Teachers’ Notes: Gwyliau

Teachers’ Notes: Gwyliau and Acknowledgements

This unit of work is aimed at Key Stage 2 and may be displayed on an interactive whiteboard. On most pages children may be heard reading the work either by left clicking on the text, clicking on the speaker or using the start / stop buttons. This is to encourage correct pronunciation.

The unit begins by introducing key phrases associated with holidays. There are examples of different types of text, including dialogue, poetry, a poster, diary, short descriptive pieces and postcards.

After listening to the selected texts, pupils should be encouraged to ask each other questions e.g. “Gofynna i _________” or “Dewiswch pwy sy’n nesa.”

There are differentiated worksheets to accompany most units. However, some activities are included purely to develop children’s confidence with conversational Welsh. In order to become more fluent with key words and sentences, it is beneficial to make time to include these on a daily basis, if only for five minutes.

Contents of the unit:

The section on weather may be used with any topic.

The sections are listed below and are sub-divided to indicate what happens on each page of the unit (indicated by a bullet point).

Ble rwy ti’n mynd?

• Pupils match the flags and Welsh names to given English countries (using drag and drop). The accompanying worksheet may be used to develop ICT skills with pupils using cut and paste.

• Ble rwy ti’n mynd?

After asking the question the answer may be dragged into the sentence.

Encourage pupils to ask questions.

• Ble rwy ti’n mynd? Map

Pupils may drag the place names onto the map. To avoid confusing the map, the old counties of Wales have been used.

However, there is a printable map of the actual counties of Wales, should teachers want to show these to develop geographical skills.

The accompanying differentiated worksheets may be completed on computer or by hand.

Answers to worksheet: Flags | Map of Wales

Am faint wyt ti’n mynd?

• Pupils may drag answers into the sentences.

Pa ddiwrnod wyt ti’n mynd?

• Matching days of the week and

• months of the year.

Listing of days and months

Sut wyt ti’n mynd?

Listen to ways of travelling.

On the third page pupils may drag and drop each picture, matching it to the correct word.

There are accompanying differentiated worksheets.

Ble rwy ti’n aros?

Ask key question. Listen to pronunciation. Encourage pupils to ask each other key question. Develop this by including “Ble mae ______ / hi’n / e’n mynd?

Trwydded Teithio

• Pupils to complete activity by dragging and dropping details.

• Pupils to complete own details using IWB pen.

The worksheet may be completed on computer, cutting and pasting a flag of pupils own choice. The photograph may be drawn or pupils may take a photograph using a digital camera and import this into the passport. Alternatively, it may be possible to use photographs taken by the school photographer, which may be stored on CD Rom.

Key Questions – Present Tense

Revision of the key questions studied so far.

Differentiated worksheets.

The key questions and answer phrases may be displayed on the IWB whilst pupils complete the worksheets, or these may be printed back-to-back and laminated. (This is particularly useful for less able pupils).


The three examples are based on the phrases studied so far and may be used in separate lessons (thus giving the pupils more time to consolidate what has been learnt). After listening to a selected text, pupils may be divided into girls and boys to read each part. Encourage pupils to write their own dialogues, working in pairs. Try a ‘Welsh buddy’ system, in which a more able pupils works with a less able pupil (making sure each pupil takes an active role). Select pupils to read their conversations to the rest of the class once they have completed the written activity.


• After listening to the description of Arwel going on holiday, the differentiated worksheets may be completed.

• After listening to the description of Geraint and Jac, the teacher may ask pupils questions about each text or encourage pupils to think of their own questions. The worksheet is for pupils to write their own description, working individually or in pairs.

Ble est ti?

Introducing the key phrases learnt so far, but this time in the past tense.

The differentiated worksheets may be printed and completed by pupils, with key words for answers either displayed on the IWB or printed out onto card and laminated.


There are seven short descriptions of people going on holiday (which may be read out by children by left clicking or tapping the IWB pen on the board). The descriptions become more difficult as they progress. Questions accompany the first description about Sali, but then key words are listed on the page to encourage pupils to ask their own questions.

The descriptions may be selected and used as appropriate, perhaps only using one during a lesson. Each could be used as a ten-minute lesson, to reinforce what is being taught. It is not envisaged that teachers would use all examples of texts.

Teithio Poem

Left click or tap the IWB pen to hear the poem being read. Discuss. To assess pupils’ learning, print out the worksheet and ask them to illustrate the text.

Gwyilau Poem

Click on the speaker to hear the poem being read. Discuss. To assess pupils’ learning, print out the worksheet and ask them to illustrate the text.


There are four examples of postcards. Select which to read and discuss (click to hear texts). Pupils may consolidate what they have learnt so far by writing their own phrases, using the differentiated worksheets.

Deialog: Gwyliau

Listen to the text being read. Encourage pupils to read the poem, splitting the class into boys and girls. Discuss meaning.


The diary has been included to develop the pupils’ ability to write for a range of purposes. Each day’s entry may be heard by tapping the IWB pen. Discuss the shortened form of writing, which is more appropriate for diary entries. Pupils may complete the written activity.

Sut le ydy ____?

The initial page may be used to generate ideas to describe a chosen place (which could be the local village, town or county). The following page illustrates how the selected words could be incorporated into a description of a place.

Pupils could work individually, in pairs or small groups to prepare their own persuasive poster encouraging people to visit a place on holiday.


Five holiday pictures have been included. Each of the pictures has key words displayed. These will aid pupils’ own creative writing, encouraging independence.

Y Tywydd – Present Tense

Y Tywydd – Past Tense

Y Tywydd – Future Tense

The weather symbols may be dragged and dropped onto the map. As well as describing weather in particular places, pupils could also use north, south, east and west.

There are differentiated worksheets to accompany each page.


This project was produced by Frances Jenkins of Roch Community School.

Special thanks are given to the following for their valuable help and support:

Mr. Duncan Whitehurst, ICT Advisory Teacher for Pembrokeshire,

Mrs. Delyth Williams, Welsh Advisory Teacher for Pembrokeshire,

The Year 6 Pupils of Roch Community School,

Mrs. Kay Thomas, Mrs. Ionwy Thorne, Mrs. Heulwen Thomas,

Mrs. Delyth Williams and Mrs. Marian Thomas

for allowing me to use material from their teaching pack

"Cynllun Pontio Cymraeg Ail Iaith Blwyddyn 6"

Diolch yn Fawr.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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