Elementary Excel Report Cards - wsfcs.k12.nc.us

Excel Elementary Report Cards

Downloading Report Card Templates

• Double-click the Internet Explorer icon on your desktop.

• On the District homepage, you will see a link to Webportals under the Quick Links section on the left side of the screen. Click Webportals once.

Click the Teachers link.

Login with your Active Directory name and password (computer login and password).

• Click the School Specific Reporting link on the left of the screen under the Documents section.

• Click the Elementary school level folder icon.

• Click the School # folder icon.

• Click the Report Cards folder icon.

• Click the 2010-11 folder icon

• Click the Templates folder icon.

• Click the title for the template you need.

The title bar will indicate that this is a Read-Only file.

• In the menu bar, click File then click Save As.

• Add your first initial and last name to the

file name (ex. Grade 1 – JDoe).

• Click the drop-down arrow at the end

of the Save in: window.

• Select your (H:) drive.

This drive name will begin with your server login

and end with the (H:) designation.

ex. jdoe on …(H:)

• Click the Save button.

The title bar will now show the new file name.

Continue to save this file in your home directory, (H:) drive, as you complete the report card information for each student.

You may also save the file to a flash (thumb) drive to work from your laptop or home computer. Be sure to save the updated file to your home directory as you make changes so the file will be backed-up each evening.

Saving to a Flash (Thumb) Drive

• Insert your flash (thumb) drive.

• Select the Open folder to view files using

Windows Explorer option then click OK.

• Minimize the removable disk window -

do not close the window.

• Open the Excel report card file on your H: drive..

• In the menu bar, click on File then click on Save As.

• Click the drop-down arrow at the end of the Save in: window.

• Select the removable disk.

• Click Save.

Posting Report Card Files

When the report card file is complete for this grading period, save the file back to the Teacher Portal in your grade level folder..

• Double-click the Internet Explorer icon on your desktop.

• On the District homepage, click Webportals under the Quick Links section on the left side of the screen.

Click the Teachers link.

Login with your Active Directory name and password (computer login and password).

• Click the School Specific Reporting link on the left of the screen under the Documents section.

• Click the Elementary school level folder icon.

• Click the School # folder icon.

• Click the Report Cards folder icon.

• Click the 2010-11 folder icon

• Click the appropriate grade level folder (i.e. Kindergarten, 1st Grade. . .)

• Click the Upload File button

• Click Browse to select your file. Choose your H: drive in the Look in: box.

• Click once on your report card file. Click Open.

• Click the Upload button to complete the process.

• After saving your file, log out of the Teacher Portal.

Save your report card file in the Grade Level folder on the Teacher Portal at the end of each grading period.

Report Card Format

To better serve our families, the report card template has been redesigned to automatically fill in the Spanish version of our elementary report card for each student. Tabs are linked in pairs so general information (student name, school name, etc.) and rankings entered on the English report cards named S1, S2, etc. also appear on the adjacent Spanish report cards named S1 sp, S2 sp, etc. To assure that this feature functions properly, do not rearrange sheets, insert sheets, delete sheets, or make other design changes to the file. In addition, do not make any formatting adjustments to the report card template. Changing the font, changing the text size or adjusting row heights may cause the report card to print on multiple pages.

Selecting Multiple Report Cards

This feature can be used to enter the same data on multiple sheets (school name, teacher name, etc.) or to print multiple report cards. If you have several report cards selected (see diagram below) anything you type on the report card displayed on the screen is entered on all the highlighted report cards.

Caution: Once you have typed in all the generic information, immediately “ungroup” your report cards (directions on page 4). You will then be able to complete each individual report card without changing the information for other students. To be sure you have ungrouped, look closely at the tab colors at the bottom of the screen. Selected sheets will have white tabs. Ungrouped sheets will have grey tabs.

• To select nonadjacent sheets, click on the first sheet tab you want to edit/print then hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the other sheet tabs you want to edit/print.

• To select consecutive sheets, click on the first sheet tab you want to print then hold down the Shift key while clicking on the last sheet tab you want to print. Adjacent sheets should only be selected to print report cards if both the English and Spanish version is needed. With the exception of the Comments section, all editing will be done on the English versions of the report cards.

Ungrouping Sheets

Be sure only one tab is highlighted when entering data or comments for an individual.

To deactivate the multiple sheet selection,

• click any grey tab -or-

• right click on one of the highlighted tabs then select “Ungroup Sheets” in the menu options

Navigating Through the Sheets

Use the directional arrows in the lower left corner of the Excel window (see diagram on page 5) to view additional sheets.

Entering General Information

• Select the English versions by holding down the control key while clicking S1, S2, S3, etc. Do not select the Spanish versions (S1 sp, S2 sp, etc.)

• Click in the cell below the heading “School”.

• Type the school name.

• Click in the cell below the heading “Teacher”.

• Type the teacher name.

• Ungroup the sheets before entering additional information by clicking a grey tab.

Renaming Sheets

• Double click on the sheet name tab. [pic]. The tab background will be highlighted. [pic]

• Type the student’s last name. If two students have the same last name, include their first initial.

• Press Enter.

Entering Student Information

• Select the sheet that has been renamed for this student.

• Click in the cell beside the heading “Student Name:”.

• Type the student’s first and last name.

• Click in the cell below the heading “Date Entered”.

• Type the first date this student attended school this year using the m/d/yy format.

• Select the grade/ranking for each item assessed this quarter.

• Enter comments. Be sure to stay in the box. Lengthy comments will cause the report card to print on multiple pages. Reminder: Comments are not transferred to the Spanish version.

Please remember to SAVE OFTEN !

Printing Report Cards

To print one report card:

• Select the report card you want to print.

• Use Print Preview to be sure the report card fits on one legal page.

• Be sure legal paper is in the printer and the correct printer is chosen.

• Click the print button on the toolbar or click on File on the top menu bar and drag down to Print.

To print multiple report cards:

• Select the report cards you want to print. (See directions on page 4.)

• Use Print Preview to be sure each report card fits on one legal page.

• Be sure enough legal paper is in the printer and the correct printer is chosen.

• Click the print button on the toolbar or click on File on the top menu bar and drag down to Print.

• Ungroup the sheets. (See directions on page 5.)


Directional arrows are used to view additional sheets.

See enlargement on page 5.

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h$Tabs S1, S2, S3 and S4 are selected

View section including the last tab.

View section including the first tab.

Shift view one tab to the left.

Shift view one tab to the right.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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