Health Optimizing Physical Education

Margaret Trent

Anna Collins

Parisa Roozitalab

Health Optimizing Physical Education

Overarching objective: To acquire knowledge and skills for lifelong participation in physical activity for optimal health benefits

|P-12 Curriculum |Major |Program Units |Assessment |Teacher Knowledge |School/Community |

|Strand |Learning Outcome |(Scope and Sequence) | | |Resources |

|Diet and Nutrition |To learn and |Elementary: |Elementary: |Knowledge concerning |Internet/computer access |

|for physical |demonstrate |Food Guide Pyramid including the |Worksheet/activity where students have to |food guide pyramid, | |

|activity |knowledge of diet |Physical Activity section (food |choose “good” foods from “bad” foods |recommended daily | |

| |and nutrition that|groups, portion size, how eating |Shopping trip PBS kids online activity |values of each |SEICUS |

|GPS Alignment |enhances PA |right helps to be active, etc.). |(pick out healthy foods) |component including |CDC (health index of each community/healthy people 2010) |

| | | | |physical activity, |National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey |

|Physical Education:| |Middle: | |how a proper diet | |

|Standard 4 | |Build on food guide pyramid | |affects ability to be| |

|Standard6 | |Nutrition Labels choosing healthy| |and remain physically| |

| | |foods to go along with achieving |Middle and High: |active, how caloric | |

|Health Education: | |and maintaining active lifestyles|Nutrition Café (enter in daily diet, |intake affects | |

|Standard 1 | |(how reading nutrition labels |results show how much fiber, carbs, etc. |ability to be | |

|Standard 3 | |leads to healthier food choices |eating and if you are meeting the |physically active, | |

|Standard 5 | |to enhance ability to be |recommended percentage) |how carbs, fat, and | |

|Standard 6 | |physically active by choosing and|Activity and diet log |protein help enhance | |

|Standard 7 | |maintaining a healthy diet) | |energy levels to be | |

| | | | |physically active, | |

| | |High School: | |and how use of drugs | |

| | |Build on food guide | |and alcohol can | |

| | |pyramid/nutrition labels | |prevent physical | |

| | |Caloric intake as it relates to | |activity from taking | |

| | |physical activity. | |place. | |

| | |Calculating carbs, fats, proteins| | | |

| | |for energy in physical activity. | | | |

| | |Drugs and alcohol and how it | | | |

| | |inhibits ability to be physically| | | |

| | |active | | | |


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