University of Findlay | Private University in Ohio

Comprehensive Exams


The purpose of the Comprehensive Exams is to demonstrate your deep and broad understanding of the content, theory, and research covered in the core Ed.D. courses. The Comprehensive Exams are for individuals who have completed all of the core and research courses in the first two years of the program (EDUC 700, 701, 703, 705, 707, 709, 711, 713, 715, 750, 751, 760, 770 & 771). The Comprehensive Exams consists of two parts, the Research Proposal and the Educational Leadership Application.


In addition to the requirements for each section (listed below), all submissions must be in APA 6th edition format. Include a title page, table of contents, appropriate headings, and a reference section. The Exams must be written in the scholarly, professional voice appropriate for an Ed.D student.

Scoring the Exams

Students will receive one of three scores on Comprehensive Exams:

1. PASS. This score indicates that the student has met all the requirements of the Exams.

2. PASS WITH MODIFICATIONS. The score indicates that the Exams are acceptable but not complete until specific modifications are made. PASS WITH MODIFICATIONS will be scored as PASS once all specified modifications have been made to the satisfaction of the committee prior to the stated deadline. The deadline for all modifications is September 1, 2017. If the required modifications are not complete to the satisfaction of the committee by the deadline then the Exam will default to a grade of FAIL.

3. FAIL. The paper does not meet the requirements and cannot be modified enough to satisfy those requirements. Therefore the candidate must begin the Exam(s) anew.

Each part of the Exam is to be graded separately, however the student has not passed Comprehensive Exams and may not progress in the program until both parts of Comprehensive Exams receive a score of PASS. Students who do not pass Comprehensive Exams will need to retake the Exams when they are next offered.

Part One: Research Proposal

Submission Deadline: June 15th Modifications (FINAL) Deadline: September 1st

Oral Defense: Summer Institute

Description: The purpose of Part One of the Comprehensive Exams is to evaluate an education-related problem, challenge, or opportunity and to create a research proposal based on the synthesis of your doctoral program research coursework to address the problem, challenge, or opportunity. Your comprehensive research plan must demonstrate application of the knowledge and skills attained in the following courses:

• EDUC 700: Writing as a Doctoral Scholar

• EDUC 750: Research I Literature Review

• EDUC 760: Research II Quantitative Research and Measurement and/or

• EDUC 765: Research II Qualitative Research Design and Measurement

• EDUC 770: Research III Research Design and Proposal Development

Format: Part One of the Comprehensive Exam must include Chapters One, Two, and Three of your dissertation and Passports for Chapters One, Two, and Three. You must use the Dissertation Template and proper APA format.

Evaluation: Your dissertation committee will read and evaluate Part One of the Comprehensive Exam. Then, you will defend Part One of the Comprehensive Exam at the Summer Institute. At the defense, your dissertation committee will ask you questions about Chapters One, Two, and Three of your dissertation as well as how you addressed the feedback in Passports One, Two, and Three. These questions should lead to an academic discussion about your dissertation. You do not need to prepare a presentation.

Assessment: Rubrics

Part One: Research Proposal Rubric

|Criteria |Pass |Pass with Modifications |Fail |

|Introduction |Conveyed research within context of literature; |Conveyed research within context of literature; |Research was not conveyed within context of |

| |moderately-strong rationale; purpose statement was |moderate rationale; purpose statement was present |literature; did not include a rationale; and/or did |

| |clear and focused | |not include a clear and focused purpose statement |

|Review of Literature |Comprehensive review of literature relevant to the |Review of literature relevant to the study; organized |Review of literature was not relevant to the study; |

| |study; well-organized with nuanced critique regarding |regarding relatedness of the research and scholarship |organized unrelated to the research and scholarship |

| |relatedness of the research and scholarship reviewed; |reviewed; included specific criteria for |reviewed; did not include specific criteria for |

| |included specific criteria for inclusion/exclusion of |inclusion/exclusion of various theoretical |inclusion/exclusion of various theoretical |

| |various theoretical perspectives/empirical studies; |perspectives/empirical studies; described research |perspectives/empirical studies; and/or did not |

| |clearly described research samples, methodologies, and|samples, methodologies, and findings |describe research samples, methodologies, and findings|

| |findings | | |

|Methods |Appropriate detail in description of subjects, design,|Appropriate detail in most of the description of |Lack of appropriate detail in most of the description |

| |data, data collection, instrument(s), methods, |subjects, design, data, data collection, |of subjects, design, data, data collection, |

| |procedures, and statistical analysis |instrument(s), methods, procedures, and statistical |instrument(s), methods, procedures, and statistical |

| | |analysis |analysis |

|Writing Quality |Written with great clarity and precision; each |Written with clarity; each sentence was |Written with lack of clarity; each sentence was not |

| |sentence was understandable; word choice, grammar, |understandable; word choice, grammar, punctuation, and|understandable; word choice, grammar, punctuation, and|

| |punctuation, and spelling were excellent; narrative |spelling were sufficient; narrative was logical; |spelling were not sufficient; narrative was not |

| |was logical and coherent; correct use of 6th edition |correct use of 6th edition of APA |logical; and/or incorrect use of 6th edition of APA |

| |of APA | | |

Part Two: Educational Leadership Application

Submission Deadline: June 30th Modifications (FINAL) Deadline: September 1st

Oral Defense: Summer Institute

Description: The purpose of Part Two of the Comprehensive Exam is to evaluate a leadership problem, challenge, or opportunity in your current or future workplace. You must evaluate this situation in light of what you have learned in the program and use the theoretical and research-based knowledge you have gained to create a comprehensive plan to address that problem, challenge, or opportunity. Start with the background of the issue and include a clear statement of the problem, challenge, or opportunity. Provide a comprehensive description of the issue with relevant data and research to support your claim. All references to particular course content (i.e. acronyms, policies, etc.) must be explained in detail with accompanying theories and research. Be sure to include proper APA citations. Your comprehensive plan must reference application of the knowledge and skills attained in a minimum of five courses. Choose the courses that best fit your problem, challenge, or opportunity:

• EDUC 703: Policy Analysis: Political and Legal Principles

• EDUC 705: Strategic Planning & Continuous Improvement

• EDUC 711: Influential Thinkers: Selected Readings & Critical Analysis

• EDUC 707: Global Dimensions & Perspectives on Diversity

• EDUC 709: Performance Management Practices for Effective Leadership

• EDUC 713: Innovation and Information Literacy

• EDUC 715: Inviting Environments to Facilitate the Affective Domain

Format: Part Two of the Comprehensive Exam must not exceed 50 pages in length. Your paper must be in APA 6th edition format and include a title page and reference page. It is not necessary to dedicate an equal amount of content to each of the courses because each problem, challenge, or opportunity will require a unique combination of knowledge and/or skills from the core. For each course you must cite a minimum of three sources, including current primary research, theoretically-based citations, or your textbook (however, faculty resources are not acceptable).

The Defense: Your dissertation committee will read and evaluate Part Two of the Comprehensive Exam. Then, you will defend Part Two of the Comprehensive Exam at the Summer Institute. At the defense, your dissertation committee will ask you questions about the comprehensive plan that you created. These questions should lead to an academic discussion about your comprehensive plan. You do not need to prepare a presentation.

Part Two: Educational Leadership Application Rubric

|Criteria |Pass |Pass with Modifications |Fail |

|Writing Quality |Written with great clarity and precision; each |Written with clarity; each sentence was |Written with lack of clarity; each sentence was not |

| |sentence was understandable; word choice, grammar, |understandable; word choice, grammar, punctuation, and|understandable; word choice, grammar, punctuation, and|

| |punctuation, and spelling were excellent; narrative |spelling were sufficient; narrative was logical; |spelling were not sufficient; narrative was not |

| |was logical and coherent; correct use of 6th edition |correct use of 6th edition of APA |logical; and/or incorrect use of 6th edition of APA |

| |of APA | | |

|Policy Analysis |Create and justify a new policy or evaluate an |New policy or evaluation of existing policy includes |Candidate does not create a policy or evaluate a |

|(EDUC 703) |existing policy analyzing the role of any three of the|three of the stated elements but the analysis of their|policy analyzing three of the stated elements. |

| |following elements: power and policy making, |role in the policy is weak or lacks support. | |

| |political culture, ethical theories, policy | | |

| |instruments, cost effectiveness, or policy evaluation.| | |

|Strategic Planning and|Provided leadership plan that included balanced and |Provided sound leadership plan but lacked no more than|Did not provide sound leadership plan and/or lacked |

|Continuous Improvement|appropriate combination of five or more of the |two essential elements such as incremental and/or |more than two essential elements such as incremental |

|(EDUC 705) |following essential elements: incremental and/or |transformational changes, creative decision making, |and/or transformational changes, creative decision |

| |transformational changes, creative decision making, |influence, assertiveness, innovation and group |making, influence, assertiveness, innovation and group|

| |influence, assertiveness, innovation and group |dynamics |dynamics |

| |dynamics | | |

|Global Dimensions and |Provided analysis, design, and implementation plan for|Provided analysis, design, and implementation plan for|Analysis, design, and/or implementation plan were |

|Perspectives on |scenario; included explicit response as to how they |scenario but was not explicit, lacked critical aspects|missing or inadequate |

|Diversity |will objectively step back from their beliefs in this |of the analysis, design, and/or implementation | |

|(EDUC 707) |process of minimizing cultural positionality and | | |

| |confirmation bias; Summary statement explained how | | |

| |results are as free as possible from bias | | |

|Performance Management|Provided leadership plan that included balanced and |Provided sound action plan but lacked no more than |Did not provide sound leadership plan and/or lacked |

|Practices for |appropriate combination of eight or more of the |three essential elements such as organizational |more than six essential elements such as |

|Effective Leadership |following essential elements: organizational culture, |culture, team member selection, onboarding, growing |organizational culture, team member selection, |

|(EDUC 709) |team member selection, onboarding, growing talent, |talent, goal management, giving corrective feedback, |onboarding, growing talent, goal management, giving |

| |goal management, giving corrective feedback, |performance appraisals, performance counseling, |corrective feedback, performance appraisals, |

| |performance appraisals, performance counseling, |building loyalty or empowerment |performance counseling, building loyalty or |

| |building loyalty or empowerment | |empowerment |

|Influential Thinkers |Described how the ideas of at least four classical or |Described how the ideas of at least four classical or |Did not describe or inadequately described how the |

|(EDUC 711) |modern influential thinkers applied to the solutions |modern influential thinkers applied to the solutions |ideas of four influential thinkers applied to the |

| |they proposed to their selected problem |they proposed to their selected problem, but their |solutions they proposed to their selected problem |

| | |descriptions are shallow or the thinkers were not | |

| | |prominent thinkers in the selected problem area | |

|Innovation & |Response conformed to ACRL Literacy standards for IHE |Response conformed to ACRL literacy standards for IHE |Response did not conform to ACRL literacy standards |

|Information Literacy |(2000); APA format for images, tables and figures, and|(2000) but lacked in some areas; APA format for |for IHE (2000); APA format issues were persistent and |

|(EDUC 713 Dr. Rife’s |other digital and visual elements were |images, tables and figures, and other digital and |obvious (images, tables and figures, and other digital|

|class ONLY) |attributed/provided; evidence that the 5 key features |visual elements were missing some attributes/or were |and visual elements were not attributed to the |

| |of information literacy (as relevant to the chosen |not completely provided; evidence that the 5 key |original source or original source of images provide);|

| |topic) were included (Identify, Find, Evaluate, Apply,|features of information literacy (as relevant to the |evidence that the 5 key features of information |

| |and Acknowledge) |chosen topic) were not clearly addressed (Identify, |literacy (as relevant to the chosen topic) were not |

| | |Find, Evaluate, Apply, and Acknowledge) |included (Identify, Find, Evaluate, Apply, and |

| | | |Acknowledge) is not addressed to any degree |

|Innovation & |Response included comments related to the 4 key |Response included some comments related to |Lack of innovation in the response; did not address |

|Information Literacy |features of innovation: collaboration, ideation, |collaboration, ideation, implementation and value |any comments related to: collaboration, ideation, |

|(EDUC 713 Dr. Rife’s |implementation and value creation; evidence that |creation; there was limited innovation and |implementation and value creation; no evidence that |

|class ONLY) |stakeholders were actively engaged in an innovation |stakeholders were not given an opportunity to actively|stakeholders were actively engaged in an innovation |

| |process that was described for each of these elements |be engaged in an innovation process that was described|process that was described for each of these elements |

| | |for each of these elements | |

|Innovation & |Response provided evidence of understanding the |Response provided some evidence of understanding the |Response did not provide adequate evidence of |

|Information Literacy |Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) |Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) |understanding the Association of College and Research |

|(EDUC 713 Dr. |Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher |Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher |Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Competency |

|Ochsner’s class ONLY) |Education, which include Identifying the information |Education, which include Identifying the information |Standards for Higher Education, which include |

| |needed; Locating sources effectively and efficiently; |needed; Locating sources effectively and efficiently; |Identifying the information needed; Locating sources |

| |Evaluating information critically; Presenting the |Evaluating information critically; Presenting the |effectively and efficiently; Evaluating information |

| |information effectively; and Demonstrating |information effectively; and Demonstrating |critically; Presenting the information effectively; |

| |understanding of how to use information ethically and |understanding of how to use information ethically and |and Demonstrating understanding of how to use |

| |legally. |legally. Evidence lacked in some areas. |information ethically and legally. |

| | |  | |

|Innovation & |The candidate demonstrated their ability to analyze |The candidate demonstrated a limited ability to |The candidate failed to demonstrate their ability to |

|Information Literacy |contemporary trends in information and articulated how|analyze contemporary trends in information and |analyze contemporary trends in information and did not|

|(EDUC 713 Dr. |information is used, shared, and understood by |articulated, with some gaps in understanding, how |effectively articulate how information is used, |

|Ochsner’s class ONLY) |different stakeholders within the context of their |information is used, shared, and understood by |shared, and understood by different stakeholders |

| |chosen topic. |different stakeholders within the context of their |within the context of their chosen topic. |

| | |chosen topic. | |

|Inviting Environments |When discussing solutions to his/her selected issue, |When discussing solutions to his/her selected issue, |Did not incorporate the affective domain in addressing|

|to Facilitate the |the candidate identified, analyzed and appropriately |the candidate addressed the affective domain, but was |the selected issue or did so inadequately |

|Affective Domain |applied frameworks/ methods for facilitating the |not specific about the source of the | |

|(EDUC 715) |affective domain |frameworks/methods or did not demonstrate analysis of | |

| | |the frameworks/ methods to fit the selected issue | |


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