Colorado Springs School District 11

Choice Board Packet: Kindergarten – 2nd GradeHello Carver Families,Distance Learning during the time we are away from school is being created by our teachers on a weekly basis. Even though we aren’t at the physical Carver building, learning is still continuing. If you are receiving a packet through the mail, you have indicated that these boards are needed rather than using technology at home. For grades K-2, teachers are using Class Dojo and grades 3-5 are using Schoology. Both platforms can be accessed using a Smart Phone, Laptop/Desktop computer or an iPad/Tablet/Kindle. If you have one of these types of devices and would rather use those to turn in assignments, please contact Carver’s front office (719-328-7110 or 719-328-7111) to be removed from receiving mailed packets and visit Carver’s website (carver) on directions of how to access Class Dojo and Schoology. Only one packet in each grade level cluster (K-2 and 3-5) will be mailed to you if you have more than one child in a grade level cluster. Please be sure students are completing the work in this packet on notebook paper to turn in upon returning to school. Contact your child’s teacher or the front office for questions or concerns. Thank you,Carver StaffKindergarten Choice BoardsKindergarten Math Choice Board Select an item or items for the week to continue with your learning.I?can?count by 2s, 5s, and 10s??Take a piece of paper or even a picture you have colored and cut it into?lots of pieces and then count them by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.?I can tell which has less or more.??Count how many bowls you have and how many plates you have and tell someone at home if you have more bowls or more plates.?I can?find number partners up to 10.??Write number partners for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10??I can subtract within?20.??Count out 20 pieces of something (cereal, coins, small toys, etc.) and?use it for different subtraction problems. 20 – 8, 15 – 7, 19 – 9, 20 – 10,??13?– 5, 11 – 3, 18 – 6, 10 - 2?Online activity?Go to??login and start playing!??I can write my numbers to 50.??Write:?1-10 in purple?11-20 in green?21-30 in yellow?31-40 in blue?41-50 in red?I can find circles, squares,?triangles, and rectangles.??Take one?or two?of your favorite books and see how many circles, squares, triangles and rectangles you find in it.?I can make circles, squares,?triangles, and rectangles.??Draw?3 blue circles, 4 red squares, 5 yellow triangles and 6 orange rectangles.??Online activity?Go to the Carver website and under Academics, choose ST Math?Kindergarten ELA Choice BoardEvery day, read for 20 minutes and select an item or items for the week to continue with your learning.I can write a story.??Write and illustrate a story?telling about something you want to do over the summer.?I can practice my sight words.??Read your sight words to someone at home or go to the Carver website and practice reading the lists of Fry words.?I can follow 2-step directions.??Make a Mother’s Day card for next Sunday.?Write?“Happy Mother’s Day”?and?“I love you”?on the card.?I can ask questions.??Pretend you are a reporter on the news and ask someone three questions for your?news report.?I can rhyme.??Pick one of your sight words and see how many other sight words rhyme with it.??Online activity?On the Carver website, under Academics.?I can write a question mark and an exclamation point.??Draw?a picture of?the outdoors?but only use question marks and exclamation marks to?draw your picture.?I can write rhyming words.??Look at your list of sight words and pick one and then write the other sight words that rhyme?each in a different color.?Online activity?Go to the Carver website, under?Academics and login to do some activities.?Kindergarten Science Choice Board Select an item or items for the week to continue with your learning.I can?sort based on characteristics.??Sort you and your family members into different categories based on things like eye color, hair color, height, etc.??I can?investigate the weather.??Make a chart that shows what the temperature is each day. Compare similarities and differences.??Online activity??Watch and play on? can?describe how I move.??Hop, jump, skip, crawl, and walk then describe how your body moves for each.???????Online activity??Explore...? Social Studies Choice BoardSelect an item or items for the week to continue with your learning.I can?create a map.??Draw a map of your house. Be sure to label each room.???I can put events in order.??Make a schedule for summer activities.?I can?create and follow rules.??Make a “kindness contract”?for your family.??I can compare.??Make a list comparing school at home and school at school. What is the same and what is different??Online activityleft000 the Communities activities.Online activity Explore and learn about toys, old and new! 1st Grade Choice Board1st Grade Math ChoicesEach day, select a menu item or items to continue your learning.I can practice addition facts.Play “Add them up” with two dice. Each player rolls the dice and adds them up. The player with the higher number wins. Keep track of your wins. The player to get 10 wins first wins the game! Play again.I can represent a two-digit number using ten sticks and circles. 28 63 17 35 72 64I can add 3 numbers. Use a deck of cards without the face cards or make your own cards numbered 1 – 10 on notecards or paper. Choose three cards and write the addition number sentence. Solve the problem. Do at least 10 problems.I can find an unknown number.Some nuts were on the ground. A squirrel took 7 of them. Now there are 5 nuts on the ground. How many nuts were on the ground to start? right000I can use subtraction to solve a word problem.18 dogs are in the dog park. 9 are black and the rest are brown. How many brown dogs are in the dog park?I can create a composite shape from two-dimensional shapes.Create a house and yard using shapes. Use rectangles, squares, triangles, circles and other shapes only! For example, your tree can look like this:Do 45 minutes of ST math for the week. Online Practice:Starfall MathGo to click on the 1,2,3 box. Click on activities in the Grade 1 Math column.NRICH MathGo to click on Primary Pupils. Choose a 3 – 5, or 5 – 7 game to play.Online Practice:You can record your thinking, solutions, and answers as you practice online using working paper. Prodigy PracticeGo to either sign into your existing account or to register as a “New Player” 1st Grade Literacy ChoicesEach day, read for 30 minutes and select a menu item or items to continue learning.I can identify the problem and solution in a story.Click the link and listen to the story. What problem did the little red fish have in the story? Write down how Swimmy solved the problem. Then draw a picture to show how he solved the problem. can sort words with the diphthongs ou, ow sound according to their spelling pattern.Fold a paper in half. Label the two sections ou and ow. Write the words under the correct spelling pattern.cow town mouse poundhow out mouth frownI can give and follow two-step directions.Follow these steps to practice giving someone 2 directions to follow.1.Find a family member who wants to be blind folded. 2.Use a bandana or other kind of material and put it on your family member as a blind fold.3.Give your family member 2 directions and see if they can do what you asked.4. Now trade places with your family member and repeat the activity.Example: Walk 5 steps, then touch your toes.Jump up and down, then sit down.I can recognize and read first grade words.Practice the high frequency words in the table below. Then use three words from the table to write three different sentences using one of the words in each sentence. colorearlynothinginsteadohthoughtI can write about a time I tried to learn something new and include details about what happened.Read Whistle for Willie in ConnectED. Think about something you tried to learn how to do. Write a story about it. Make your story like the one about Willie. Include lots of details about how you learned something new.I can blend sounds to form words.Go to Carver’s website and log in to ConnectEd. Complete the Phonics Blending activity in your To Do tab.Click here to log on to play SmartyAnts for 20 minutes. Or go to the Carver Website and click on SmartyAnts under the Academics tab. Practice:Don’t forget to record your progress on the Distance Learning Log.ABCYaGo to and click on the Grade 1 bubble. Practice using any of the games.StarfallGo to and click on the Grades 1,2,3 box. Click on any of the Language Arts and Music games.More Online Practice:Scholastic Go to and click on the Grades 1 and 2 box. Click on any of the activities and have fun!Science/Social Studies ChoicesExplore the area of science and social studies listed.Physical ScienceLight and Sound WavesI can make matter vibrate and vibrating matter makes sounds.I can sort sounds by their volume.I can determine if a sound has a high or low pitch.Pitch is how high or low a sound is. Something that vibrates fast makes a high pitch, like a bird chirping or the sound of a whistle. Something that vibrates slowly makes a low pitch, like a cow mooing or bass drum. Make a list of things that have a high pitch. Make a list of things that have a low pitch.Example:High PitchLow Pitchbaby chicklion's roarPlease send me a picture of your work in ClassDojo.Rub your finger on a table. It makes a soft sound. Slam a door (ask permission). It makes a loud sound. Remember, volume is how loud or soft a sound is. Loud sounds make taller sound waves.Draw two boxes. Label one Loud. Label the other Soft. Draw things that make a loud sound in the Loud box. Draw things that make a soft sound in the Soft box. Take a picture of your work and send it to your teacher in ClassDojo. Social StudiesI can read about Consumers and Producers.I can read about Wants and Needs.I can list examples of Consumers and producers.I can list wants and needs and determine how many wants I can buy after I buy my needs.After you complete an activity send me a picture of your lists on Class Dojo.Go to PebbleGo on the Carver website and click on Social Studies. Then chose All about Money. Last, click on Consumers and Producers.Read the information under EVERY tab.Make a list of 2 ways you are a consumer.Look at the 2 ways you are a consumer, and list who or what the producer is for the things you listed.Go to PebbleGo on the Carver website and click on Social Studies. Then choose All about Money. Last, click on Needs and Wants.Read the information under EVERY tab.Make 2 lists. On the first list name 3 needs that you have. On the second list name 3 wants.Solve this problem: You make $20 for allowance. Each of your 3 needs cost $5. Each of your wants cost $5. You must buy all your needs, so you can survive. So, after you buy your needs how many wants can you buy? Would you buy your wants or save it for next week?2nd Grade Choice Boards2nd Grade Math Choices Each day, select a menu item or items to continue your learning.I can make a bar graphAsk your family members what their favorite ice cream flavor is. Make a bar graph using the data collected. Add our information to the bar graph too! Mrs. Hollars: ChocolateMrs. Bohn: Chocolate Chip Cookie DoughI can tell who has more.Play a game of “Top It” with number cards 1-10. Each player lays down a card. Who has more? How do you know? The higher card wins both cards!4 8 For number cards click here or make your own: Number Cards 0-120I can add and subtract two 3-digit numbers. Create 10 three-digit addition and 10 three-digit subtraction problems. Solve them, then have a parent or family member check your work. Example: 457-323 134I can write a number in expanded notation form.Write the following numbers in expanded notation form. (200+40+4=244).753659952768231Online Practice:You can record your thinking, solutions, and answers as you practice online using working paper. Prodigy PracticeGo to either sign into your existing account or to register as a “New Player”I can sort by size.Find 10 toys in your house. Line them up from biggest to smallest. Take a picture and upload it to Class Dojo!!! ST Math (Jiji) can count money.Draw three ways to make the following amounts:$4.87$1.95$1.40Finished or want more options? Check out these links from D11 for more learning opportunities:Distance Learning G/T Resources Fun Sites to Stretch Your Brain Virtual Field Trips2nd Grade Literacy Choices Each day, read for 30 minutes and select a menu item or items to continue your learning.I can compare and contrast two animals. Write about two animals you like. How are they the same? How are they different? Use a venn diagram to gather your information. I can retell a story I read. Divide your paper into 3 sections. Write about the beginning of the story in the first section, middle of the story in the second section and the ending in the third section. Illustrate each section to match your details. I can act out my favorite book.Gather your family in one area. Act out your favorite play. You can draw pictures, wear costumes, and write out details to help you. GET CREATIVE!!! Online Resource:Smarty Ants Online Practice:ScholasticGo to If it asks you to login, click on login and then student and put in hollars2. Listen or read the story and do all the activities with it. I can write my opinion. Write about your favorite thing to do during Summer Break. Please include examples and reason’s why you think it is your favorite thing to do. Give details!!! I can ask questions.Find a book you have never read before. Before reading, write down your predictions based on the title of the story. After reading, write about if your prediction was right. What surprised you the most? I can practice my phonics on Connect ED. name: email address (first.last@)Password: cssd11Look under the green TO DO button. Don't have the text you want to use at home? Check out these resources for online text access: Pikes Peak Library District Cybershelf D11 Library Destiny Follett StorylineOnline PebbleGO Britannica Online2nd Grade Life Science/Social Studies Choices Life ScienceI can name the parts of a plant. Go out in your yard or take a walk. Find a weed and pull it out of the ground. Draw a picture of what your weed looks like. Label your picture. I can answer questions about animals after reading information about them. Choose 3 Scholastic News newspapers (these are in the student’s belongings that were picked up from Carver this week). Answer the questions in the back of the newspapers about the articles. Write down three facts that you learned from the Newspapers! I can teach my parent about something new. Watch the video on why birds lay their eggs in the Spring. Write down the reasons birds lay their eggs in the Spring and teach your parents all about it. can describe the things I eat or drink to survive.Keep a food and drink journal for an entire day. Write down everything that you eat and drink for the day. Draw a picture of your meals to go along with your journal. Write about how this week’s journal looks different from last weeks. How is it the same?I can create a timeline.Work with a parent or family member to create a timeline of your life. Be sure to share a picture on your portfolio section on Class Dojo!!! I can compare the past to now. Write about how your life was before the virus. Then write about how it has changed since the Coronavirus. How has it changed? Write about the one thing you are looking forward to doing once all this is over. Do you want to go to the store? Do you want to go to the park? Do you want to play with your friends? What do you want to do??? I can write about citizenship. What does it mean to be a good citizen? Write 4-5 sentences about what you can do to be a good citizen at home. Be sure to give examples. Be sure to include punctuation and capitalize letter when necessary. Online Resources:Brain POP! the video and take the quiz for comparing prices. Finished or want more options? Check out the National Geographic Kids or NASA Kid’s Club. See the Digital Learning Links page in this document for more ideas.Art K - 2 Each day select a menu item or items to continue your learning. Observe and Learn to Comprehend Ask a family member to help you begin an online journal listing 10 things you see in your home that you think is art.Ask a family member to help you look up the artist Pablo Picasso and look at his work. Discuss what you like about his art. Is there a work of his art you would hang in your house? If so where?In your home, find 2 things you think are works of art and discuss with a family member why you feel this way.Look outside your window. Find things you think are cool or beautiful. Say them to your family members or your pet and explain why you think they are cool or beautiful!Envision and Critique to Reflect With a family member’s help, look up an artist and watch a video about that person. What type of Artist did you choose? Discuss with your family member what you saw and what art you'd maybe like to try!With a family member’s help, go to Discovery Education and search Art with Mati and Dada. Watch Art with Mati and Dada: Da Vinci. Talk with your family member about what you saw. What did you think was interesting about Leonardo da Vinci? What more do you want to learn?Get a sheet of paper. Write down the names of your family members and ask each member how they feel about 1 work of art or image in your home. Write down in the form of smiley or frowny faces to show the answers they give to you. Discuss with a family member what you love about making art and what it means to you. Invent and Discover to Create Create a work of art about something you do not like. Take a photo of this work of art and ask a family member to take a photo of your work and share it with a friend.Make a work of art using your favorite colors - only! Take a photo of this work of art and ask a family member to take a photo of your work and share it with a friend. Look at your favorite stuffed animal and draw it using whatever tools you wish.Draw and color something you think is special. Use whatever tools you wish.Relate and Connect to Transfer With a family member’s help, visit this The Concrete Couch. Choose a piece of art and discuss with them about how you think this art was made. What tools did the artist use? How long do you think it took them to make it? What do you think it is? Do you like it? Why or why not?If you could be an artist when you grow up, what kind of art would you make: drawings, paintings or sculptures? Draw yourself as this artist!Name your favorite tools that you use to make art. Name one thing you'd like to try that you have not yet used!Create a work of art about something you love. List the materials you used on the back of your work.?Visual & Performing Arts: Music?K-2?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????You can share your work with Mrs. Glenn on Class Dojo or email her at michelle.glenn@ Choose one or more activity for each standard.Expression of Music??Sing or keep the beat to a song you enjoy! How many different ways can you find to keep the beat?Freeze Dance - Dance to a piece of music you like and have a family member pause the music at random times. Freeze when the music pauses. Any movement other than blinking or breathing and the pauser gets a point. If you can keep still during the pause, you get a point.Ensemble/Conductor – Listen to a piece of music and either play along on an instrument you hear or be the conductor. If you choose to be the conductor, you can set up stuffed animals to conduct or imagine the group you’re conducting. You can bounce your right hand to the beat, or make a backwards J shape moving down and out on one beat, and back up on the next.Go to and click on your grade-level along the top. Choose a song to learn from the list. It will start a video at the bottom of the page for you to sing along with, or if the song doesn’t have words, it will give you something else you can do while you listen. Do you already know any of the songs on the list?Creation of Music????Create 2 or more of your own sound effects to go with your favorite story. Read your story with a family member using your sound effects.Create movements to a piece of music that match how it sounds. Will your movements be slow or fast? Smooth and connected or short and separate? Which locomotor (moving around the room) or non-locomotor (in place) movements will you choose? Tell a family member why you chose the movements you chose.Make up a song or rap about something that is your favorite – a favorite food, pet, stuffed animal, etc. Practice until you’re happy with what you created, then perform for a family member, favorite toy, or into a mirror.Choose a season or type of weather and think about what music for that season would sound like. Listen to these examples of songs about rain: Now that you have some ideas, tell a family member what your season or weather music would sound like and why.Theory of Music?????Hunt – teach a family member how to play hunt! Hide an item while your family member isn’t looking (we used Black Bear in class). When your item is hidden, your family member can start looking for it. While they’re looking you can clap slower or quieter when they get further away and faster or louder as they get closer. The sound stops when they find the item!Find a piece of music that matches three of these musical elements:FastSlowLoud (forte)Quiet (piano)HighLow1st and 2nd grade: Write your name as a rhythm. Each syllable of your name will need a note head (bubbles on ta and ti-ti). For example, my name could be said and written like this:Ti-ti ta Z ZMrs. GlennFigure out rhythm names for your family and friends!Play one or more of these games from (they are along the right side of the page):Beat or Rhythm Up & DownBeat/No BeatSmooth & SeparateAesthetic Valuation of Music????Draw a Story – Listen to a piece of music. If this music told a story, what would it be? Draw pictures to tell your story, or describe your story to a family member. Emojis – Listen to any 3 different pieces of music and draw an emoji for each one to show how it makes you feel. Describe why the music makes you feel that way to a family member.Make a Listening Map – Choose a piece of instrumental music to listen to and draw a listening map. A listening map is made of lines and pictures that help a listener follow what is happening in the music. You could draw the main instrument you hear, do a scribble, or set up a row of items that demonstrate what happens in the music or the shape of the melody. Have a family member follow your listening map.Listening Online – go to and choose a listening map, or fill out a listening log. Did it help you stay focused? What did you think about the piece of music you listened to? How would you change that piece of music if you had the chance? Tell a family member or Mrs. Glenn what you thought of the piece of music you listened to and why.Physical Education – K - 2Students should complete as many activities as they can each week and log their minutes into the Google FormNo Technology OptionsStandard 1Movement Concepts and UnderstandingLearn to play hopscotch with your family. Use your driveway, sidewalk or an open space. Feel free to be creative with your hopscotch plete the Cosmic Kids Yoga Dance Party. Try to complete the entire video without taking a break. Have your water bottle ready!Find a safe place to enjoy a 45 minute walk.Standard 2Physical and Personal WellnessHave a family member help you check out the exercises at Kids Health. Find the light, moderate, and vigorous exercises for students your age. Choose one or two from each category to do with this family member.Practice your flexibility with your family. Try these exercises and practice them for 30 minutes.HIIT Training Challenge!5 Squats10 Push Ups10 Second PlanksPerform each step continuously for 5 minutes. Rest for 5 minutes then try again.Standard 3Social and Emotional WellnessStuck at home? Try an at-home yoga story session. Listen along and do the moves as you explore the ocean in the Cosmic Kids Yoga video.Looking for something to help you sleep? Try Night Time Yoga right before you go to bed.Set a personal goal to improve a skill. For example, Throw a ball or work on a cart wheel . Work on it for 3 days and talk with your family about how you’ve improved.Standard 4Prevention and Risk ManagementPractice tying your shoes while using the Shoelace Song. Feel free to learn the lyrics and sing along.Congratulations! You’re a superstar athlete and you made your very first shoe deal. Design your own shoe. Be creative and show what makes your shoe safe to wear.Create a list of all the rules that kept you safe in P.E. Have a parent help you explain why each rule keeps you safe.Click HERE to log in your minutesELL K-5 BoardStudent Directions for K-2: Choose 1-2 of the activities from the choice board below. Take a picture of your answer and email or text it to Mrs. Bourassa. If you like, you can type your answer in the discussion of Class Dojo. My email address is: rebecca.bourassa@ My phone number is 719 328-2698 or 719 201-7648.Student Directions for 3-5: Choose 2-3 of the activities from the choice board below. Take a picture of your answers and email or text it to Mrs. Graff. My email address is: karla.graff@. My phone number is 814 392 7968. Draw and label a picture of a bird.? You can use the words in the word box.?head?body?eyes?beak?feathers?wings?legs??feet?????Find 5 things that are?orange.? Draw them or write a list.???Find 3 people that are?children.???Draw them or?write?a?list.?????Find 3 people who are?adults.?? Draw them or write a list.???Make a list of opposites like yes,?no?or big, little.??yes?no?big?little??????????Ask an adult these questions.? Write the answers.??What did you play when you were a child?????What was your favorite thing to do at school when you were a child??Write five sentences about what you are planning to do this week. To practice our grammar skills, underline all of the verbs and circle of the nouns. What is a verb? What is a noun? Create a scavenger hunt for your family. Hide things around your house, then write clues to help them search. Try to be as specific as you can so they know what they are looking for!In your writing journal write a response to the following question: What is the best movie you have ever seen? Why was it your favorite movie? Write at least 4-6 sentences about the movie you picked. Make a comic using literary elements. Who are your characters?Where is the story taking place? When?What is the plot going to be?What is the problem in the story?Is there a solution?ALL ELL STUDENTS:Imagine Learning: Try to use Imagine Learning for 20-30 minutes per week. If you need help with your login or password, please email or call me. 719 201-7648 The Site code is: 0803060 Click here ---? I-Ready:Directions: If you were on I-Ready, finish one lesson on I-Ready this week.Click here ---? ................

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