Elementary Librarian Curriculum Map

Elementary Librarian Curriculum Map


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade








Library Rules

Following Directions Library Rules

Library Rules

Library Rules

Library Rules

Library Rules Review Library Rules Review Library Rules Review Library Catalog

Library Catalog

Library Catalog


Book Care

Review Book Care

Introduce Checkout


Review Book Care and

Checkout Proc.

Book Care

Review Checkout Pro- cedures and Book Selection

Review Parts of a Book

Author and Illustrator

Book Care

Review Checkout Pro-

cedures and Book


Review Parts of a Book

Author and Illustrator

Order in the Library

Review ABC Order

Fiction Call Numbers

Shelving Fiction Books

Order in the Library

Nonfiction Call Num-


Shelving Fiction Books

Practice Shelving Fiction Books

Introduce Online Research

Review Dictionary Use

Review Fiction and Nonfiction Call Numbers

Website Evaluation


Parts of a Book

Review Parts of a Book Overview of the

Overview of the

Overview of the

Authors and Illustra-

and Authors/Illus.

Month's Activities

Month's Activities

Month's Activities


Story Elements

Review Story Elements Fiction vs. Nonfiction Dictionary Skills

Fiction and Nonfiction Major Events (Plot) Shelving Easy Books


Review Story Elements and Plot

ABC Order Review ABC Order

Review Dictionary Skills

Review Website Evaluation

Online Encyclopedia

Review and Practice Using Online Encyclopedia

Review Library Rules Sections of the Library Overview of the

Parts of a Book

Review Library Org.

Month's Activities

November How to Use Shelf

ABC Order



ABC Order Review Story Elements

ABC Order

and Parts of a Book Review

Overview of the Month's Activities

Dictionary Skills

Review Dictionary Skills

Overview of the Month's Activities

Online Encyclopedia Overview

Group Research Assignment

Biography Overview

Biography Research Organizer

Create a Poster about a Famous Person

Story Time Behavior Story Time Behavior Story Time Behavior Story Time Behavior Biography Overview

Robert Sabuda popups Robert Sabuda popups Robert Sabuda popups Robert Sabuda popups Biography Research

December Make a Popup

Make a Popup

Make a popup

Make a popup


Create and Present a Powerpoint presentation about research

Elementary Librarian Curriculum Map


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade


Guided Research Ac- Guided Research Ac- Overview of the



Month's Activities

ABC Order

Overview of the Month's Activities

Overview of the Month's Activities

Dictionary Skills

Overview of the Month's Activities

Introduction to the Online Encyclopedia

Group Research Project

Overview of the Month's Activities

Review Online Encyclopedia

Create Powerpoint

Present Powerpoint Overview of the

Month's Activities

Research using Biographies

Fakebook Assignment

Overview of the Month's Activities

February Practice Reading Skills ABC Order Games

Introduction to Dictionary

Review Library Rules Review Parts of a Book

Intro. to Fairy Tales Intro. to Folk Tales

Practice Dictionary Skills

Review Dictionary

Review Encyclopedia Introduction to the

Review Encyclopedia Introduce Thesaurus

Table of Contents

Introduction to Index

Overview of the Month's Activities

Overview of the Month's Activities

Overview of the Month's Activities

Overview of the Month's Activities

Overview of the Month's Activities

Overview of the Month's Activities

March April

Dr. Seuss Computer Games

Dr. Seuss Computer Games

Sight Word Practice Rhyming Practice

Dr. Seuss Books

Overview of the Month's Activities

Dr. Seuss Books

Overview of the Month's Activities

Review ABC Order ABC Order Games

ABC Order Computer Introduce Poetry


Partner Reading

Dr. Seuss Computer Games

Create a Seuss Dictionary

Dr. Seuss Games

Dr. Seuss Acrostic Poem

Seuss Dictionary

Introduce Table of Contents

Introduction to Fact and Opinion

Create Table of Cont. Practice Fact & Opin.

Discuss Poetry


Introduction to the Review Online Ency- Introduce Book Talks Introduce Book Talks

Online Encyclopedia


Create Book Talk

Create Book Talk

Group Research Pro- Partner Research Pro-



Present Book Talk

Present Book Talk

Present research find-


Review Stations

Review Stations

Parts of a Book


ABC Order

ABC Order

Poster--My Favorite Story Elements Book

Review Stations ABC Order Story Elements Dictionary Skills

Review Stations

Review Stations

Introduce Book Trail-



Call Number Organiza-

tion Call Number Organiza-

Create Book Trailer


Dictionary Skills

Present Book Trailer

Dictionary Skills

Table of Contents


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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