Electoral college map activity worksheet answers


Electoral college map activity worksheet answers

2 October 2020 Lesson plan: Electoral College Map Virtual Scavenger Hunt This lesson has students explore the online historical electoral C-Span resource Map to learn about the process, history and current models and trends related to the electoral college. This auto-guide activity will have students use a series of online electoral maps and results

from 1900 to 2016 to complete a virtual scavenger hunt. Students will use this resource to analyze maps and data to better understand how the electoral college works. Warm-up: Before starting the class, having brainstorming students what they already know about how the presidents are elected. Introduction: find out what the students of the

process of electing a president know. After dealing with any misunderstandings, introduce the concepts of the electoral college and the popular vote doing the students watch the video clip below. They should answer the questions they see it. Video clip: How the electoral college works (1:05) Who chooses the president? Explain how the popular vote

affects the electoral college. How do most states to allocate their electoral votes? Exploration: After introducing the electoral college, use the delivery linked below to analyze the students the collection of historical maps of the electoral college found on the historic electoral resource College Map. Students will search through the various electoral

slides and will respond to each of the following questions related to the electoral college. They will display the maps and data associated with the answers and will complete the chart. The answers could be found using the map, the results of the elections or the ? oedid you know? ? ? on slides. Delivery is organized in the three sections related to

how the electoral college works, the history of the electoral college and current trends. The teachers choose one of the following ways to implement this resource in their classes. Individual scavenger hunt Let students work individuallyComplete both the activity and the individual sections. Jigsaw ... divide the class into groups of three. Assign one of

the three sections to group students. Students will become experts on that section and report to their group. Students choose ... Request that students are completed a specific number of questions from the entire specific sections or sections. Application and assistance Culture: Once students have completed the activity and have a strong

understanding of how the electoral college works, students will use the previous electoral maps and electoral results to predict the outcome of the presidential elections of 2020. Students They can print the empty electoral college map below and color in the states or use the empty map of 270to Win Handout: Blank 2020 Map of the Electoral College

(PDF) to tell students to face the following when they explain their forecast. Summarize your forecast. Which candidate has won? How many electoral voting has expected every candidate will get it? What states / main areas of the country have won every candidate? Why did you expect it? How did you use the results of the previous elections to make

your forecast? Extension : Mathematical electoral college using the current electoral map of the college, respond to the following mathematics questions. What would be the minimum number of states needed to win 270 electoral votes? What were this incorporate? What would be the greatest number of states needed to win 270 electoral votes?

What were this incorporate? State search Choose a state. Using the electoral maps, trace like that was voted in each election from 1900 to 2016. From this explain the following: How many times did your state voted for each party? How often has the winner of your state became president? Explain how the population of your state has changed. Voting

models Does your State correspond to nearby states? What assumptions can you do about your state and its influence in the presidential elections? Data data How much is the vote in the presidential elections worth? If other states move away from Winner-Take-Tutti systems? Explain your answer. How can candidates conquer the popular vote but

lose the vote? What kind of states do the favor of electoral college? Explain your answer. How do regional differences in the United States impair electoral policy? 12amentationAllocateLegateSelectoLettoral CollegeFaithlessLelectorpopular Votepresidential Electorswing StatotHird-Party CandidateWinner-Take-All SystemCampaigns &

ElectionStutituzionale Foundationu.s. HistoriseMiddle SchoolHigh Schoolununit First of all, Congratulations Whether you have a scholarship or numerous scholarships! Secondly, did you know that it was possible to lose it? Yikes. Scholarships are, unfortunately, quite conditional. After all, there were conditions for you to be eligible for the

scholarship, so it is a reason why there will be requirements for you to keep that scholarship as well. Each scholarship is unique, and so are the requirements to keep them. However, there are some typical ways for students to keep their scholarship winnings. Poor academic performance in front of the prospect of losing a scholarship, this is frequently

the first condition that comes to mind. Some awards are based on Merit and Mdash academics; having a determined GPA or a specific test score and mdash; and they are so to maintain excellent grades or even improving them continuously while college! If your vows fall, you should start looking at it right away. The scholarship manual if you have

trouble keeping your vows, consider joining a study group, altering your study position, or talking to your professor about how you can improve your scores. You don't want your scholarship revoked. Abuse of scholarship funds If a scholarshipIt establishes that money is used exclusively for scholastic tax payments, so use it only for scholastic tax

payments. It's fairly simple, simple, Even well-intentioned students can make the mistake of spending that money on textbooks or study materials. OPS. Of course, there are more serious violations, such as the use of money to buy food or clothing (or, you know, worse) short: use the money for the goals that the specific scholarship, or you can lose

completely. If you are not sure what you can spend the money or if the category appears ambiguous, ask! There is no damage in asking, and can save your scholarship. Rule & Amp; Right of rupture This should be self-evident. If you violate a rule or law, you will lose your scholarship. Don & # 39; you leave anyone given the money because they

thought he deserved him. An infringement can vary from small to significant in gravity. Plage. Drunkenness is a problem. Cheating. Drug or alcohol Jaywalking abuse. Only Don & # 39; t take the possibility. Someone gave you the scholarship, and could take it away easily if you give him a good reason. Altering your student status Are you a full-time

student, part-time or evening? Scholarships are sometimes quota for how long they spend in the classroom. Are you thinking of changing Major? Did you have specific scholarships that would have been compromised if you changed the majors? These are things to keep in mind during the financial aid application. There are, of course, other

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finances Some scholarships are offered based on financial need, which is why it is essential to complete the FAFSA every year. If the family 's changes the financial situation, you may lose your scholarship. If you find it difficultthe expected family contribution (EFC) to you can always negotiate your bill of registration with your school & n. 39;s

financial assistance office. If you lose a college scholarship, it doesn't necessarily follow that college will become unreliable. Don't be alarmed; simply contact someone who can help you. Using the scholarship for eligible expenses Many scholarships include restrictions, such as where the scholarship money can be used. Scholarships are typically

necessary to finance educational expenses such as taxes, or books. Some will also pay for accommodation and meals. And a handful choice will cover anything ? including a spring break trip. You need to contact the scholarship source to find out what the scholarship covers and what does not. They will understand all the standards you need to

complete to keep your scholarship. If you do not spend your scholarship properly, you risk losing it completely. Change of your circumstances This last point is difficult. You could lose your college scholarship if you comply, are injured, or get into trouble. While most of these factors mainly concern athletes, any student with a scholarship is at risk of

losing it if you undergo in class or get in trouble. If students do not reach academic criteria, if they are in a school team or not, they will be expelled a college scholarship could be revoked Plus, if an athlete is injured and unable to play sports, he or she will almost certainly lose their college athletics scholarship. Finally, this applies to all scholarships:

if a student gets into trouble at school, the institution has the authority to revoke the scholarship. If you think you can lose a scholarshipThe first thing you should do is contact your financial assistance office. You can go through your situation and get a better idea where your scholarship and financial help packages are. If you don't receive a college

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