Ms. Foxworthy

ELEMENTARY STATISTICSCOURSE SYLLABUS Holly Foxworthy – Room A102Email: hfoxworthy@Phone: 812-542-8504 Ext. 3031Website: foxworthyfchs. Remind Information code: Textbook: Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World Website: My Math Lab, Materials: Notebook (preferably a 3 ring binder), graph paper(optional), colored pencils(optional), a scientific calculator, and a CHARGED iPad.Course Outline: Probability and Statistics is a one semester course designed to prepare students to take college level statistics classes. The content of the course is arranged to include a wide variety of mathematical topics such as Descriptive Statistics, Probability, and Statistical Inference. The course is a challenging one, which requires a large amount of work outside the classroom. The difficulty of the course is substantial; students must keep up to date with assignments.1st Quarter: Chapters 1- 4. Introduction to Statistics, Descriptive Statistics, Probability, and Discrete Probability Distributions.2nd Quarter: Chapter 6 – 9. Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis Testing with One Sample, Hypothesis Testing with Two Samples, Correlation and Regression.Practice and Assignments: Practice will be given after every section and be due before every test. A listing of assignments may be found on and My Math Lab and on my website. Your homework grade will be calculated based on percentage you earn on each assignment. Late assignments will be accepted for 80% of its original value. You can be exempted from daily practice (not in class, special assignments, or reviews) if you earn an A on the previous major assessment. Test and Quizzes: There will be quizzes during most unit as well as comprehensive tests at the end of each unit. To promote note taking, notes may be used on some quizzes. Quizzes will be worth 20-40 points each, and test will generally be worth 100 points each. Approximately 4 units will be covered each nine weeks. When a student is absent, tests, and quizzes are to be made up in a timely manner per the school make-up policy in your handbook (1 day for each day absent). You can retake 1 test per semester by filling out the retake form and meeting all requirements.Evaluation: Points accumulated from tests, quizzes, homework,, writing assignment, and projects will determine a student’s grade. Tests and quizzes (assessments) will be worth 90%, and homework will be worth 10%. Projects will be placed in one of the 3 categories depending on its point value. The semester grade will be a running total. The semester grade will be worth 85% and the final exam will be worth 15%.A+100-97%C+79.99-77%A96.99-93%C76.99-73%A-92.99-90%C-72.99-70%B+89.99-87%D+69.99- 67%B86.99-83%D66.99-63%B-82.99-80%D-62.99-60%F59.99- belowThe following grading scale will be used:Remind: I will send out reminders to parents and students about due dates, quizzes, schedule changes, etc. See my website for more info. Either text @7g3d67 to 81010 or 7g3d67 on the app to join my class.Audit Policy: Students wanting to audit the class must sign a contract. In order to qualify for the audit, students must complete homework in MyMathLab and worksheets and make a good effort on all assessments. At the end of the semester your HOMEWORK category average must be at least 70% and your SEMESTER GRADE must be at least 50%.Writing Assignment: A writing assignment will be given each semester. The writing assignment for this course will be based on analyzing real world data. Students will work in small groups to interpret and present the outcome of their study of the data. This assignment is equal to a major exam score.Indiana Academic Writing Standard: Persuasive compositionLevel of Writing: Level 2Attendance: Attendance will be taken on a daily basis from a seating chart. When you are absent, you are responsible for any missed work. You should check MyMathlab or my website for missed assignments. Please reference your school planner for the new attendance policy. *Note: All students are expected to stay in their assigned seats until the bell has rung.Tardies: Students will be assigned a tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell rings. I will be enforcing school policy for tardies. This includes detentions after the 3rd tardy and SAL after the 4th.Passes: Students will be issued hall passes for such issues as forgotten materials and restroom breaks. Passes should be taken at appropriate times such as the beginning or end of the period. You must sign out before you leave the room. To see another teacher, counselor, or administrator, you must have a pass from that person.Discipline: I feel that by the time you reach the high school level that you are aware of the behavior that is expected of you. However, if you keep the following things in mind it will help all of us have a better and more successful year:Respect Yourself – be on time, do your own work, stay awake, bring materialsRespect Others and Their Possessions – keep hands, feet, and disrespectful comments to yourself and do not interrupt people when they have the floor. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.Respect Your Environment – Use the trashcans, do not write on desk or walls, and do not put gum under desks.Consequences for inappropriate behavior will be determined by the individual circumstances and the personal situation of the student. Consequences for students caught cheating could be a failing grade for the class and possible removal from the course.Cell Phone Policy: Phones are not to be out during instructional timeStudents will leave cell phones in locker or put in backpack.If a phone is seen without permission, the phone will be taken and sent to the officeThe student will get the phone back at the end of the school dayFloyd Central Academic Integrity PolicyAcademic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:?copying, or allowing the copying of, graded or ungraded workcollaborating with others beyond what the classroom teacher (authorized) allowsgaining unauthorized prior knowledge of assessments or providing such knowledge to otherstransmitting or receiving information related to the content of graded or ungraded workmisrepresenting situations for academic gain, including as means to receive additional time to complete graded or ungraded workfalsifying sources in graded or ungraded workaltering a grade, whether on an individual assignment or in student records (gradebook)violating the rules of school-sponsored academic competitions or assignmentsplagiarism—the stealing or using of others’ words, original ideas, or work without crediting the originalExtra Help Time: I will be more than happy to meet any student before or after school, during my 6th period planning time or during my 4th period study hall to help with any problems you may be having. Please try and let me know beforehand so that I will make sure that I am available. Other Options include:National Honor Society Tutoring Extended Learning Lab – Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in Room B111 from 2:30 – 4:30Rose-Hulman Homework HotlineKhan Academyonline textbook resources ................

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