Creating a Parent Distribution List - Riderwood Elementary

Creating a Distribution List For Parent Contacts

Some liaisons have requested the procedure for creating distribution lists to remain in contact with parents and co-workers. This could be extremely useful especially during the year when we are subject to late openings and early dismissals. This could be used to recruit parent volunteers to work in the computer lab, as chaperones, or for general information. Be advised that a local distribution list can only contain 200 entries. You can have as many distribution lists as you wish. A distribution list can not contain other distribution lists. It would be recommended that you create these by grade level or homeroom in the Elementary school setting and by other groupings for Secondary schools: I.e. Band parents, Sports parents etc. These can only be created using Outlook Exchange and can not be created over the Web access portal.

Below are the procedures for creating these lists.

With Microsoft Outlook Exchange open, click on the down arrow to the right of the "New: tab to see the items listed here. Find the Distribution List tab.

This will open up an "Untitled" Distribution list box as seen below

At this point we would recommend that you title your list so that if you get interrupted, your work will not be lost.

To start adding entries to the list, click on the "Add New" button. This will bring up the box that will allow you to enter the Display name of the contact as well as the email address of that contact. Leave all other settings as the default as listed below

If you have received an email from this contact, you can "Capture" the email address from their message so as not to have to type it in manually. You will need to open the message from the contact that you wish to include in your Distribution list. Highlight the address in the "From:" line of your email.

Right click on the highlighted name and scroll to the bottom and release on the "Copy" tab.

Once you have copied the email address go back to the Distribution list and click the "Add New" button

You can now paste the E-mail address into the "Add New Member" box.

The only thing left to do is to type in the Display name of the contact. When you have finished with this contact you can proceed to enter additional contacts or save the list for further updating at a later date.

Make sure to click the "Save and Close" button when finished or your work will be lost


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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