Guidelines for Developing an Effective District Literacy ...

Middleborough Public Schools

District Literacy Action Plan

Developed by: Middleborough District Literacy Action Team

Date: Revised February 2015

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District Literacy Improvement Goals

• Data Use/Assessment: Establish a district-wide assessment framework.

• Standards-based Curriculum: Align district-wide curriculum to ensure 100% of our students reach proficiency on English language arts MCAS/PARCC in all tested grade levels. Rationale: Currently, the district is at 65% proficiency in ELA.

• Tiered System of Instruction and Intervention: Establish a district- wide system of tiered student support for literacy.

• Family and Community Involvement: Establish meaningful and purposeful academic opportunities in literacy to engage families and community members.

Action Plan Maps

| |

|1) Goal | Data Use/Assessment: Establish a district-wide assessment framework. |

|Statement | |

| | |

| |Action Step 1 |Action Step 2 |Action Step 3 |

|( Action Step |Identify common writing |Design standards-based writing |Reestablish a District Data Team.|

| |assessments at each grade |rubrics at each grade level that | |

| |level/course that reflect |can be used to report progress of| |

| |standards. |students toward proficiency. | |

|1. Timeline | | | |

| |9/1/13 – 6/30/15 |9/1/14 – 6/30/15 |9/1/13 – 9/1/15 |

|2. Lead Person(s) | | | |

| |Curriculum Directors & |Curriculum Directors & |Curriculum Directors & |

| |Coordinators, |Coordinators |Coordinators, |

| |Principals | |Literacy Team Subgroup |

| |Department Leaders | | |

|3. Resources Needed |• Teams at each level – |• Form a team that represents all|• School-level data teams that |

| |elementary, middle school, high |grade levels to recommend |provide representation to the |

| |school – to identify/develop |assessments. |District Data Team |

| |grade level/course common |• Schedule of meeting dates and |• Schedule of meeting dates and |

| |assessments. |times. |times |

| |• Schools will determine |• Information regarding DDM | |

| |available times. |development. | |

| |•Possible grant funding | | |

|4. Specifics of Implementation |• Identify/develop writing |• Work in grade-level teams to |• Invite staff members to join |

| |assessments at elementary schools|revise standards-based writing |the District Data Team. |

| |aligned with standards to collect|rubrics based on exemplars from |• Review the original materials |

| |and use data. |other school districts. |with course attendees. |

| |• Identify/develop aligned middle| |• Share cycle of inquiry with |

| |school and high school content | |other members |

| |writing assessments to collect | |• Establish norms, meeting dates,|

| |and use data. | |charge. |

| |• Pilot assessments. | | |

|5. Measure of Success |• Assessment data collected once |• Rubrics identified. | • District Data Team |

| |each trimester/semester. |• Teacher implementation of |• School Level Data Teams |

| |• District data team will review |rubrics. | |

| |assessment results and report |• Teacher participation in | |

| |findings. |calibration of rubric and looking| |

| | |at student work utilizing student| |

| | |work protocols. | |

|6. Check in/review date |9/8 /14, 1/12/15, May |9/8/14, 1/12/15, March 2015, May |9/8/14, 1/12/15, February 2015, |

| | |2015 |April 2015, May 2015 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|2) Goal |Standards-based Curriculum: Align district-wide curriculum to ensure 100% of our students reach proficiency on English |

|Statement |language arts MCAS/PARCC in all tested grade levels. Rationale: Currently, the district is at 65% proficiency in ELA. |

| | |

| |Action Step 1 |Action Step 2 |Action Step 3 |

|( Action Step |• Continue grade level teams PK-8 |Develop horizontally and vertically |Implement the utilization of |

| |to design UbD-structured, |aligned curriculum maps. |Standards-based IEPs throughout the |

| |standards-aligned units of study. | |district. |

| |• HS will continue to develop | | |

| |common, standards-aligned units of | | |

| |study. | | |

|1. Timeline |9/1/13 -6/30/15 |Elementary: 9/1/15 |3/19/15-6/30/15 |

| | |Secondary: 9/1/16 | |

|2. Lead Person(s) |Curriculum Directors & |Curriculum Directors & Coordinators, |Director of Pupil Personnel Services, |

| |Coordinators, |Elementary Instructional Coaches, |Curriculum Directors and Coordinators |

| |Elementary Instructional Coaches; |Department Leaders | |

| |Elementary Curriculum Teams | | |

| |MS/HS Department Leaders | | |

|3. Resources Needed |• Use 738 Literacy Partnership |•Review and revise, as needed, |Training related to writing and assessing|

| |Grant Funds to provide time for |existing curriculum maps. |standards-based goals |

| |further unit development. | | |

|4. Specifics of |• Work with grade level teams to |Align maps/units vertically |IEPs randomly reviewed for quality |

|Implementation |develop and revise units. | |assurance by PPS Facilitators |

| |• Work with HS departments (grade | | |

| |level, courses) | |Updated training quarterly |

| | | | |

| | | |Development of a PLC for 2015-2016 school|

| | | |year |

|5. Measure of Success |• Revised units of study |Published curriculum maps. |Development of exemplar IEPs |

| |• Proficiency levels based on | |Enhanced collaboration between special |

| |performance assessments | |educators and general educators |

| | | |Proficiency levels based on performance |

| | | |assessments |

|6. Check in/review date |9/8/14, 1/12/15, March 2015, May |9/8/14, 1/12/15, March 2015, May 2015,|4/1/2015, 5/1/15, 6/1/15 |

| |2015 |September 2015, January 2016, May 2016|IEP Reviews during Summer 2015 |

| |

|3) Goal |Tiered System of Instruction and Intervention: Establish a district-wide system of tiered student support for literacy. |

|Statement | |

| | |

| |Action Step 1 |Action Step 2 |Action Step 3 |

|( Action Step |Establish a district-wide system |Pilot a reading intervention |Improve instructional practices |

| |of tiered student support that |program at Grades PreK-12 |for all teachers by creating a |

| |includes scheduled time and |Lively Letters (PreK) |full continuum of services. |

| |definition of an intervention |Read Naturally Live (Grades 1-8) | |

| |block at each school. |Read 180 (Grades 9-12) | |

|1. Timeline | | | |

| |9/1/13 – 6/30/16 |11/1/14-6/30/15 |11/1/15-6/30/16 |

|2. Lead Person(s) |Principals, |Elementary Curriculum |Director of Pupil Personnel |

| |Assistant Principals |Coordinator, Principals, Director|Services, Principals |

| |Literacy Team Subgroup |of Pupil Personnel Services | |

| |HS Scheduling Committee | | |

|3. Resources Needed |• Members who attended the MA |Lively Letters Staff |Determine Planning Sessions for |

| |Tiered System of Support |Training:11/4/14 |Extended Year Services (EYS) to |

| |/Universal Design for Learning | |determine literacy themes, needed|

| |(UDL) Academy |Read Naturally Live- 3/12/15 |materials and projects for |

| |• Reading Recovery Training for | |students to address reading, |

| |reading teachers |Read 180- TBD |expressive and receptive |

| |• Training and learning walks | |language, writing, etc. |

| |with Dr. Deborah Harris related | |Dr. Deborah Harris work with |

| |to inclusion and teaching all | |teachers grades 1-12 during early|

| |students | |release days |

| |• New England Association of | |Special Ed Teachers |

| |Schools and Colleges (NEASC) | |Strategic Instructional Model |

| |recommendations | |RISE Revitalizing Instruction for|

| |• HS Scheduling Committee Time | |Students and Educators |

| |• Recommendations of the | | |

| |Middleborough District Review | | |

| |• Stock of books to include | | |

| |recommended readings lists from | | |

| |MA state Frameworks and other | | |

| |reputable sources to provide | | |

| |student access to appropriate | | |

| |texts | | |

|4. Specifics of Implementation |• Use knowledge gained design |Special Education teachers |Instructional modeling |

| |tiered system of support at each |utilize pilot program with |consultation |

| |school. |students |The Special Education EYS Program|

| |• Investigate MS/HS models that |November Lively Letters training |scheduled July 6-August 13, 2015 |

| |successfully provide tiered |March early release day Read |(6 Weeks) – 9 am-1pm |

| |supports; refer to NEASC |Naturally Live training | |

| |• Report and Middleborough Public|Check-in to provide feedback in | |

| |Schools District Review. |April and June | |

| | |Special Education grants are | |

| | |funding the training and | |

| | |materials for the discussed | |

| | |Reading Intervention Programs | |

|5. Measure of Success |Establishment and definition of |Student data |Student data |

| |the intervention block at each |Teacher feedback |Closing Achievement Gap |

| |school/level based on the support|Create a teacher survey regarding|Discovery Education assessment |

| |of the District-wide system of |the use of each program to |scores |

| |student support. |determine continued usage in |Development of a comprehensive |

| | |2015-16 school year |EYS program focused on literacy |

| | |Progress monitoring data |development |

| | | | |

|6. Check in/review date |9/8/14, 1/12/15, March 2015, May |May 2015 |June 2015 |

| |2015, September 2015, January | |September 2015 |

| |2016, May 2016 | |November 2015 |

| |

|4) Goal |Family and Community Involvement: Establish meaningful and purposeful academic opportunities in literacy to engage |

|Statement |families and community members. |

| | |

| |Action Step 1 |Action Step 2 |Action Step 3 |

|( Action Step |Establish a collection of “Little|Research and design a |Produce a “#ReadWriteYour Destiny|

| |Free Library” locations |district-wide summer reading |Where are you Headed” Literacy |

| |throughout Middleborough. |program in collaboration with |Fair to promote reading, writing,|

| | |Middleborough Public Library. |research, speaking & listening |

| | | |for students and adults of all |

| | | |ages throughout the Middleborough|

| | | |Community. |

|1. Timeline |8/27/13 – 6/30/14 |9/1/14-6/30/15 |3/1/15-6/30/15 |

|2. Lead Person(s) |Literacy Team Subcommittee, |Literacy Team Summer Reading |Director of PPS, Literacy Team |

| |Public Librarian |Subcommittee, Elementary |Literacy Fair Subcommittee |

| | |Curriculum Coordinator, Public | |

| | |Librarian, | |

|3. Resources Needed |• Community Sponsors to fund the |• Collaboration of the Public |Collaboration with Community |

| |building of the “Little Free |Library |Partners and sponsors |

| |Library” Book Boxes |•Book study (Summer Reading | |

| |• Book donations |Subcommittee) Summer Reading: | |

| |• Volunteers to manage and |Closing the Rich/Poor Reading | |

| |maintain book boxes (Stewards) |Achievement Gap by Richard | |

| |• Volunteers to promote use of |Allington | |

| |Little Free Library network |• Collaboration of the Public | |

| |• Collaboration with the Public |Library | |

| |Library |Summer Reading Program proposals | |

| |Permission to setup Little Free |from members of the Summer | |

| |Library Book Boxes |Reading Book Study | |

| |Partner with Bristol-Plymouth to | | |

| |build book boxes | | |

|4. Specifics of Implementation |Goal 4 Little Free Library Book |Contact Directors |Determine subcommittee |

| |Boxes |• Share specifics of Summer | |

| |Contact community businesses and |Reading program designed by |Schedule meeting dates |

| |community members for sponsorship|sub-committee with teachers, |4/9/15, 5/20/15, |

| |of book boxes |students and families |Determine September Date and |

| |Request donation of books of | |Location-school? |

| |varied reading levels PreK | | |

| |through adult to fill book boxes | | |

| |Request permission to setup book | | |

| |boxes throughout the community | | |

| |Request building of book boxes | | |

| |from BP | | |

| |Charter from Little Free Library | | |

| |Utilize Little Free Library book | | |

| |plates in recognition of the book| | |

| |donations | | |

| |Order Little Free Library book | | |

| |box charter signs on each box | | |

|5. Measure of Success |• Book boxes built and setup in |• Summer Reading program |Increased community understanding|

| |designated locations throughout |established |of the importance of reading and |

| |Middleborough. |• Participation (student reading |involvement with the event |

| |• Volunteer Stewards assigned. |log) | |

| | |• Literacy assessment data. | |

|6. Check in/review date |11/19/14, 1/12/15, March 2015, |9/8/14, 1/12/15, March 2015, May |May 18, 2015 |

| |May 2015 |2015, September 2015, January | |

| | |2016, May 2016 | |


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