7604

(Massachusetts Department of Education: 781-338-3000 doe.mass.edu

(MTEL: mtel.

Please check on the bulletin board outside the English Department to make sure that you have the most updated version of this flyer. DESE regulations change frequently.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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