Elements Log Book: Forty Common Elements

Elements Logbook Project

27 Most Common Elements

Student Learning Objectives

1. Conduct in-depth research on key characteristics and properties of 27 chemical elements.

2. Organize research information on Logbook forms; use Logbook forms on a final culminating assessment to analyze aspects of the Periodic Table of Elements.

3. Learn and recognize the chemical symbols of these common elements and demonstrate mastery on checkpoint quizzes throughout the project.

Enduring Understandings

1. Elements are the building blocks of the universe.

2. The dots are made up of smaller dots…

3. WHERE it is tells us WHAT it is.

Materials you will need:

1. Two pocket folder or folder with 3-hole fasteners

2. Access to a computer, printer and my Web site to print Element Logbook Forms

Internet Resources: (Websites)

1. password: student

click “Gale Virtual Reference Library”, then click “Science”, then click “Chemical Elements” and choose your element from the Table of Contents







( – If you come across this site beware, some of the information for some of the elements is incorrect.)

My website:

1. Download “Element Logbook Form”

2. Use weblinks for easy access to sites

3. More resources

Other Resources:

1. UMS Media Center

2. Physical Science Textbook


1. Each two-week period you will be responsible for learning the names and chemical symbols for nine elements (including spelling!) and completing a Logbook Form for each of those nine elements.

a. Flash cards to learn the correct spelling and symbols are a good idea—or make a Power Point.

b. Research for the elements should be thorough, detailed, and neatly written. Focus on key properties and uses for the elements. Make sure you understand what you write! is an excellent site that will introduce you to each element in video form.

2. At the end of each two-week period you will have an assessment on the assigned nine elements. You will be asked to spell the elements and their symbols correctly, and you will be asked questions on the most common properties, uses, naming, etc. of those elements.

3. You may use after school time to do your research—speak with your teacher about when.

4. It is expected that you will budget your time during the two-week period to allow the research to be completed. You will have other science homework during this time.

5. At the end of the 8 weeks, you will use your Elements Log Book to take a final assessment where you will analyze trends in the Periodic Table.


1. Get a two pocket folder and decorate the cover—include your name.

2. Write “ELEMENTS R COOL” in the boxes on your left side page. Write a complete statement starting with each letter that shows you understand the project requirements. Write neatly, and in detail. You may also include any information you already know about elements.


|Assessment |What Do I Need To Know? |What Should I Bring? |Date (appx) |

|Quiz 1 |Spellings, symbols and facts about Elements 1-9 |Due: logbook forms 1-9 |2/4 |

|Quiz 2 |Spellings, symbols and facts about Elements 1-18 |Due: logbook forms 1-18 |2/18 |

|Quiz 3 |Spellings, symbols and facts about Elements 1-27 |Due: logbook forms 1-27 |3/4 |

|Final Test |You will receive a study guide describing this test closer to the test |Due: logbook forms 1-27 |3/17 |

| |event. | | |

The Most Common Elements

|Cluster 1-due 2/4 |Cluster 2-due 2/18 |Cluster 3-due 3/4 |

|Hydrogen (H) |Carbon (C) |Helium (He) |

|Lithium (Li) |Silicon (Si) |Neon (Ne) |

|Sodium (Na) |Nitrogen (N) |Argon (Ar) |

|Potassium (K) |Phosphorus (P) |Iron (Fe) |

|Beryllium (Be) |Oxygen (O) |Copper (Cu) |

|Magnesium (Mg) |Sulfur (S) |Silver (Ag) |

|Calcium (Ca) |Fluorine (F) |Gold (Au) |

|Boron (B) |Chlorine (Cl) |Mercury (Hg) |

|Aluminum (Al) |Bromine (Br) |Lead (Pb) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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